Iceland median age 36.5, UK 40.5, Finland 42.5, Italy 45.5. Also just like Germany and S Korea, Iceland's numbers will probably rise. Having said that, obviously not everyone gets tested. But there is a real reason for Iceland's number in this moment, they are very young population.
Another thing that plays in Iceland's favour is that it's a smallish and isolated country.
Of all the "predictions" I made, I think the one in which I'll more dramatically miss the target, was when I thought the situation in Azores would become catastrophic (poverty, illiteracy, 6 out of 9 islands without hospital). When I saw the first cases were being diagnosed in a few of the smaller islands, I became terrified.
However, it's been almost two weeks in which new cases were only diagnosed in São Miguel, the biggest island (population 140k). Even our second biggest island (55k) is stable at 7 diagnosed cases for more than two weeks. Poor testing policies could explain an underestimation of cases, but they couldn't hide the occasional appearance of a seriously ill patient. I'm confident containment policies are being extremely effective, not because our Health Authority is being particularly clever (right decisions, but late in my opinion), but because geography and demographics is on their side. Three of our nine islands never had any case, five had no new cases in the past two weeks, and only in São Miguel things seem a bit complicated at the moment, but much less than I expected by now. Our island has been cut into 6 areas, which despite not being completely isolated (working people can still travel), might turn out to be a great policy. Same thing was suggested for the worst areas in Continental Portugal (local "sanitary barriers") but it has not been implemented.
Out of curiosity I went to see how other similar regions could compare. Faroe Islands are doing wonderfully, and in the two smallest of Canary Islands (La Gomera and El Hierro) things seem completely controlled as well. On the other hand, in Mallorca, an island with 800k population and an airport that moves as many passengers as Lisbon's airport, things look a lot worse.
Like mentioned before, Germany seems to be doing rather well for such a large country, and the argument that it may be due to the autonomy of local governments, which makes it look more like a series of small rich countries with well suited policies. I think it's somewhat analogous to this "archipelago idea".
My fear of poor islands with 5k people becoming local tragedies seems unfounded. In hindsight, it seem to make sense that they don't. Containment is a lot easier when everyone knows almost everyone and people put pressure upon each other to follow the rules.