We got another woman hater here.
It’s 2020 - surely staying at home for a few weeks without getting bored couldn’t be any easier?
The one thing the Brits are really good at is keeping social distance, even when, ironically, crammed on to a tube train. We love our Englishman castles and try to avoid people whenever we can, even ones we know and see on the street / in shops. Obviously we're not total saddos and do go out shopping together, or pubs, cinema, etc.
But we're not continental folk. We don't search out people to share a chat and kisses on both cheeks. We don't have siesta time to spend hours in other people's company outside of work. This is not a slight on them, in fact it's a compliment to their excellent social skills. It just happens, the one thing we're inadvertantly good at is finally exactly what we need. Go hide in our rabbit holes.