Not been on for an update for a while. Have worked 90hours over the last 9 days so feeling pretty tired now but tonight is my last night and then 3 days off!
Hospital is steadily becoming more organised, many specialist wards have closed and re-opened as Covid wards now. It's incredible to see that in the current climate, how dead ED is and just goes to show how badly abused the service was. Proper guidelines regarding PPE have been updated since I last posted however, they are just saying to use surgical face masks which, I personally don't agree with. Donning and doffing the PPE is a ball ache and my hands are red raw from all the hand washing we do.
The cases are steadily ramping up now, spoke to one fot he doctors this morning who said just over half of her handover this morning was suspected covid (A very tiny % will actually be covid if any). Staff shortages is still a massive issue. On the bank service, there were 68 HCA gaps and 76 Nurse gaps to be filled for today. Unheard of but people are obvisouly self isolating or just don't want to put themselves or their family at risk.
I'm looking forward to it being my last night shift for a week and probably a free dominos delivery for us. Otherwise it's going to be depressing and hectic. Stay safe peeps.