Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Pictures from the world in lockdown.
See the first reply from London this morning
Pictures from the world in lockdown.
See the first reply from London this morning
Might be alone in thinking there has been a massive cover-up in the numbers that have died.
If heart inflammation is a risk, why are there anti-anti-inflammatory stories on the net? Why are anti-inflammatories so bad and is it a fact that one shouldn't use these?
A communist country covering information and doing propaganda for its own intrest.. wouldnt be the first nor the last communist country to do that. The fact that they already target a lift of measures after 2 months, could be ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, something to be optimistic about. However it could also be a recipe for disaster. Time will tell.
Common sense was telling us to start social distancing weeks ago... but affluent and like minded folk were stilling ramming out the pubs for their usual sunday roast up until the govt had to shut them down.
No country has ever been truly communist, despite the names of the respective political parties. If you look closely at their statements , it always was "Living in socialism and building the communism".China are definitely not communist. Authoritarian yes but they haven't been communist for a long, long time.
Might be alone in thinking there has been a massive cover-up in the numbers that have died.
So I'm in two minds what to do. My gf is at work, because it's a bodyshop that deals with NHS staff it's allowed to stay open. It's only a short way away but is a bus ride.
Do I: a) drive and pick her up later b) stay at home and let her get the bus.
Surely a is the best option for her and others on public transport, however I don't want to be like everyone else and break the 'lockdown' (there's still plenty of traffic/people walking up and down my road). I'm not worried about the police, as there's none about anyway plus she works right next to a Tescos, but I want to do the right thing when I can.
Black cabs have the plexi glass. Sit on the opposite side to the driver. Wear gloves and mask. Cabbie wipes down after.
Much safer than the tube
So I'm in two minds what to do. My gf is at work, because it's a bodyshop that deals with NHS staff it's allowed to stay open. It's only a short way away but is a bus ride.
Did they mention zero hour workers?Just announced in the House of Commons, the Chancellor is working on a self employed solution, the difficulty of distinguishing tax returns (sometimes a year and a half old) between those out of work now and those who are finding more work is proving the difficulty on an accurate number.
The big problem with COVID and is making ignorant politicians to make themselves look like fools in the initial stages of the disease is that Covid fatality rate worldwide is lower than seasonal flue overall (60 to 86% of infected people don't even get into the system) if you look at stats and they think they can keep the infection numbers low.
The first problem is that biologist affirm that this virus has been in Europe for months, but under the radar. In PT this thing happened during a Bird Flue outbreak in some parts of the country, and Bulgaria was also with a seasonal flue problem and this was happening all over Europe, so they think much probably a lot of those people were in reality affected by this virus, that's why the patient zero in Italy revealed not to be the "real" patient zero .
Problem is is that the infection rate is something never seen before. It is so infectious that it is estimated that more than 60% of infected people are not even into the system. This virus is beating every healthcare system by quantity numbers, so having a small % of fatalities doesn't really matter, because a small percentage of a huge population will overload any system in the world.
Common sense was telling us to start social distancing weeks ago... but affluent and like minded folk were stilling ramming out the pubs for their usual sunday roast up until the govt had to shut them down.
Did they mention zero hour workers?
Common sense was telling us to start social distancing weeks ago... but affluent and like minded folk were stilling ramming out the pubs for their usual sunday roast up until the govt had to shut them down.
a) surely. Unless the bus is half empty.
If you're staying in your car and you're sharing a household with this girlfriend then i dont see how you're breaking any lockdown. There's no risk of contact.
People should be driving where possible right now.
Go and get her. You've got to think of the intent behind these measures, and in that case going to get her is the best thing to do.
A body shop that deals with NHS staff? Such a loose reason to stay open! Difficult scenario.
Thanks dude.. I edited my original. I saw the error of my ways.We're talking about different things here. Running marathons has been shown to damage the heart and coronary arteries. Any kind of heart problems are a significant risk factor for this virus.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are known to reduce the body's immune response to other respiratory diseases. There is no concrete proof they do this with Covid19 too but health authorities are recommending against using them out of caution.
Oh, FFS:
He’s also said that kids are immune
I'm not self-employed so this doesn't affect me but, after seeing numerous tweets from self-employed people who are losing their crucial income, I can't help but be angry at the 'socialist hero' Chancellor. 'Making more money than usual' indeed...
Common sense was telling us to start social distancing weeks ago... but affluent and like minded folk were stilling ramming out the pubs for their usual sunday roast up until the govt had to shut them down.
Why was his anecdotal 'evidence' not: 'Some self-employed people are struggling'...which is far more likely to be the near-universal case? What a convenient piece of 'evidence'.I've just watched his speech in parliament, he came across genuinely trying to find the best way of giving support but with most tax returns 18 months old it's about getting the most accurate support. He rightly did say that there are some self employed people that are booming in this current climate, so it's not a blanket coverage he can simply roll out.
Little bit different when compared to last weeks policy around employers and furlough status, it's an easy black or white scenario. With self employment, there are so many grey areas.
Why was his anecdotal 'evidence' not: 'Some self-employed people are struggling'...which is far more likely to be the near-universal case? What a convenient piece of 'evidence'.
Yeah lockdowns are only if people cooperate with them. If people don't then you have to keep increasing the restraints until you reach an enforced lockdown.Hasn't it been said for lockdowns to be reasonably effective you need 60% of participents to properly heed the advice?
If you cut down on the ridiculous mass gatherings and come up with some sort of resonable strategy for London due to that being a special case we shouldn't be too far off that figure and see what situation is in mid April.
Comparatively, yes, I see his point.His point wasn't about saying support shouldn't be offered, he recognised the requirement for it. It's all about the mechanic of what support is offered, not every self employed account is straight forward, nor is there an up to date and accurate picture of their business - hence the complexity, grey areas, and time to get the right support. Compare it to PAYE, where they can make a very quick calculation on what support is needed.
It showed the video of user GayShawnMendes doing the “coronavirus challenge” and licking a toilet bowl.Tweeter’s account disabled. What was it by the way?
Comparatively, yes, I see his point.
Please forgive my cynicism about his Party's methods of working, generally.
Oh I think it will stickGood to see this still going
Yes - my bad, in a different post I wrote that Japan has done half the tests of the state of South Australia - city is Adelaide, about one million people - which had done 17,800 tests by the 23rd of March, probably more now. My mistake.Japan have tested approximately 16,000 people. That's why they've come through unscathed.
I assume due to some misguided attempt to keep the Olympics this summer.
His point wasn't about saying support shouldn't be offered, he recognised the requirement for it. It's all about the mechanic of what support is offered, not every self employed account is straight forward, nor is there an up to date and accurate picture of their business - hence the complexity, grey areas, and time to get the right support. Compare it to PAYE, where they can make a very quick calculation on what support is needed.
It really captures the current mood.Oh I think it will stick
BumpIm head of PE at a very large primary school and myself, and my Pe team who are all self employed, plus the 40-50 staff and 800 + children will be in as normal tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. I’ve just actually had a roast and few drinks in a local pubs alongside a lot of the parents. Luckily we live and work in a very likeminded area, not mass panic. People doing as they’re told and getting on with it whilst getting on with life too.
Can a mod revert the edit?Bump
Then said people are already infected with dumb disease and the only cure is killing the brain.
Seriously you’d need to be dumb to interpret that it’s ok to go hang with friends.