Pogue Mahone
My post is somewhat related to yours.
But has anyone else been flabbergasted at just how bad science has been during all this?
I know that sounds ridiculous, but I think I've lived in a bubble for so long that I am shocked things got this bad.
In my head if there was ever a disease like this that was having a massive impact on the world, I thought we'd at least be able to mass produce tests for it easily enough. And mass produce tests that fecking worked.
Stuff like ventilator shortages. I literally thought it would be as easy as just flipping a switch in a factory to double setting and we'd be sorted. We have fecking doctors wearing bin bags FFS. I thought the world was better than this.

It’s incredible how rarely we have supply shortages of important supplies, when we’re on a constant knife-edge in terms of getting the stuff we need, in the right quantities, to the place where it’s needed most, in time to meet demand.
Global crises like this really highlight what an incredible job mankind is doing keeping everything ticking over when life is “normal”.