SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

It doesn't work. You have to close the parks or else you have to police them, and that's a waste of police right now.
It does seem crazy if all of our police our out enforcing the 'two metre' rule. Much as it makes sense, I live 20 minutes either way from two parks and I'm getting bored being stuck inside. Might have to dig the exercise bike out begrudgingly.
No one hopes to get 100% compliance, that doesn't even happen in China or any of the authoritarian countries. If instead you even get 60-70% compliance, especially among higher risk populations, that is a major win.
That does make sense. Saying that, I have read about Chinese authorities putting seals on people's doors so they knew if they've left the house. Doesn't help that most of us have tiny flats in London.
That does make sense. Saying that, I have read about Chinese authorities putting seals on people's doors so they knew if they've left the house. Doesn't help that most of us have tiny flats in London.

How did they get food?
How did they get food?
I think they had community programmes delivered them then resealed the doors or something- was some link I read in here, but it was yesterday or Friday, so it will likely be 40-odd pages back now.
So that's 327 deaths a week on average from influenza while people go about their normal routines. We've had around 100 deaths in the last 7 days while having unprecedented social exclusion measures, as well as media exposure of the virus for 3 months.

Give it a couple of weeks and it will be closer to 1000 deaths a day if people dont stop going out.

Virgin Australia have cancelled all international flights. I think they are in danger of going under. I also heard that BA and QANTAS aren't as secure as you might think even if they are better off than some.

BA have a 9 billion cash reserve. As far as airlines go they're amongst the strongest but all of them will be hit hard this year, and a government bailout may even be forced on them (see JPMorgan 2008).
It's time for a jump off a bridge challenge on Instagram.

Be careful not to post that idea anywhere outside of the caf.

Based on the feckwits found on insta/tiktok or any other nonsense like that, it could end up more dangerous than COVID!
From reddit :

What it again shows is the earlier you introduce social distancing the more profound the effect is.

It is a nice analogy but a better one, if you want some mathematical picture, is to use a network to represent a population of people, with each node a single person and each edge showing a possible route of infection.

By removing each edge from the network, you remove a link between two nodes (two people). If you examine a single node representing one person, by removing edges which end(start) at that node, you remove a possible route of infection. The network becomes less connected (or becomes sparse) and therefore less infections are spread.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately we will be hearing many more stories like this.
How many utter knobheads are gonna be like oi oi one last Maddy D's before they close at 7pm tomorrow?

I'm angry about it in advance.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

So sorry mate. Thoughts are with you.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.
So sorry to hear this.

So tragic. It's just impossible to comprehend how awful this is, like a wave we're watching grow to such a scary height and its not even nearly finished.
My housemate in between night-shifts this weekend has told me that a 21 year old, fit and healthy, has been admitted into Intensive Care due to complications of Covid19.
This has properly hit home now. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow and Wednesday, 8 hour shift on Tuesday and Thursday, then three 13 hour night shifts on Friday-Sunday.

I'm genuinely dreading this week.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

I'm sorry to hear this buddy.
How many utter knobheads are gonna be like oi oi one last Maddy D's before they close at 7pm tomorrow?

I'm angry about it in advance.

Tell me about it. I felt a bit ill about two weeks ago and have been self isolating since before it was official policy. So angry at the attitude in this country
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

Sorry to hear. :(
My housemate in between night-shifts this weekend has told me that a 21 year old, fit and healthy, has been admitted into Intensive Care due to complications of Covid19.
This has properly hit home now. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow and Wednesday, 8 hour shift on Tuesday and Thursday, then three 13 hour night shifts on Friday-Sunday.

I'm genuinely dreading this week.
See does it not feel like no one wants to admit that Covid-19 can kill the young and healthy? Does the 'complications of' mean anything? Should those two words be there?

Also, all the best this week!
We are starting to see sad news. I think we all need to start thinking about how we will react when our family and friends fall sick. Also make sure everyone you know is prepared with appropriate contact information. If you pay bills etc make sure you significant other knows how to do it. Passwords etc (not caf password)
We are starting to see sad news. I think we all need to start thinking about how we will react when our family and friends fall sick. Also make sure everyone you know is prepared with appropriate contact information. If you pay bills etc make sure you significant other knows how to do it. Passwords etc (not caf password)

This is good advice. Regarding the bit in bold, you would like to think that people are sensible and do not use the same password for everything but a lot of people unfortunately do not follow the advice.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

Really sorry to hear, it's a horrible feeling. Try to maintain some positivity if nothing else then for him. A 104 year old woman survived this.
My mother is in her late 50's, has smoked since her teens and works for a Home Help, so goes to elderly peoples' houses all day, attends to them, does their shopping, returns and moves onto an other elderly person.

Somehow, it only hit me today how scary that prospect is. I asked her if she was still carrying out her job the same as always foolishly assuming she'd say no they've made loads of changes.. she just paused and said 'yeah, mask and gloves' seemingly disappointed that I'd finally realised how dangerous her situation is, as well as the elderly people she's visiting.

As an above comment says, I think we're all starting to think specifically about our loved ones and how they fare.
Really sorry to hear, it's a horrible feeling. Try to maintain some positivity if nothing else then for him. A 104 year old woman survived this.

Cheers mate. I am positive actually because I have been mentally prepared for this for a few weeks. Can't say the same for the rest of my family. Comforting news about the old girl! Trooper!
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.
Really sorry to hear that.
My grandpa, 93 was admitted to hospital on Saturday with a very high temperature. Just had results and he has tested positive for Covid 19. Death sentence most likely :(

Really worried for my mum and dad now who were there to try and help him up when he had collapsed.

Not to underplay the seriousness at his age but 85% in that demographic survive. So there is hope.
Someone posted on Twitter that all the lockdown, physical inactivity, delays in graduation and subsequent unemployment could be precipitating a mental health crisis and I agree.

More and more I'm beginning to lean towards letting the lower risk population out and to work or school while concentrating the isolation towards higher risk groups as soon as the curve starts to flatten a bit.
People who live alone and/or have pre-existing mental conditions are at a big risk here.
28,000 people died from flu in 2014/15 in the UK alone. On average 17000 die on average every year in the UK from flu.

So a few hundred thousand more (as flu hasn't gone away) won't matter?

Think before you post please.
Perhaps I missed it a few days ago, but Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle has tested positive.

As he's also HIV positive, hmmm.....

He may be alright then. My bro in law who is a very senior doctor in the NHS told me that the vaccine they give for HIV does work. The issue is some doctors are scared to give non approved medication for covid to patients. He said a lot more would survive if the government gives approval for those medication to be given to people.
In USA they have approved a non approved medication as a last resort. I think the Chinese and the Russians saved a lot of lives by using the non approved medication to save lives.
how are people still posting flu comparisons ffs

more people are going to die in Italy this week than the 9/11 attack

and all we know for sure right now is it will get worse globally before it gets better
Not to underplay the seriousness at his age but 85% in that demographic survive. So there is hope.

Cheers mate. Comforting but that seems a high survival rate. Unfortunately he has underlying health problems and has next to no immune system so not expecting a miracle.

Despite being absolutely necessary, the most brutal part is we won't be able to see him and he'll be so confused and not know what's going on :(
Cheers mate. Comforting but that seems a high survival rate. Unfortunately he has underlying health problems and has next to no immune system so not expecting a miracle.

Despite being absolutely necessary, the most brutal part is we won't be able to see him and he'll be so confused and not know what's going on :(
:( Good luck
See does it not feel like no one wants to admit that Covid-19 can kill the young and healthy? Does the 'complications of' mean anything? Should those two words be there?

Also, all the best this week!

Oh I 100% believe it can. I just added "complications" because I do not know the full story. I just know that the patient is 21, positive for Covid, no past medical history, and is in ITU.

I'm scared for my parents, but I'm glad they are sensible enough to go into full lockdown mode for about a week or so now.