Did Germany not lock their borders down pretty quickly?I'd be careful with a direct comparison of different countries. As the New York Times and the Economist have reported, Sweden is one of the countries that count Covid-related deaths correctly and their mortality has barely increased compared to the same period last year. Other places such as Lombardy and the Netherlands have a big gap between excess mortality and official Covid death tolls suggesting massive undercounting of the latter. Unfortunately that analysis didn't include data for the other Scandinavian countries.
On the other hand, Germany has actually had fewer deaths compared to last year. Not sure what to make of that. While we've had stricter measures than Sweden, we never went into lockdown either and could go outside as much and as often as we want.
Re BelgiumHang on Wibs... why have Belgium done so poorly? They locked down early and their response was superb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_Belgium#Government_response
Lockdowns had feck all effect for France, Belgium because they were riddled with the virus pre-lockdown. France locked down extremely "well" in anyone's eyes on 17th March, Belgium on the 18th, 5 days before Australia. Australia locked down on the same day as the UK ffs.
The alps seeded Europe in a huge way, and Australia & NZ fortunately are on the other side of the World.
So they were riddled with it and got it under control but still according to you lockdown had feck all effect? Right
Re Belgium
Because they are an international hub of major Organizations with people flying in from everywhere, I’m guessing they got it pre-lockdown too.
UK fecked up in this area despite banging on for years about taking control of their own borders. They literally ran brexit on that policy. Here was their chance to show it and they fecked up
Re Belgium
Because they are an international hub of major Organizations with people flying in from everywhere, I’m guessing they got it pre-lockdown too.
Imho the best or most important part of lockdown is how quickly you lock down your borders over everything else. Then you can trace and test. So obviously the quicker your border is locked down the better.
UK fecked up in this area despite banging on for years about taking control of their own borders. They literally ran brexit on that policy. Here was their chance to show it and they fecked up
Malmö county has done as well, if not better than Oslo county, not because of lockdown, but because both Oslo and Malmö started a long way back from Stockholm. Not everyone started this race on the same start line, not even close. Belgium is clear evidence of that because their response has been excellent, yet they got fecked anyway.
That’s ridiculous - off course you let your citizens back in, with tests and quarantine if necessary.Utter bollocks. So the millions of British nationals returning from their european Feburary holiday including god knows how many school trips should have been refused entry because of Brexit. What is your excuse then for Italy, Spain and France amongst others?
Locking borders sounds sensible in theory but just isn’t possible in practice. Especially in the EU, where so many fragile supply chains rely on freedom of movement. Not to mention the right of freedom of movement for citizens. You can’t just stop thousands of people coming home from holiday and ask other countries to look after our citizens instead. In Ireland school trips seems to be the source of a lot of cases. Should we not have allowed those kids return to their families?
Maybe my post wasn’t clear, as people are missing the point.Locking borders sounds sensible in theory but just isn’t possible in practice. Especially in the EU, where so many fragile supply chains rely on freedom of movement. Not to mention the right of freedom of movement for citizens. You can’t just stop thousands of people coming home from holiday and ask other countries to look after our citizens instead. In Ireland school trips seems to be the source of a lot of cases. Should we not have allowed those kids return to their families?
the issue is more taking zero precautions when people come and go, see samsky earlier in this thread thinking it's fine for him to go about his life after international travel because there was nothing telling him otherwiseLocking borders sounds sensible in theory but just isn’t possible in practice. Especially in the EU, where so many fragile supply chains rely on freedom of movement. Not to mention the right of freedom of movement for citizens. You can’t just stop thousands of people coming home from holiday and ask other countries to look after our citizens instead. In Ireland school trips seems to be the source of a lot of cases. Should we not have allowed those kids return to their families?
Exactlythe issue is more taking zero precautions when people come and go, see samsky earlier in this thread thinking it's fine for him to go about his life after international travel because there was nothing telling him otherwise
the supply chain is one thing, people travelling then immediately mingling with others is hella bad - the school trips kids and their families should have been in 2 weeks isolations soon as the kids got in for example
Youve totally misunderstood what he was sayingUtter bollocks. So the millions of British nationals returning from their european Feburary holiday including god knows how many school trips should have been refused entry because of Brexit. What is your excuse then for Italy, Spain and France amongst others?
the issue is more taking zero precautions when people come and go, see samsky earlier in this thread thinking it's fine for him to go about his life after international travel because there was nothing telling him otherwise
the supply chain is one thing, people travelling then immediately mingling with others is hella bad - the school trips kids and their families should have been in 2 weeks isolations soon as the kids got in for example
Isn't it a problem having Johnson in charge?
I dont know why people keep comparing the situation in Belgium with, lets say Sweden. We are one of the densest populated countries in the world, an international hub of transport, we hold tons of big organisations that require travel, massive amounts of Belgians travel abroad each year and a ton of people work across the border. Do we have a high death toll? Yes. About 60% of all deaths occur in nursing homes and are suspected Covid victims. Would other countries have a much higher death toll if they counted the same way? Absolutely. Would we have a massive amount of extra deaths if the lockdown wouldn't have happened? Without a doubt. The Belgian people are happy with the lockdown and are looking forward to the restrictions being lifted.
I live in a small town of about 5000 people. 30 people have died in 1 nursing home because of Covid, as one nurse who came back from Austria was infected. Thank feck for the lockdown or it could have happened across the entire country.
I dont know why people keep comparing the situation in Belgium with, lets say Sweden.
When Norway introduced the restrictions, Stockholm had just over 300 confirmed cases in their 2,3 million population. Oslo had 166 confirmed cases in their 700k population.
I remember the posts on here regarding it, it's almost as if they were getting off on breaking the news to us.Yep. The scare-mongering is in force again. Germany have not even suggested remotely that they are so worried about that miniscule fluctuation (that was overblown in the headlines), they've just advised people to continue to be mindful and use social distancing, nothing else. But people can't wait to jump on these negative headlines as proof that lockdown is 'failing' in Germany.
Anyone with a brain know that the infection rate is going to bobble up and down, to some degree.
Bad news sells, basically. Nobody is clickign on a headline that says "Nothing has changed in Germany". That doesn't make for sensational news.
I dont know why people keep comparing the situation in Belgium with, lets say Sweden. We are one of the densest populated countries in the world, an international hub of transport, we hold tons of big organisations that require travel, massive amounts of Belgians travel abroad each year and a ton of people work across the border. Do we have a high death toll? Yes. About 60% of all deaths occur in nursing homes and are suspected Covid victims. Would other countries have a much higher death toll if they counted the same way? Absolutely. Would we have a massive amount of extra deaths if the lockdown wouldn't have happened? Without a doubt. The Belgian people are happy with the lockdown and are looking forward to the restrictions being lifted.
I live in a small town of about 5000 people. 30 people have died in 1 nursing home because of Covid, as one nurse who came back from Austria was infected. Thank feck for the lockdown or it could have happened across the entire country.
Youve totally misunderstood what he was saying
Didn't South Korea give a blueprint for how to do exactly that?No I was not. Linking the U.K. response to Brexit was bollocks. And yes please overlook as he did the sheer impracticality of any country tracking and tracing millions of citizens returning from holiday or enforcing self isolation on them.
Close airports, land borders and sea borders to everyone else apart from essential supply chains. There was no need for Heathrow just letting thousands in every day (can’t be all people returning from short holidays!), for weeks, without ANY checks. Taking control of borders? Literally no control!
Other countries did itNo I was not. Linking the U.K. response to Brexit was bollocks. And yes please overlook as he did the sheer impracticality of any country tracking and tracing millions of citizens returning from holiday or enforcing self isolation on them.
I remember the posts on here regarding it, it's almost as if they were getting off on breaking the news to us.
You’ve entirely missed the point because you jump on the phrase brexit.No I was not. Linking the U.K. response to Brexit was bollocks. And yes please overlook as he did the sheer impracticality of any country tracking and tracing millions of citizens returning from holiday or enforcing self isolation on them.
I remember looking at the TV in disbelief when Trump announced that he was stopping travel from all of Europe, except the UK... as if somehow the UK were immune to this pandemic or something because they speak English or something (I'm spitballing for a reason for doing this here)The other thing is the US travel ban >
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51883728 (happened first)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51891662 (then 2 days later)
Effectively, for 48 hours, UK airports became a breeding ground for Covid. Anyone travelling from anywhere else in Europe wanting to get to the US had to do so via a UK airport. I was gobsmacked at the time that somebody didn't step in and stop this from happening. It's little wonder that London cases took off like they did with workers from these airports then traveling on packed public transport in the following weeks.
overlook as he did the sheer impracticality of any country tracking and tracing millions of citizens returning from holiday or enforcing self isolation on them.
The other thing is the US travel ban >
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51883728 (happened first)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51891662 (then 2 days later)
Effectively, for 48 hours, UK airports became a breeding ground for Covid. Anyone travelling from anywhere else in Europe wanting to get to the US had to do so via a UK airport. I was gobsmacked at the time that somebody didn't step in and stop this from happening. It's little wonder that London cases took off like they did with workers from these airports then traveling on packed public transport in the following weeks.
The other thing is the US travel ban >
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51883728 (happened first)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51891662 (then 2 days later)
Effectively, for 48 hours, UK airports became a breeding ground for Covid. Anyone travelling from anywhere else in Europe wanting to get to the US had to do so via a UK airport. I was gobsmacked at the time that somebody didn't step in and stop this from happening. It's little wonder that London cases took off like they did with workers from these airports then traveling on packed public transport in the following weeks.
Honestly, these recent posts have been some of the most cringeworthy in the 800 pages so far. Can you just think of some of the implications of what you are suggesting and generate sustainable solutions for the inevitable wide-scale problems you would create? Even the Conservatives are at least far more aware of how interconnected the modern world is – and with great benefits for the vast majority.You’ve entirely missed the point because you jump on the phrase brexit.
Point - campaigned on controlling borders - first opportunity to really control borders and they didn’t. They let thousands flow through the airports every day even as the numbers were going crazy in Italy and Spain
Both parties are dreading lockdown ending and are hoping it is prolonged over and over again.