what are you studying/did you study?
I studied Law but started with Physics.
what are you studying/did you study?
Can't go into details but I'm a nurse and the fact that we are not testing people is a scary! I've been told that I may be C-19 triaging tomorrow so I phoned a work buddy who was triaging today for a run down as to what I have to do tomorrow and the protocols in place is a farce.
Anyone who is suspected with C-19 is not being tested unless they need to be admitted for hospital treatment. People with coughs and high temps are just being sent home. Obvisouly each one has potential to be infected and you just hope they are sensible about going home to self isolate and not stopping off at Starbucks on the way.
Obviously if you are very ill then we welcome you but it's also clear that people are not listening to the self isolation instructions and turning up to ED regardless of their symptoms. Also loads of staff already self isolating. This is going to bring the NHS to its knees if people carry using this service so irresponsibily.
That's probably not the point. The point is probably closer to 'these are the chances you could feel fine and be killing someone else's grandma by being out and about'
Judging from the cases you've seen so far, when do you think the NHS will be overrun and unable to cope - leading to the government to take severe action?Can't go into details but I'm a nurse and the fact that we are not testing people is a scary! I've been told that I may be C-19 triaging tomorrow so I phoned a work buddy who was triaging today for a run down as to what I have to do tomorrow and the protocols in place is a farce.
Anyone who is suspected with C-19 is not being tested unless they need to be admitted for hospital treatment. People with coughs and high temps are just being sent home. Obvisouly each one has potential to be infected and you just hope they are sensible about going home to self isolate and not stopping off at Starbucks on the way.
Obviously if you are very ill then we welcome you but it's also clear that people are not listening to the self isolation instructions and turning up to ED regardless of their symptoms. Also loads of staff already self isolating. This is going to bring the NHS to its knees if people carry using this service so irresponsibily.
South Carolina’s Dept of Health announced today that we aren’t going to test people unless they have symptoms
Been saying this for days. There is a reason the Italian government were pleading with kids to respect the lockdown and saying young people are the primary spreaders.
Thanks for the reply, really helpful in my decision. He will most definitely be staying at home with me as I work for a lot of public gathering events as security which is now on hold for the forseeable future.Im head of PE at a very large primary school and myself, and my Pe team who are all self employed, plus the 40-50 staff and 800 + children will be in as normal tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. I’ve just actually had a roast and few drinks in a local pubs alongside a lot of the parents. Luckily we live and work in a very likeminded area, not mass panic. People doing as they’re told and getting on with it whilst getting on with life too.
Is this a high street type operation or do you get contracted from Currys and the likes?
I studied Law but started with Physics.
Bats are one of the worst vectors for pathogens in existance.
I see on Twitter that an Iceland store in Belfast are opening their store between 8am and 9am for the elderly only, nice touch. Be great if others would do this but I doubt it'd last long with stupid rioting crowds.
No. Just forget about any trivial, non-essential things you had planned for the next while. They can all be done when appropriate.
I had a grand total of 5 tables last night and I told the customers it would better if they had just ordered take-out. One couple in particular were just so adamant in their lackadaisicalness that it really wound me up, the more I tried to explain about keeping infections down for the sake of icu patients, the more they dug their heels in. A lot of people will be facing the kiss of karma soon enough.You reckon? I do think castigation is an important influence in this, as far many more folk than himself will see how pissed off with him we were and think twice going forward. I don't think just one person telling him he was being a moron would've been enough.
Fair enough, if you think it's enough now, though.
"Like Alerion Blue I've found the key to spring, with tilted toothless toffs scrub a dub dubbing until the callouses grow ever more through fields of wheat."Bumble fumble woffle poppycock fibble dibble er er er gotta keep woshhhing your hands for errr at least 20 seconds.
ISIS must be feeling pretty shitty about itself after all the work they put in and then this teeny little virus brings the entire world to a stand still. Wish I knew one to rub it in.
Never change, Pidgy
Flatten the curve is a lie. There is no way to both flatten the curve and not overwhelm the entire medical system. Unless you flatten it for 10+ years, which is not doable.@Revan... remember this came from one food market in China and has taking over the entire planet in a matter of weeks.
So the circumstances where a lockdown becomes better later than sooner is the one in which it is designed to help the NHS at a critical point and save lives by flattening the curve at the right time, rather than being used as a tool to eradicate the virus.
Flattening the curve too early serves little purpose if the NHS are coping an you are certain the virus is still going to be around in 8 weeks.
This is the person who are you supposed to trust the most, right:
“Our aim is to try and reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not suppress it completely; also, because the vast majority of people get a mild illness, to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease and we reduce the transmission, at the same time we protect those who are most vulnerable to it. Those are the key things we need to do.”
@Classical Mechanic @Smores @Regulus Arcturus Black
As I said, I appreciate those implications but don’t limit yourself to a single take on some data.
Take Italy for example, if they tested everyone in the country a couple of weeks ago and they found that 30% of positive tests were in younger people, it would reduce the mortality rate considerably considering how few deaths there have been under 50.
It would also suggest that we could tackle this virus in an entirely different way. People under 40 could be encouraged to continue as normal, maybe even be a encouraged to get infected like chicken pox while vulnerable people isolate. The “herd immunity is then achieved by the low risk population. The elderly could then be withdrawn from isolation in a controlled fashion at a rate the health system can cope with.
A statistician will be able to comment, but you can’t just compare the results like that. You need to know how many were tested in each bucket too at least, and standardise to allow for differences in population.
Of course. This'll do all kinds of businesses in. Government needs to reassure people that they aren't gonna let us all die of poverty in the next year, before anyone will be thinking of major purchases they could potentially get by without.No contracts, just freelance repair work in my own small workshop. I'm a one man band. The other side of the business is that I do build and sell computers online, I would say that would sustain me but actually, people don't tend to be buying PCs right now and I think it's because they're being careful with money given the uncertainty of the next few months.
Likewise if I didn't do music I was going to do mechanical engineering. Which is why I now spend my nights crying into my instant noodles whilst staring at the double bass in the corner and wondering where I went wrong.Physics is awesome. If i didn't do engineering, this would have been my second choice.
Terrifying things. I’d jog up to an alligator or snake and pat them on the head before being caught alone in the same area as a Komodo dragon.That's why they fascinates me, they seem to be a main suspect in a lot of disease whether it concerns humans or animals. Komodo dragons are an other interesting animal.
Flatten the curve is a lie. There is no way to both flatten the curve and not overwhelm the entire medical system. Unless you flatten it for 10+ years, which is not doable.
It is either containment or spreading. And by containment I might right now.
Doing a lockdown with hundreds of thousands of infected people has as chance of working as me banging Scarlett Johanssen. And I am fecking stuck in my room for a week.
Ah, a fellow scholar. Always good to see.Flatten the curve is a lie. There is no way to both flatten the curve and not overwhelm the entire medical system. Unless you flatten it for 10+ years, which is not doable.
It is either containment or spreading. And by containment I might right now.
Doing a lockdown with hundreds of thousands of infected people has as chance of working as me banging Scarlett Johanssen. And I am fecking stuck in my room for a week.
If we’re not on lockdown then you shouldn’t feel guilty meeting people as this social interaction is the smallest drop in the ocean. Just adjust your behaviour accordingly. I’d probably sit far apart and outside! There’s a good chance it might become far more difficult to do in the near future. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone want to see their friends and family, unless they are at risk of complications from COVID-19 and you could be the one to give it them.Do you think it will be okay to have a drink with 2 other people in my house next weekend. Couple of my friends and I haven't seen one and other in about 4 months so we were planning on heading out for a mad one but that's obviously a stupid idea. 3 people in the house with a lot of beer and wine that should be fine, shouldn't it?
I see on Twitter that an Iceland store in Belfast are opening their store between 8am and 9am for the elderly only, nice touch. Be great if others would do this but I doubt it'd last long with stupid rioting crowds.
I’m in a similar boat (freelancer designer), and I reckon it will finish my business too. As you say, nobody is going to be forking out on non-essential stuff for a while at least.No contracts, just freelance repair work in my own small workshop. I'm a one man band. The other side of the business is that I do build and sell computers online, I would say that would sustain me but actually, people don't tend to be buying PCs right now and I think it's because they're being careful with money given the uncertainty of the next few months.
Hope they tipped!I had a grand total of 5 tables last night and I told the customers it would better if they had just ordered take-out. One couple in particular were just so adamant in their lackadaisicalness that it really wound me up, the more I tried to explain about keeping infections down for the sake of icu patients, the more they dug their heels in. A lot of people will be facing the kiss of karma soon enough.
Best of luck, mate.. I can’t even imagine your job in a few weeks’ time.Can't go into details but I'm a nurse and the fact that we are not testing people is a scary! I've been told that I may be C-19 triaging tomorrow so I phoned a work buddy who was triaging today for a run down as to what I have to do tomorrow and the protocols in place is a farce.
Anyone who is suspected with C-19 is not being tested unless they need to be admitted for hospital treatment. People with coughs and high temps are just being sent home. Obvisouly each one has potential to be infected and you just hope they are sensible about going home to self isolate and not stopping off at Starbucks on the way.
Obviously if you are very ill then we welcome you but it's also clear that people are not listening to the self isolation instructions and turning up to ED regardless of their symptoms. Also loads of staff already self isolating. This is going to bring the NHS to its knees if people carry using this service so irresponsibily.
So many variables to this though.
In generally, I'd assume there are more younger people than older, resulting in a bigger chance of the younger ones testing positive.
On top of that, Italy is probably a lot more selective with its testing, and with an older population, with older people showing more serious symptoms, that probably tips Italy's figures in the older bracket.... Among other things
@Revan... remember this came from one food market in China and has taking over the entire planet in a matter of weeks.
So the circumstances where a lockdown becomes better later than sooner is the one in which it is designed to help the NHS at a critical point and save lives by flattening the curve at the right time, rather than being used as a tool to eradicate the virus.
Flattening the curve too early serves little purpose if the NHS are coping an you are certain the virus is still going to be around in 8 weeks.
It's almost like the point of the tweet is 'We're not testing enough'.
They still cause rabies in the US occasionally, terrifying cnuts.Bats are one of the worst vectors for pathogens in existance.