SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Apparently it has 33 mutations or something?

Yeah probably, but it's not really that worrying. Viruses/single cell organisms constantly mutate (i.e. their genetic code changes) but the vast majority of those mutations don't actually do anything.
Great news, Austria seem confident going forward. They seem to have handled it extremely well from the start.

Except for hiding those first cases in the Ischgl ski resort, until tourists started popping up with it on their return home all across Europe.
I thought the government plan was to keep the lockdown in place until a second peak was no longer a possibility. So if we're near or even past the peak now then surely all these extra hospital beds are unnecessary.
The government initially thought there would be widespread hostility to being locked down for anything more than a 2-3 week period, so they planned for having to move to some sort of relaxed mode of social distancing. The fact people have largely behaved themselves and kept to lockdown (once we were actually forced to) has surprised them and it maybe that the capacity requirements will now have changed.

However there remain concerns that changing patterns of behaviour could spike a further peak. For example - I've noticed loads of discarded gloves and masks in my supermarket car park. If lockdown is relaxed, but on the proviso that you wear a mask and gloves on public transport....what happens to all the discarded gloves? - they could become a new transmission vector if not disposed of correctly.

What we may find is that while we can keep deaths down to a lower level, if we relax the lockdown we will have larger groups of people who need some degree of oxygen support but hopefully not ICU. Currently there are reports of a lot of deaths in care homes and the community where medical attention has not been sought, or has been sought too late. If we get a phased relaxation of lockdown there will probably need to be an education campaign on what symptoms are an indicator you should go to A&E - what symptoms you should treat at home etc.

Also currently there is a lack of knowledge and procedures of what to do when disposing of bodies / releasing homes and belongings to families of deceased. This seems to have caught out the Italian and other authorities who for example allowed some relatives into their home to take away mementoes etc - leading to cross contamination and so we need to proceed cautiously and plan for potential slip-ups.
Low margin products, driven by volume, through retail. Making savings via bulk shipment to store, rather than traditional ecommerce end user dispatch.

Hmm Sports direct (just one example) have a similar business model and they’ve managed to make it work online too
Hmm Sports direct (just one example) have a similar business model and they’ve managed to make it work online too

It's not a similar business model, majority of their business is third party branded products.
For example - I've noticed loads of discarded gloves and masks in my supermarket car park. If lockdown is relaxed, but on the proviso that you wear a mask and gloves on public transport....what happens to all the discarded gloves? - they could become a new transmission vector if not disposed of correctly.

Seen the same thing here in France. I don't think its likely to be an issue transmission wise, but it does show what assholes people are.
That’s a good point. Haven’t the states been allowed a lot of autonomy though? I don’t think there has been any attempt at a national one size fits all lockdown. Or has there?

Yep. They have. But it’s not endorsed coordination on a Federal level.

The Federal voice is Trump. “Stay at home, stay safe, I understand the people protesting, liberate the states” He’s a gonad.

He simply can’t stay on message. He looks to please everyone and handles criticism like a scorned lover.

Stand up there, announce the total country wide stockpile, announce you’ll move it around as needed.

Tell the states on a plateau that they’ve done well. Brace the states on an upward tick.

That country is so uniquely set up to succeed with this. Impossibly rich. Great facilities. Huge companies that can produce at scale. All wrapped up in a similar federalist system that has helped seen Germany stand out as the absolute leaders in response among top tier nations.
778 deaths in England announced today. Will cause big headlines, but isn't actually changing the picture of a slow decline in numbers of deaths.
Common sense, good stuff mate.

We'll all be watching how this unfolds, but I don't think its gonna be disastrous personally. The problem with this pandemic and how the media is covering it, is that the majority are going down the 'worst case scenario' route simply to drum home to everyone just how serious the virus is - there is nothing wrong with that. But people also need to keep a level head and recognise that they ARE being fed the worst case scenario. The UK death toll was originally supposed to be 200,000 - within a couple of weeks, the same bloke had dropped his estimate to around 20,000 or so.

You need to scare people into acting, I get that. If everyone is wandering around thinking 'its just the flu', we're fecked. But some critical thinking is required on the public's part or else everyone is going to end up in a padded cell.

Scare mongering is unhelpful. But understandable.

Trumps America is a joke.

Imagine the worst Tory criticising Yorkshire because they asked for 5000 ventilators, got them, but only used 2000. Never happening.

That’s what that orange Cnut does daily.
Updated graph of deaths in England by day of death. Reported deaths grew by 46 to 784. Certainly seems like we've at least reached a plateau.

Orange is a 5 day trailing average, hopefully it remains above the daily death line.
Last 5-7 days will see large to moderate upward changes:
Updated graph of deaths in England by day of death. Reported deaths were 778, 6 fewer than Saturday. Pretty confident we're on the slide now.

Orange is a 5 day trailing average. Last 5-7 days will see large to moderate upward changes:
778 deaths in England announced today. Will cause big headlines, but isn't actually changing the picture of a slow decline in numbers of deaths.

Oooof. That's a big hike. Obviously we were looking at a couple of hundred more but 300+ on yesterday is a big hike. Let's hope it's an early peak this week, then, and the numbers don't keep climbing as the week goes on. We had 900+ on Good Friday, it dropped by 100 last Friday.....anything less than a decrease again this Friday would really demoralising, I reckon.
What I found pretty striking is that the Nightingale hospital is almost empty and there's next to no coverage of it.

If it was the other way round you could be sure as hell they would be sticking a reminder into every advert break.

They put structures in place to handle a worst case scenario.

Let’s not start complaining we over prepared. We have only got a few things right. The Nightingales are one of those few things.

The successes should have been box ticking exercises;

Staffing numbers
Supply chain
Nationwide logistics

The UK has been inept at so many turns. We have got more wrong than we have got right. I would be bringing criminal proceedings against top level government if I could.
Going to fill the oil tank in a few days. Virtually half price compared to an order i placed in November
However there remain concerns that changing patterns of behaviour could spike a further peak. For example - I've noticed loads of discarded gloves and masks in my supermarket car park. If lockdown is relaxed, but on the proviso that you wear a mask and gloves on public transport....what happens to all the discarded gloves? - they could become a new transmission vector if not disposed of correctly.

Unless people are quickly picking them up again it wont be an issue, and who would pick up discarded rubber gloves and masks bare handed at the best of times?
It's not a similar business model, majority of their business is third party branded products.

You’re right actually. I was thinking along the lines of sports direct also buying in bulk and their products are cheap (cheap compared to others that sell the same brands like JD and footlocker)
Unless people are quickly picking them up again it wont be an issue, and who would pick up discarded rubber gloves and masks bare handed at the best of times?

Yeah, I don’t see discarded gloves/masks being much of a vector. But the laziness and lack of basic decency which sees people chuck them on the ground - instead of binning them - doesn’t bode well.
What I found pretty striking is that the Nightingale hospital is almost empty and there's next to no coverage of it.

If it was the other way round you could be sure as hell they would be sticking a reminder into every advert break.
...... Good?
Pubs and restaurants re-opening in Austria as from May 15th. I wouldn't mind if Belgium waited another 2-3 weeks to re-open ours and first look at amount of cases in Austria tbh.
This new test (see above) makes you sound like another know it all, know feck all.
Just because massi, the insufferable nitpicking pedant from redcafe “told me”, means naff all to me mate, I listen to experts.

Maybe take a step back and realise you don’t have all of the answers, if any. As I suggested, pregnant woman go into a completely different section of a hospital, nowhere near to where Covid-19 patients are doctors/nurses would be and weren’t/aren’t much more at risk, if at all.
I don’t know percentages but it’s certainly not risk free. Do they not all go to the same staff cafe or shop for lunch? Do people not come in from outside with the virus? Just because it’s a seperate ward doesn’t mean that infection doesn’t get in. We’ve already seen a few stories not mothers and babies testing positive. They obviously had it before they came in
Absolutely, we appear to be at the peak and are not overwhelmed, which was the main fear hence the building of them.

We have to take those pictures not of a sign of our own path in this pandemic, but as a reminder that when we reopen the country up, that it'll fill very quickly. The point to note here is that hospitals have pretty much cancelled all but absolute emergency procedures. They're pushing about 95-98% covid treatment. Those field hospitals will be needed when we have to get normal hospital procedures back up and running.
They put structures in place to handle a worst case scenario.

Let’s not start complaining we over prepared. We have only got a few things right. The Nightingales are one of those few things.

The successes should have been box ticking exercises;

Staffing numbers
Supply chain
Nationwide logistics

The UK has been inept at so many turns. We have got more wrong than we have got right. I would be bringing criminal proceedings against top level government if I could.

When this is all finished the government's handling will be pored over by media and experts for years to come. The results will be down to how the UK handled it compared to other similar countries. So far there's not much on that list that hasn't been levelled at pretty much every other country.

The one that stands out, as usual in the UK, is the media. Absolute cretins the lot of them. We are the only country i have seen where the media hasn't though it might be better to push a united front and just provide information and advice for a while. Every article is some journalist or other fighting to get their name in lights. They're pathetic.
We have to take those pictures not of a sign of our own path in this pandemic, but as a reminder that when we reopen the country up, that it'll fill very quickly. The point to note here is that hospitals have pretty much cancelled all but absolute emergency procedures. They're pushing about 95-98% covid treatment. Those field hospitals will be needed when we have to get normal hospital procedures back up and running.

At least we're somewhat ready for it then I guess.
Was screened when I went to Nigeria at the end of January.
Nigeria has been carrying out contact tracing from the very first index case. Don't know how accurate the numbers are but it has been able to limit the spread to 540 with a population of over 200 million.
I was scratching my head when I heard officials in the US and UK say they didn't have the capacity to contact trace in the beginning.
They put structures in place to handle a worst case scenario.

Let’s not start complaining we over prepared. We have only got a few things right. The Nightingales are one of those few things.

The successes should have been box ticking exercises;

Staffing numbers
Supply chain
Nationwide logistics

The UK has been inept at so many turns. We have got more wrong than we have got right. I would be bringing criminal proceedings against top level government if I could.

What we were totally inept in is believing that in the event of a pandemic the world would act as one rather than each country looking after its own. For me one of the major things we can learn from this debacle is that chasing goods at the lowest possible price is complete wrong. We can’t produce enough PPE why....... because we have sold our manufacturing industry down the river just so that we can benefit from cheap Chinese and Asian imports from sweat shops. And did we care feck we did. And now we wonder why we cannot produce enough bloody stupid.