SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Plenty of anarchists also Al, especially in here, they would love nothing more than to see the fall of the capitalist society and watch the World burn as we lockdown and bunker in for a couple of years.

Yeah Id put them in with the loners. Just unhappy people who see this as a golden opportunity for everybody else to be as unhappy as they are. See the world burn.
Honestly, these recent posts have been some of the most cringeworthy in the 800 pages so far. Can you just think of some of the implications of what you are suggesting and generate sustainable solutions for the inevitable wide-scale problems you would create? Even the Conservatives are at least far more aware of how interconnected the modern world is – and with great benefits for the vast majority.

Golden Blunder could well be a nickname for Trump and that’s exactly who you are channelling here.
Read again what I wrote
Are people really saying the UK shouldn't have closed its border to those that werent uk residents or essential travel, then once those came into the UK, forced the relevant stay at home/hotel quarantine like other countries have done?

Thats all golden blunder said.

We even had a caf poster come from asia and go out and about shopping the day after
Who are 'they'? If you disagree with other posters then address them directly and give them the chance to respond.
Was thinking this myself, tag them and give them a chance to defend themselves
You realise surely that ”confirmed cases” means absolutely zitch here right?

or just explain to me why Malmö county is doing better than Oslo? Can you give me any explanation for that?

Tiresome indeed. You’re completely fecking ignoring that Stockholm had week 9 half term, Malmö, Oslo, GBG week 7-8... how can you ignore just what a massive difference that is in the alps during that period? Anyone who understands anything about exponential growth understands how important that variable is.

Oh, come on. I've already explained that the bulk of cases was brought into the country under the radar from Austria in early March. I don't know how much clearer I can be, and I don't understand this need to ignore the facts I've given you. It was not primarily brought into the country by families on holiday in week 8, but by those travelling in March, partying alongside Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, etc in Ischgl and St.Anton. Nationally, 696 confirmed cases from Austria, 172 from Italy + all the undiagnosed cases. Just like in Stockholm, the exact number for Oslo was unknown, which is why they pulled the brake when the infection was out of control, later estimated to have had an R0 of 3.47 at the time.

And this Oslo vs Malmö comparison is just very odd. My point is that Oslo and Stockholm were in a similar spot on March 12th. The death toll for both cities lends some credence to this thesis. It took about 12-14 days for Stockholm to start significantly racing ahead of Oslo in deaths per capita, which wouldn't have happened to such a degree if Oslo had taken Stockholm's approach.
@Ekkie Thump

I'm sure your reliable figures are coming but it appears that today's hospital deaths figure for the UK as a whole is


That's at least 200-250 lower than last Friday. Excellent trend, this. Very encouraging.
Going to be surreal in next few weeks when we see death figure under 200. That's how bad it's been over last three weeks. That day can't come soon enough.

It's always easy to forget aswell that for England we're not talking about just one hospital where people are passing away, it could be 10-20 in London, similar in Midlands, none in Bristol and Newcastle (two cities that don't seem to have been hit much at all), 10 in Manchester etc.

I assume with the trend we wil hopefully see a very low figure compared to April on Sunday.
Going to be surreal in next few weeks when we see death figure under 200. That's how bad it's been over last three weeks. That day can't come soon enough.

It's always easy to forget aswell that for England we're not talking about just one hospital where people are passing away, it could be 10-20 in London, similar in Midlands, none in Bristol and Newcastle (two cities that don't seem to have been hit much at all), 10 in Manchester etc.

I assume with the trend we wil hopefully see a very low figure compared to April on Sunday.

Yep, give it a week or two and we're going to be seeing numbers below 200 which will be surreal but awesome. Tomorrow will climb I reckon, Saturday seems to every week. But I'm expecting low,low numbers on Sun and Mon (in context of course). Care home figures to be reported around 5pm and added on.
Face masks inevitably going to form part of the easing of lockdowns, I assume the Government has finally got a decent supply now?
I do wonder what's going on in England at the moment. I'm back in work helping to get ready for opening up again. We are considered key workers so are allowed to. It seems that lockdown is pretty much over where I am in Manchester. Whilst I've been out I've seen about 15 people outside a house celebrating a 40th. I've seen countless tradesmen working at peoples houses. The roads and streets are getting fairly busy again. The lockdown has always been light touch but it now seems that people are just abandoning it and are unchallenged when they do so, despite what the government are saying.

I am worried for countries exiting lockdowns and should I risk being called a doom monger in here I anticipate numbers to spike sharply once they do.

Think of it like kids with candy. First they are allowed it, then told it is temporarily forbidden. Not only is there a problem with some kids being prone to liking to do stuff that is forbidden so they don't actually fully benefit from being off the candy in the first place as they go and eat some rebelling against authority but then once you actually tell them they can eat candy again with permission they are likely to overload to an extreme until they are forced to stop through tummy ache.
@Ekkie Thump

I'm sure your reliable figures are coming but it appears that today's hospital deaths figure for the UK as a whole is


That's at least 200-250 lower than last Friday. Excellent trend, this. Very encouraging.

There is nothing wrong with some positivity however I think you are overly positive, like close to dangerously positive.
Face masks inevitably going to form part of the easing of lockdowns, I assume the Government has finally got a decent supply now?
I've never owned one, but does/doesn't the wearing of masks make understanding speech difficult?
I am worried for countries exiting lockdowns and should I risk being called a doom monger in here I anticipate numbers to spike sharply once they do.

Think of it like kids with candy. First they are allowed it, then told it is temporarily forbidden. Not only is there a problem with some kids being prone to liking to do stuff that is forbidden so they don't actually fully benefit from being off the candy in the first place as they go and eat some rebelling against authority but then once you actually tell them they can eat candy again with permission they are likely to overload to an extreme until they are forced to stop through tummy ache.

Anything without proper vaccine is a risk to be fair to governments, the problem is they can't extend lock downs indefinitely without risking social unrest and long term damage to economy.

I know some will say feck economics lives matters, true. But a long term lock down could be very bad and leads to equally damaging outcomes. I really don't want to be in their position of having to make that choices
I've never owned one, but does/doesn't the wearing of masks make understanding speech difficult?

I'd wear one on public transport and in most parts of the country not speaking to others is pretty mandatory on them. :lol:
I've never owned one, but does/doesn't the wearing of masks make understanding speech difficult?

It’s a nightmare for lip reading.

(good to have you back cap’)
@Ekkie Thump

I'm sure your reliable figures are coming but it appears that today's hospital deaths figure for the UK as a whole is


That's at least 200-250 lower than last Friday. Excellent trend, this. Very encouraging.

The trend is encouraging yes but the numbers are still absolutely shocking, especially when you consider the actual number is probably 200-300 higher when care homes are added.
There is nothing wrong with some positivity however I think you are overly positive, like close to dangerously positive.

He is on up to start of June. Given lockdown in some form will very likely be extended up to them I imagine numbers will continue to reduce like they have been for last 7 days to more acceptable death levels if there can really be such a thing.

Of course what happens when we get to June 1st is more danger, the 12 week self isolation will be almost up for over 70s let's not forget so not sure what the government will say to them other than proceed at their own risk if they start venturing out again on a daily basis.
I'd wear one on public transport and in most parts of the country not speaking to others is pretty mandatory on them. :lol:

I'd found it impossible to get hold of them until recently, I'd been wearing a bandana over my lower face to do the shopping for my folks. Managed to get some recently but I don't think they're good quality to be honest.....they're very uncomfortable too. A 40min food shop was bearable but 1hr on a warm train (my commute) would be too much. I would probably have to default to the bandana to be honest for public transport unless we had air con which we sometimes do.
Anything without proper vaccine is a risk to be fair to governments, the problem is they can't extend lock downs indefinitely without risking social unrest and long term damage to economy.

I know some will say feck economics lives matters, true. But a long term lock down could be very bad and leads to equally damaging outcomes. I really don't want to be in their position of having to make that choices

It's the period of adjustment while transitioning out of the lockdowns and the actions of people during them that would worry me especially in countries like the UK and USA it terrifies me to be honest.

At least now say In Sweden the population have been taught (again using candy analogy) to eat in moderation and that it will have to stay that way for the foreseeable. I have faith in some nations like Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark and the likes of their people easing out of restrictions to a manageable level.

I worry for others that it's going to be lockdown, release, spike, lockdown, release, spike, lockdown on repeat with the buy-in and effects of every lockdown being diluted more every time.
Spoiler for you mate.....

They were.

There's a portion of the UK that want us to remain in lockdown for rational concern and educated doubts. There's a few extremely knowledgeable and balanced guys posting on here that fall under that category.

However, in the UK we've also got Some paranoid basket cases and some are likely to be loners who finally feel 'normal' for the first time in their lives.

Both parties are dreading lockdown ending and are hoping it is prolonged over and over again.
I've just done my weekly shop and passed two people talking about "how Germany's R has rocketed back above 1".

I just had to laugh at that point
There is no light at the end of the tunnel - that is the problem. The hospital figures are only coming down BECAUSE we are in lockdown - as soon as you start to lift it the numbers getting infected will shoot up again. People need to understand that the lockdown is going to be with us for probably a couple of years in one way or another.

There's not a chance of that in the UK. The whole point of the lock down is to flatten the curve to allow essential services to cope and not to exceed capacity. It largely means the same number of people are likely to be infected but over a longer period. This can only be about buying time until a vaccine or treatments are developed, or failing that (this not being guaranteed) keeping the spread controlled until herd immunity is achieved. The government don't want to admit it but there you go.

The country can't afford people to be in lockdown for months and years on end. A recession takes years off life expectancy and a failed economy could kill more than the virus.

Its a very uncomfortable truth but the virus largely kills elderly people who cannot contribute to the economy and who often (due to underlying health conditions) do not have a long time to live. That is tragic, as is every life lost but there is a balance we need to keep. A long term lock down to save those people, whilst risking the ability for the people working now who fund the economy (and often care for those vulnerable groups), and ruining the future of the very young who are the people who will fund the country when the current crop retire is unthinkable.

Antibody testing is ongoing and if that indicates that there is an "iceberg" of people who have already had the virus (and the studies so far indicate that) and if, as suggested the actual risk of death overall is less than 0.1% (or less again for younger people) the economic damage will at some stage outweigh the damage the virus causes. People run the risk of death everyday from all kinds of threats, yet we do not lockdown because of it. How many die of Malaria, or Flu across the world every year? How may die in car accidents?

I think social distancing will remain in some form for a while but even that will have a shelf life. Some people you read online seem to think the world will be forever changed and I think some things (i.e. the way we work and the use of technology to minimise unnecessary travel) will, but socialising won't. Its innately human for people to want to socialise and that's why places we can do that exist. Things may change over time (i.e. local pubs closing and being replaced by a Nando's or similar as a place where young people meet) but the principle remains the same. People will not put up with months and months of having to work but then not "let off steam" as they usually would by meeting friends at the end of the week, or going to a cinema, concert or sports event. People are already getting sick of this so what'll happen in three months? Compliance cannot possibly be policed and eventually, the tide will turn against the Government because people will want a return to normality. As an example a 70+ year old friend of my parents, having been self-isolating for weeks has said that he'd rather take his chances and enjoy what years he has left than be locked up every day because he isn't living a life. If that was me I'd feel the same given that at some point in the next few years some disease or ailment is going to do for me anyway.

As an aside, the media have a lot to answer for. They've seemingly convinced a generation of young, healthy people that they're going to die of they go to Tesco to pick up some shopping. Evidently this is very serious but accurate reporting around risk should be made clear, rather than prioritising getting clicks online with sensational articles filled with doom and gloom about how we'll never return to normal. Printing daily deaths is, I suppose required but the human brain is not wired up to deal with that much death, even though around 1600 people a day die on average in the UK.
I've just done my weekly shop and passed two people talking about "how Germany's R has rocketed back above 1".

I just had to laugh at that point

Goes to show how quickly and easily fake news can become fact. Some MP has said similar today or yesterday,no fecker has corrected him.

Anyway, it's not true and we're going into the weekend on a much better footing than the last. That's all I'm bothered about right now.
Updated graph of hospital deaths in England by day of death. 391 deaths reported today, 54 fewer than yesterday and 123 fewer than this time last week. Represents quite the consistent drop.

Orange is a 5 day trailing average. Last 5-7 days will see large to moderate upward changes:
Data source for @Brownie85:

Updated graph of hospital deaths in England by day of death. 351 reported deaths today, 40 fewer than yesterday and down 236 from this time last week. Encouraging news.

Orange is a 5 day trailing average. Last 5-7 days will see large to moderate upward changes:
There's not a chance of that in the UK. The whole point of the lock down is to flatten the curve to allow essential services to cope and not to exceed capacity. It largely means the same number of people are likely to be infected but over a longer period. This can only be about buying time until a vaccine or treatments are developed, or failing that (this not being guaranteed) keeping the spread controlled until herd immunity is achieved. The government don't want to admit it but there you go.

The country can't afford people to be in lockdown for months and years on end. A recession takes years off life expectancy and a failed economy could kill more than the virus.

Its a very uncomfortable truth but the virus largely kills elderly people who cannot contribute to the economy and who often (due to underlying health conditions) do not have a long time to live. That is tragic, as is every life lost but there is a balance we need to keep. A long term lock down to save those people, whilst risking the ability for the people working now who fund the economy (and often care for those vulnerable groups), and ruining the future of the very young who are the people who will fund the country when the current crop retire is unthinkable.

Antibody testing is ongoing and if that indicates that there is an "iceberg" of people who have already had the virus (and the studies so far indicate that) and if, as suggested the actual risk of death overall is less than 0.1% (or less again for younger people) the economic damage will at some stage outweigh the damage the virus causes. People run the risk of death everyday from all kinds of threats, yet we do not lockdown because of it. How many die of Malaria, or Flu across the world every year? How may die in car accidents?

I think social distancing will remain in some form for a while but even that will have a shelf life. Some people you read online seem to think the world will be forever changed and I think some things (i.e. the way we work and the use of technology to minimise unnecessary travel) will, but socialising won't. Its innately human for people to want to socialise and that's why places we can do that exist. Things may change over time (i.e. local pubs closing and being replaced by a Nando's or similar as a place where young people meet) but the principle remains the same. People will not put up with months and months of having to work but then not "let off steam" as they usually would by meeting friends at the end of the week, or going to a cinema, concert or sports event. People are already getting sick of this so what'll happen in three months? Compliance cannot possibly be policed and eventually, the tide will turn against the Government because people will want a return to normality. As an example a 70+ year old friend of my parents, having been self-isolating for weeks has said that he'd rather take his chances and enjoy what years he has left than be locked up every day because he isn't living a life. If that was me I'd feel the same given that at some point in the next few years some disease or ailment is going to do for me anyway.

As an aside, the media have a lot to answer for. They've seemingly convinced a generation of young, healthy people that they're going to die of they go to Tesco to pick up some shopping. Evidently this is very serious but accurate reporting around risk should be made clear, rather than prioritising getting clicks online with sensational articles filled with doom and gloom about how we'll never return to normal. Printing daily deaths is, I suppose required but the human brain is not wired up to deal with that much death, even though around 1600 people a day die on average in the UK.

Could not agree more with every single word you have just written.

Anyway, it's 3.30pm and we're going into the weekend on a much better footing than last week.....which was better than the week before.

Hope everyone stays safe and has as good a weekend as can possibly be had in this current climate.
Updated graph of hospital deaths in England by day of death. 351 reported deaths today, 40 fewer than yesterday and down 236 from this time last week. Encouraging news.

Orange is a 5 day trailing average. Last 5-7 days will see large to moderate upward changes:

Indeed it is, thanks for the daily graphs!
Called it last week but they've now changed the definition of the testing figure in the last few days to include those posted out rather than those processed.

It once again demonstrates where the governments focus is.
There's not a chance of that in the UK. The whole point of the lock down is to flatten the curve to allow essential services to cope and not to exceed capacity. It largely means the same number of people are likely to be infected but over a longer period. This can only be about buying time until a vaccine or treatments are developed, or failing that (this not being guaranteed) keeping the spread controlled until herd immunity is achieved. The government don't want to admit it but there you go.

The country can't afford people to be in lockdown for months and years on end. A recession takes years off life expectancy and a failed economy could kill more than the virus.

Its a very uncomfortable truth but the virus largely kills elderly people who cannot contribute to the economy and who often (due to underlying health conditions) do not have a long time to live. That is tragic, as is every life lost but there is a balance we need to keep. A long term lock down to save those people, whilst risking the ability for the people working now who fund the economy (and often care for those vulnerable groups), and ruining the future of the very young who are the people who will fund the country when the current crop retire is unthinkable.

Antibody testing is ongoing and if that indicates that there is an "iceberg" of people who have already had the virus (and the studies so far indicate that) and if, as suggested the actual risk of death overall is less than 0.1% (or less again for younger people) the economic damage will at some stage outweigh the damage the virus causes. People run the risk of death everyday from all kinds of threats, yet we do not lockdown because of it. How many die of Malaria, or Flu across the world every year? How may die in car accidents?

I think social distancing will remain in some form for a while but even that will have a shelf life. Some people you read online seem to think the world will be forever changed and I think some things (i.e. the way we work and the use of technology to minimise unnecessary travel) will, but socialising won't. Its innately human for people to want to socialise and that's why places we can do that exist. Things may change over time (i.e. local pubs closing and being replaced by a Nando's or similar as a place where young people meet) but the principle remains the same. People will not put up with months and months of having to work but then not "let off steam" as they usually would by meeting friends at the end of the week, or going to a cinema, concert or sports event. People are already getting sick of this so what'll happen in three months? Compliance cannot possibly be policed and eventually, the tide will turn against the Government because people will want a return to normality. As an example a 70+ year old friend of my parents, having been self-isolating for weeks has said that he'd rather take his chances and enjoy what years he has left than be locked up every day because he isn't living a life. If that was me I'd feel the same given that at some point in the next few years some disease or ailment is going to do for me anyway.

As an aside, the media have a lot to answer for. They've seemingly convinced a generation of young, healthy people that they're going to die of they go to Tesco to pick up some shopping. Evidently this is very serious but accurate reporting around risk should be made clear, rather than prioritising getting clicks online with sensational articles filled with doom and gloom about how we'll never return to normal. Printing daily deaths is, I suppose required but the human brain is not wired up to deal with that much death, even though around 1600 people a day die on average in the UK.

That's like 5hrs of fox news jammed into one post. Congratulations.

I'm not trawling through each point so I'll stick to your final one. No they haven't convinced people that they're going to die they've convinced them (as has the government) to do their civic duty and stay home to protect others, it takes a sociopath not to get why people are doing this.
I've tried one for a few minutes and it made my glasses steam up. If they become expected I'll have to sneakily modify them in some way.
If you can get one with the metal strip that goes over your nose you can pinch that tight, and it helps with the glasses problem. We have to wear them while driving here for some weird reason, and it's difficult. You have to sneakily free your nose. :)