I assume you are of the opinion that all major gatherings, say more than the size of a school, should be banned? How about public transportation?
My opinion is just that, an opinion. I can't imagine how hard it must be for politicians right now. They have to make the actual decisions. And all this is new. No one knows exactly what those decisions are. We are working with numbers, probabilities.
Every major gathering should just stop period, until proven otherwise that it's safe. Look at South Korea FFS. A few days ago 60% of the infected (in the hundreds) all came from the same religious gatgering. The less important the gathering, the more urgebt it is that it stops.
As for transportation I think that's perhaps going too far, it's far too structural for society. But we should be on a mindset that only people that need to use it should use it, and with precautions. Hands, hands, hands.
Look at the numbers thing:
1- Is it surprising that the first cases in Portugal happened in Porto? No, it's a major flight hub for low cost companies.
2- Is it surprising that among the first 2 cases one is of a millenial doctor who came from vacations in Italy? No, these guys are instagram whores, they travel 10 times per year to fill their social media.
3- is it reasonable that yesterday hundreds of Porto fans travelled to Azores (where I live), where they intermingled with a few thousand Azorean fans (who are now here in a relatively dense island of just 140.000 people)
This football game may very well be the difference between us here having to deal with escalating number of serious cases 2 weeks from now or 4 weeks from now. These 2 weeks can be precious in saving lives:
- Logistics planning by government
- Knowledge from the immense efforts that scientists all over the world are doing in real time. These chinese doctors aren't just treating people. They are registering every relevant thing about each patient in high quality published reports at the same time. We usually do these things in our "spare" time. Those guys are fecking heroes.
- Springtime may help
- Virus gets weaker over time, almost alwaya happens
I'm absolutely shocked that that football game happened here yesteray. Now magnify that by equally stupid thinga happening all.over the world.
The worst scenarios are scary, but they are probably avoidable. It's at least our responsibility to try as hars as we can...