Damn. Sh1t about to spiral684 deaths in UK today![]()
Damn. Sh1t about to spiral684 deaths in UK today![]()
Probably got it off the Wish app
They should have just showed this to everyone. Nobody would have left the house in March.
I do think if FG didnt do as shit as they did during the election we wouldnt be hearing how great Irelands response has been.
Pubs should have been closed earlier, there were calls weeks ago to safeguard nursing homes etc, hell they tried to stretch the pub ban to just after Paddys day until social media took hold.
We need to wake up. 15,000 test per day was always pie in the sky and if it were Boris who tried bluffing that he would be a laughing stock, especailly when our rate of testing has gone the other way.
From letting the Italian fans in for the 6 nations untested to pushing through our measures without discussion with NI when they were open to talks which caused a rift, we have been playing catchup. I think we are in for a rude awakening once the notion of pretending we are on top of it so we can laugh at the neighbours disappears.
I was in Istanbul airport in early Jan and mid-Feb and they were measuring passengers' temperatures at that point. It says here they were doing it for East Asian countries but I was scanned both ways and it didn't seem like they were discriminating. That's worlds apart from full-on coronavirus testing but they were much more alert to the problem than the London airports, who were doing absolutely nothing all the way up to mid-March at least. They were very aware of the fact that not only do they have a lot of passengers, but they're a connecting airport between Asia and Europe so it wouldn't just be people staying in Istanbul but it'd be faciliating the spread at all of the final destinations too.
Hmmm, well yes, knobheads will be knobheads, but keep in mind some at least of the ones shouting at the supermarket staff may not be in great shape themselves. There are quite a few people around with "hidden" disabilities - ranging from the minor (that mean they can cope with routine, but not with the lack of it) to the major (that mean they often rely on others to help them maintain that routine, or to manage essential medication or addiction).
A lot of support systems, (particularly informal ones and voluntary services but also GP/public health driven things) are out of action, or not operating in the normal way. Care in the community can be a beautiful thing when it works, but it's also very fragile.
It's bringing out the worst in certain people, for sure.
There's an old guy who lives near me who went up to the local Tesco (which is a few miles out of the way of where he lives, he'd have no reason to be up there other than to go to Tesco, and there are 2 closer supermarkets to him) and filmed the staff reacting to him demanding to use the toilet and then uploaded it to Facebook. There's a set route in the store, and the toilets are as you come out of the checkouts, so he'd have had to go around the store, through the checkouts and then to the toilets. They were happy to let him do it, but he kicked off as if he was being vicitimised, telling them it's a shambles and whatnot, because he didn't want to walk the route.
I doubt he even needed the toilet, he just wanted to kick up a stink, because he started filming before he even spoke to someone. He was going to kick off no matter what they said.
He's been filming himself going all over the place in the last 2 weeks. He was outside Sainsburys last weekend, taking photos of everyone doing their shopping, uploading them and calling everyone hoarders.
He seemed a pretty normal guy before all this.
Exactly what I was thinking, considering that there are huge number of Chinese regularly visiting in Pakistan, due to that trade route they are working on. Pakistan should have gotten hit more severely and well before Iran.How did it arrive in such a brutal fashion in Iran, a country that seems very unconnected to the rest of the world?
Honestly, don't lose your powers of rational thinking in this emergency. The trouble is we can't receive information easily about the health profiles of those infected and who have died in every country for obvious reasons - it's not possible at this point for the public. There are reasons for everything.
One of the key differences between countries is their political systems. China could get a grip by doing what it does usually - curtailing the activities of its citizens.
Brave souls from Wuhan on social media and other online sources told us the truth - people were having their doors barred from outside and this just wasn't in some parts of Wuhan.
People who worked in neighboring provinces were shut forcibly in their apartments with a warning sign 'This person/family has come back from Wuhan.' Some were left to starve to death by neighbours. The local police/army/snitch brigades dealt swiftly with so called 'troublemakers' who were asking questions or whatever. They were put into vehicles and driven off God knows where. I'm not a China basher but their political masters at all levels are usually fudging data. One brave woman I watched told the truth - she said you can't get a bed or medicine or help even if you have money. The politically connected etc were treated.
Why on earth wouldn't an authoritarian Islamist Government in Turkey cover up cases? The secular state with a Muslim majority that was Turkey has given way to a dictatorship of sorts with an aggressive expansionist bent, engaged in open warfare against Syria which Turkey has invaded parts of as well as an open war against the Shia regime in Iran. Turkey called upon NATO to support it when it invaded Syria again and unleashed thousands of so-called refugees, many of whom fought in militias connected with extremists, at the Greek border. This is a sick, dangerous government that endorses rapes of its political opponents - talking men mostly here - in prison as one means of torture.
Do you really think Turkey is the kind of country where transparency is important? Japan is a kind of democracy along western lines although with a right wing government having members that are neo-fascists - many Japanese and foreigners really have no understanding of their ideology. It is has a relatively open legal system although there are some shocking aspects such as detention for two years on no charges etc and its 'success' in convictions comes from signed confessions with no lawyer allowed to be present. Japan covered up COVID-19 cases because of the Olympic Games - it has had no scruples about playing Russian Roulette with the lives of citizens and residents. It is still hiding information and still testing at woefully low numbers.
So why is anybody remotely surprised by Turkey's situation? It's really a no-brainer. Authoritarian, secretive and at the present expanding. Yet you're surprised by the COVID-19 situation there?
Exactly my sentiment with that first paragraph.
On the second bit, my idea is that it's been there for a while but the lack of a sharp increase in the mortality rate didn't trigger any alarm bells, and the theory is that it mutated since then and became deadlier. A lot of speculation here but somebody I know had something you would now certainly describe as Covid-19 (late last year) and its infection rate coupled with today's mass travel makes me think it had to have arrived long before the first official cases.
I know Lloyds Bank will be upping peoples payments according to their letter. Managing at the moment so should be OK, but if someone takes the payment break and does not realise the outcome could be in for a shock.Any positive economists on here?
7months from now, once the mortgage holidays and all the payment deferrals are done with, and banks And lenders start wanting that $ back, what’s the best case scenario for the state of the world then? My understanding is that some lenders are tagging payments on at the end of the term, but some will be asking for their money once the deferral period is up. At that stage, we will have the most people in history unable to pay their bills, what happens in that situation?
Need someone to explain how it won’t be as bad as my logical brain tells me it almost certainly will be.
684 deaths is close to what Italy has been at for the last week or so. Is there any sign that the UK won't reach 10k deaths in the next 2 weeks?
United Kingdom Dates | UK Deaths | Italy Dates | Italy Deaths | Spain Dates | Spain Deaths | France Dates | France Deaths | Germany Dates | Germany Deaths | USA Dates | USA Deaths |
Mar 8th | 3 | Feb-23rd | 3 | Mar 5th | 3 | Mar 2nd | 3 | Mar 11th | 3 | Mar 1st | 2 |
Mar 9th | 5 | Feb 24th | 7 | Mar 6th | 8 | Mar 3rd | 4 | Mar 12th | 5 | Mar 2nd | 6 |
Mar 10th | 6 | Feb 25th | 11 | Mar 7th | 10 | Mar 4th | 4 | Mar 13th | 8 | Mar 3rd | 9 |
Mar 11th | 8 | Feb 26th | 12 | Mar 8th | 17 | Mar 5th | 7 | Mar 14th | 8 | Mar 4th | 11 |
Mar 12th | 10 | Feb 27th | 17 | Mar 9th | 30 | Mar 6th | 9 | Mar 15th | 12 | Mar 5th | 11 |
Mar 13th | 11 | Feb 28th | 21 | Mar 10th | 36 | Mar 7th | 16 | Mar 16th | 12 | Mar 6th | 14 |
Mar 14th | 21 | Feb 29th | 29 | Mar 11th | 55 | Mar 8th | 19 | Mar 17th | 12 | Mar 7th | 19 |
Mar 15th | 35 | Mar 1st | 41 | Mar 12th | 86 | Mar 9th | 30 | Mar 18th | 12 | Mar 8th | 21 |
Mar 16th | 55 | Mar 2nd | 52 | Mar 13th | 133 | Mar 10th | 33 | Mar 19th | 20 | Mar 9th | 26 |
Mar 17th | 71 | Mar 3rd | 79 | Mar 14th | 196 | Mar 11th | 48 | Mar 20th | 31 | Mar 10th | 31 |
Mar 18th | 104 | Mar 4th | 107 | Mar 15th | 294 | Mar 12th | 61 | Mar 21st | 47 | Mar 11th | 37 |
Mar 19th | 144 | Mar 5th | 148 | Mar 16th | 342 | Mar 13th | 79 | Mar-22nd | 55 | Mar 12th | 41 |
Mar 20th | 177 | Mar 6th | 197 | Mar 17th | 533 | Mar 14th | 91 | Mar 23rd | 86 | Mar 13th | 49 |
Mar 21st | 233 | Mar 7th | 233 | Mar 18th | 638 | Mar 15th | 127 | Mar 24th | 114 | Mar 14th | 55 |
Mar 22nd | 281 | Mar 8th | 366 | Mar 19th | 833 | Mar 16th | 148 | Mar 25th | 149 | Mar 15th | 62 |
Mar 23rd | 335 | Mar 9th | 463 | Mar 20th | 1,093 | Mar 17th | 175 | Mar 26th | 198 | Mar 16th | 76 |
Mar 24th | 422 | Mar 10th | 631 | Mar 21st | 1,381 | Mar 18th | 244 | Mar 27th | 253 | Mar 17th | 97 |
Mar 25th | 468 | Mar 11th | 827 | Mar 22nd | 1,813 | Mar 19th | 372 | Mar 28th | 325 | Mar 18th | 123 |
Mar 26th | 578 | Mar 12th | 1,016 | Mar 23rd | 2,207 | Mar 20th | 450 | Mar 29th | 389 | Mar19th | 175 |
Mar 27th | 759 | Mar 13th | 1,266 | Mar 24th | 2,696 | Mar 21st | 562 | Mar 30th | 455 | Mar 20th | 230 |
Mar 28th | 1,019 | Mar 14th | 1,441 | Mar 25th | 3,434 | Mar 22nd | 674 | Mar 31st | 600 | Mar 21st | 298 |
Mar 29th | 1,228 | Mar 15th | 1,809 | Mar 26th | 4,145 | Mar 23rd | 860 | Apr 1st | 732 | Mar 22nd | 408 |
Mar 30th | 1,408 | Mar 16th | 2,158 | Mar 27th | 4,858 | Mar 24th | 1100 | Apr 2nd | 872 | Mar 23rd | 519 |
Mar 31st | 1,789 | Mar 17th | 2,503 | Mar 28th | 5,690 | Mar 25th | 1331 | Apr 3rd | 1,017 | Mar 24th | 681 |
Apr 1st | 2,352 | Mar 18th | 2,978 | Mar 29th | 6,528 | Mar 26th | 1,696 | Apr 4th | | Mar 25th | 906 |
Apr 2nd | 2,921 | Mar 19th | 3,405 | Mar 30th | 7,340 | Mar 27th | 1,995 | Apr 5th | | Mar 26th | 1,159 |
Apr 3rd | 3,605 | Mar 20th | 4,032 | Mar 31st | 8,189 | Mar 28th | 2,314 | | | Mar 27th | 1,592 |
Apr 4th | | Mar 21st | 4,825 | Apr 1st | 9,053 | Mar 29th | 2,606 | | | Mar 28th | 2,039 |
Apr 5th | | Mar 22nd | 5,475 | Apr 2nd | 10,003 | Mar 30th | 3,024 | | | Mar 29th | 2,431 |
| | Mar 23rd | 6,077 | Apr 3rd | 10,935 | Mar 31st | 3,523 | | | Mar 30th | 2,985 |
| | Mar 24th | 6,820 | Apr 4th | | Apr 1st | 4,032 | | | Mar 31st | 3,806 |
| | Mar 25th | 7,503 | Apr 5th | | Apr 2nd | 4,503 | | | Apr 1st | 4,746 |
| | Mar 26th | 8,215 | Apr 6th | | Apr 3rd | | | | Apr 2nd | 5,821 |
Mar 27th | 9,134 | Apr 4th | Apr 3rd | ||||||||
Mar 28th | 10,023 | Apr 5th | Apr 4th | ||||||||
Mar 29th | 10,779 | Apr 6th | Apr 5th |
I know Lloyds Bank will be upping peoples payments according to their letter. Managing at the moment so should be OK, but if someone takes the payment break and does not realise the outcome could be in for a shock.
More people have died in the UK than China. Find that hard to believe personally.
I don't understand this constant (not just on these boards) speculation on it mutating in to something more deadly. At best, these theories have some sort of strange macabre where by, to me, it seems people actually WANT it to happen and at worst, it just smacks as misinformed.
A virus mutates constantly, it's what they do. There are probably lots of strains (As possibly seen in the Iceland data)but the chances of getting a more deadly one are low. The talk of the "S" and "L" strain thing is VERY wide of the mark and even in that data (which has been debunked in many places), it was shown that the "L" strain was more prevalent at the START of the outbreak and was no more severe and yet people still say things like " The one they have in Italy is the more severe L strain" like it's some kind of fact.
A more deadly virus is bad for it's evolution as it'll kill it's host more. It'll also spread less because symptoms will be far more noticeable and easier to contain, like SARS.
I might have to do myself a favour soon and not participate in message boards and social media because the amount of people out there that want this to be the end of the world is frankly disturbing.
Heart breaking mate. I know a few people who work in Walsall Manor Hospital (as my children go to school in that town). I myself work at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (Risk department) and I really cannot comprehend how brave front line staff are.
But what is the science? First we were following South Korea until we werent. Pubs etc closed like a week after schools so i fail to see where the science says we needed that one extra week of mass contamination. Say we are 6 weeks into lockdown where pubs and parks were closed, would fatigue set in if it were 7? Why the delay?Not directed at you exclusively (especially as for all I remember I may well have done the same in the past) but regarding the closure of pubs, I'm consistently surprised at the amount of non-experts who can confidently state when the most opportune time to implement a given measure was, seemingly without need to refer to any of the data, data modelling or years of study actual experts seem to rely on. Unless you think the answer is to introduce all measures immediately I have no idea how you'd judge when to implement measure X in relation to measures Y, or how either will interact with measure Z. It certainly isn't something I'd be able to judge, any more than I'd be able to judge when and how to treat someone's cancer or what changes then need to be made to that treatment plan based on how the patient responds.
You'd swear there wasn't any science whatsoever to planning out a response to something like this, just people guessing when the right time is based on what they feel. An approach that if adopted by government would be very damaging populism.
As for the 10-15k tests per day, that's still their stated goal so we'll actually be able to judge directly over the coming weeks how far off they end up.
I do think the praise for Ireland's response has largely been a result of having the UK as a very present example of how much worse it could have been handled though, with several of our own issues having initially been overlooked. The nursing home point being an example. We know it was flagged as an issue quite a while ago, we know basic common sense suggested it would be an issue and now we're seeing that play out in the data.
Mutation is the only thing that would give some sense to this situation. I mean, if they wanted to hide it surely you wouldn't be showing even more than 16k infected and 300 deaths so far, surely that would be hidden too?
I personally love the whole social distancing thing. I hate people near me normally. The luxury of going to Asda and queuing with nobody within a 2m radius is absolute bliss.
To be fair, for the rep that Glasgow gets, it's citizens are reasonably good at this decorum in my experience. I even saw a couple of junkies outside Farmfoods arguing about how far apart they needed to be. Turned out the over egged it by being about 10m apart, but the sentiment remains.God your Asda clientele must be well behaved. Every supermarket I've been in since this started has seen orderly queues outside and then a fecking scrum just inside the doors because people can't seem to see black and white stripey tape on the floor.
Gah, that's brutal. Seems that in South Carolina the initial incubator for Covid was senior care homes as well.To complete that info. The amount of known Covid-19 death in care homes is 884 out of 14638 people infected.
Have been wearing a mask since last week, which increasingly seems like a damn good idea.
I do think if FG didnt do as shit as they did during the election we wouldnt be hearing how great Irelands response has been.
Pubs should have been closed earlier, there were calls weeks ago to safeguard nursing homes etc, hell they tried to stretch the pub ban to just after Paddys day until social media took hold.
We need to wake up. 15,000 test per day was always pie in the sky and if it were Boris who tried bluffing that he would be a laughing stock, especailly when our rate of testing has gone the other way.
From letting the Italian fans in for the 6 nations untested to pushing through our measures without discussion with NI when they were open to talks which caused a rift, we have been playing catchup. I think we are in for a rude awakening once the notion of pretending we are on top of it so we can laugh at the neighbours disappears.
But what is the science? First we were following South Korea until we werent. Pubs etc closed like a week after schools so i fail to see where the science says we needed that one extra week of mass contamination. Say we are 6 weeks into lockdown where pubs and parks were closed, would fatigue set in if it were 7? Why the delay?
We are an island but instead of using that to our advantage and starting dialogue with the north we piss them off by movng forward without informing them thus creating this oprn back door scenario.
We let in the italians for the rugby, simply advised against the 6 nations match from happening, let in the Cheltenham crown unchecked. Hell we were letting in flights from Italy and Asia unchecked long after we knew what was coming.
I keep saying we are following science as if its blind faith and we cant question what they are doing. Hell weeks ago people were asking for restrictions on nursing homes that were turned down for science yet thats where the clusters are.
Thats where my problms lay, we seem to be reactionary while pretending to be proactive. At one stage we were blaming the spread on nurses not washing their hands properly or Leo fecking off to USA still expecting a parade to happen.
Then Chinese equipment were flagged by the Dutch as sub standard only for our government to say itll be grand, we'll judge it ourselves before we buy and they feck that up too.
It was 200 a week while off work, pubs and parks shut after social media outcries, Leo telling us at the start that not much money was being put aside for the incoming Virus. He even told us last week that he just found out construction in UK and Italy didnt include construction and surprise, surprise he tried his very best to keep them open here until another outcry overtook him.
Ireland being proactive is a myth
It's not the tinfoil in your veins that's objectionable it's the pile of shite in your head. The Japanese are renowned for respecting the aged, your opinion must be very offensive to them.
I'd lay off the booze if I were you
Some posters really should look inside themselves
Do they truthfully not realise how hateful and full of bile their comments appear. At a time when parts of the world are fighting for its very existence. Shame on them not of course that they will feel any I’m sure.
30% of Sanchez's salary could fund the entire NHS![]()
From Ireland:
Presumably this is the gear we just bought from China, with much fanfare. Varadkar even made sure a picture of him ringing Beijing to say thanks was distributed through the media.
Which makes me wonder why the feck we thought our experience of buying gear from them would be any different to the Turks, Italians, Spanish and Dutch, who I believe all had similar issues?
This is my local surgery actually. They've been ripped apart in the Welsh media.
Off topic somewhat, can someone explain something to me because I can't understand this one:
As far as I'm aware, Iran were the second country to be badly hit.
How? Iran is quite an insular country. It far from borders China. The Iranians are not known as big travellers or overseas tourists. And as far as I'm aware there isn't a massive Chinese community there, or much of an ex-pat situation in general?
How did it arrive in such a brutal fashion in Iran, a country that seems very unconnected to the rest of the world?
Agree.I don't understand this constant (not just on these boards) speculation on it mutating in to something more deadly. At best, these theories have some sort of strange macabre where by, to me, it seems people actually WANT it to happen and at worst, it just smacks as misinformed.
A virus mutates constantly, it's what they do. There are probably lots of strains (As possibly seen in the Iceland data)but the chances of getting a more deadly one are low. The talk of the "S" and "L" strain thing is VERY wide of the mark and even in that data (which has been debunked in many places), it was shown that the "L" strain was more prevalent at the START of the outbreak and was no more severe and yet people still say things like " The one they have in Italy is the more severe L strain" like it's some kind of fact.
A more deadly virus is bad for it's evolution as it'll kill it's host more. It'll also spread less because symptoms will be far more noticeable and easier to contain, like SARS.
I might have to do myself a favour soon and not participate in message boards and social media because the amount of people out there that want this to be the end of the world is frankly disturbing.
Have been wearing a mask since last week, which increasingly seems like a damn good idea.
Great video. Might be best in the sticky thread if not already there.
I do believe masks are the key reason for the lack of spread in Asian countries. Japan and Hong Kong have way more Chinese tourists as well.
Masks will collect more droplets, less projection, less landing on surfaces. Contamination doesn't spiral and should be worn at home at times.
I would've had companies mass produce them and send everyone a box ages ago. Cost verses the damage now is a few pennies in comparison. Also trains you to not touch face, asymptomatic spreaders can be greatly lessened, sick people can wear one without being self conscious if more or most are wearing one and instructed to do so. Especially in shops, care homes. This is being brought into care homes and would've had testing done on these people regularly.
Instead of WHO and western people trying to downplay them and worrying about the supply, just make more already.