SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Hoooo stop! Im not an anti vaxxer at all...

I merely stated a different view. There are actual quotes from decades of people who advocate the concept of depopulation.

Henry Kissinger: ‘ Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

Prince Philip: ‘If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.’

Sir David Attenborough: ‘The human population can no longer be allowed to grow in the same old uncontrolled way. If we do not take charge of our population size, then nature will do it for us.”

Tedd Turner (CNN founder) : ‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Jacques Costeau: ‘In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Maurice Strong: ‘Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.”

Again, i am NOT an anti vaccin, what i did was present quotes from ‘globalists’ who are on record advocating for a decrease in population. However i am NOT saying that vaccines are used to do that, i presented an article whereby the vaccines given to Kenyan girls and woman was discovered to have anti fertility in it. That could have been a mistake by the WHO, by inadequate research of the vaccine itself.

Go on...
Henry Kissinger: ‘ Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
I've read some good quote from him as well as strategy but not that one.
Mind, I was reading the 48 Laws of Power so...
Funnily enough there will be a worldwide baby boom in 9 months since loads of people are at home with nothing to do but kill time.
So congratulations.

Some people have been defending a strategy designed to deal with a completely different virus, and pretending to have a deep understanding of the situation

Typical wum response. I quoted a Bill Gates quote.

I quoted other people who are on record saying that the earth is to ‘populated’.

I quoted an article, whereby Anti feritiliy was discovered in the tetanus vaccine given to milions of African girls/woman

I stated that the Pitsburgh Intitute was granted a patent for a coronavirus in 2018, and the majority stakeholder of this institute is Bill Gates.

Did i claim that this Corona patent is the same Corona as the current one? No, people who are quick to use the ‘conspiracy’ label, made that deduction themselves. I have NOT.


People who find conspiracies in massive disasters like this are pathetic and can’t accept that the world is just shit. Posting a load of out of context quotations and falsely attributed quotations doesn’t mean you are “just posing questions” it means you’re a terrible human being. They are literally not smart enough to do an ounce of research, instead they accept everything without any critical thinking.
in short - awful people who should be banned.

note - if you think this is aimed at anyone in this thread you have made that deduction yourself. I am not.
Typical wum response. I quoted a Bill Gates quote.
I explained to you what that meant, but you're hellbent on sharing your nonsense that you completely ignored it.

Couldn't you find a facebook group where equally gifted people share similar ideas? I hear those are dime a dozen.
That's definitely not the the position from which I've been arguing.

I have zero affiliation with this government. I'm a Green voter in most elections, with the occasional tactical vote for Labour or the Lib Dems. I've never voted Tory, and I think Boris is a cnut.

What I've been arguing for in this thread is a multi-faceted approach to this crisis, as best descibed by the multi-disciplinary board leading the strategy.

My argument tries to take into account lives lost in the short term, as well lives lost in the long term, the potential for civil unrest leading to rioting, quarantine and curfew management, people being able to keep their jobs so they can pay for food and rent and don't become homeless, keeping families above the poverty line, keeping the supply chain unbroken so that shops can be stocked with food, keeping order on the streets so that medical workers can get to hospitals, keeping the utilities running so that we all have water to drink, etc. etc.

The opposing view in this thread is to take a single-track approach which mainly takes into account lives lost in the short term, and hopes the knock on effects in the long-term are also positive.

I don't think the single-track view is ignoble in any way. I think most who argue for it are doing so from a well-meaning place. However, I also think it's misguided in terms of coming up with the best possible solution for keeping the highest number of citizens alive and safe after 18 months once the crisis is (hopefully) over.

I'm a pragmatist who's quite happy to change his mind based on fresh information. If the multi-faceted approach and the single-track approach end up in agreement, then great. But it will be down to luck rather than judgement because a multi-faceted approach will always be closer to the ideal.
I was trying to find the words, but this is pretty much me too.

People keep presenting this as a polemic discussion, whereas all the sizeable major Western European countries are all following their own variations on similar strategies, with uniquely timed elements, rather than falling into two distinct camps.

The WHO’s guidance is obviously unquestionable from a health perspective, but this isn’t just a publiic health issue and hasn’t been for sometime. Countries are dealing with much wider longterm issues that could have consequences that dwarf the cost of the initial pandemic.

I’ve been expecting (high) tens of thousands to die in the UK from this for a few days and not sure how you stop that, outside a small reduction in immediate death coming at a far greater price for those left behind. I think the greater area for success will be how well you can keep a country functioning whilst this is happening. The country’s sole focus cannot be COVID-19, even if it is the undoubted priority.

I hope I’m wrong and we find an easier way out, but, ignoring the politicians, if you don’t trust the most senior apolitical figures planning the way through this, then who would you want managing this? I think we can only hope to learn from this, so a situation similar would never get so far again.
Question was in the morning hours today why Germany has a so low death rate?

Until 2 days ago only 11 % of the infected were older than 60.

Just some possible reasons that come to my mind:

The rate of people between 20 and 50 living together in a household with people older than 60 is very low. It is a lot higher in Italy or Spain. That has social but economical reasons, too, as the unemployment rate of young people is very low.

Fully paid sick leave from day one - even 10 days paid sick leave when your kid is sick. When you have a cold here your coworkers and even the employer sends you home to not infect others. You usually do need a sick note from the doctor not from day one but starting day 3. And no copayment.

Germany is a pretty clean place.

Germans far less hug and kiss when they meet people.

Ok, and Germans like to keep rules and for sure tell everybody that does not!


But the main reason probably is that we until now where good to keep it out of the risk group. From the 5 deaths in Bavaria 3 come from a retirement home in Würzburg, all very old with multiple sicknesses.
Any of you guys think it's possible for the UK government to fudge the death numbers and hide a lot of deaths from official stats like a lot of other countries do?

I really don't trust the confirmed cases number anymore since Boris is leaving a lot of cases untested, so the death number i think is the best way to judge disease progression now.
So congratulations.

Some people have been defending a strategy designed to deal with a completely different virus, and pretending to have a deep understanding of the situation

We all knew this was a feck up but my god, that is one hell of a feck up.
Just seen someone posting a picture of someone selling baby milk formula on Facebook for £40, they had 35 of them left as well.
Is infant formula pricing fixed in the UK? You certainly can’t discount it and it is always excluded from supermarket vouchers for this reason.
Any of you guys think it's possible for the UK government to fudge the death numbers and hide a lot of deaths from official stats like a lot of other countries do?

I really don't trust the confirmed cases number anymore since Boris is leaving a lot of cases untested, so the death number i think is the best way to judge disease progression now.

@Berbasbullet I think ? Sorry for your loss and sorry for quoting you but you have a personal experience that could relate to this
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So congratulations.

Some people have been defending a strategy designed to deal with a completely different virus, and pretending to have a deep understanding of the situation

That's because the only data we had until last week was China, with its own unique factors so you've got to use your best guess.

Now with the data from Italy and other countries we can take better decisions, that's just how this kind of study works when things are new.
And is it unfactual as well that bill Gates is the majority stakeholder of the Pirbright Institute that was granted a patent on a ‘Corona virus’ in 2018?

Anyway, i think this is enough for today.

Be safe!

A research institute was researching viruses, shocker.

Piss off now.
And is it unfactual as well that bill Gates is the majority stakeholder of the Pirbright Institute that was granted a patent on a ‘Corona virus’ in 2018?

Anyway, i think this is enough for today.

Be safe!
And is it unfactual as well that bill Gates is the majority stakeholder of the Pirbright Institute that was granted a patent on a ‘Corona virus’ in 2018?

Anyway, i think this is enough for today.

Be safe!

Yes that is also fake.