SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Likewise if I didn't do music I was going to do mechanical engineering. Which is why I now spend my nights crying into my instant noodles whilst staring at the double bass in the corner and wondering where I went wrong.

Haha, I'm slowly falling in Love with this guy - and I'm straight.

Makes me smile more in this thread than I would think possible. Fly on, Pidgy.
Can't go into details but I'm a nurse and the fact that we are not testing people is a scary! I've been told that I may be C-19 triaging tomorrow so I phoned a work buddy who was triaging today for a run down as to what I have to do tomorrow and the protocols in place is a farce.

Anyone who is suspected with C-19 is not being tested unless they need to be admitted for hospital treatment. People with coughs and high temps are just being sent home. Obvisouly each one has potential to be infected and you just hope they are sensible about going home to self isolate and not stopping off at Starbucks on the way.

Obviously if you are very ill then we welcome you but it's also clear that people are not listening to the self isolation instructions and turning up to ED regardless of their symptoms. Also loads of staff already self isolating. This is going to bring the NHS to its knees if people carry using this service so irresponsibily.
Best of luck mate. Nurses are the heroes of our NHS who keep everything together, and you deserve better than the shite that's being served up to you.
Haha, I'm slowly falling in Love with this guy - and I'm straight.

Makes me smile more in this thread than I would think possible. Fly on, Pidgy.
If you're willing to buy a double bass I'm willing to negotiate.
Hope they tipped!

Are you hoping to be off? Most people I know who work pubs/restaurants want the ban as soon as.
I do want the ban because funnily enough, people who have had a couple of drinks tend to let their hygiene levels drop and I don't want my place to be responsible for an outbreak that might somehow get back to my parents.

Ideally though I'd very much like to run a limited takeaway service so I can pay my mortgage and domestic utility bills, but if it is a total shutdown then I will happily follow it for the sake of my parents.
Might want to pass this on to the korean CDC so they can fire all their stats people.
What’s this got to do with Korean stats people? That chart was made by that guy on Twitter, no, or does it come from a wider data set, because on its own it is meaningless.

It compares two things that cannot be meaningfully compared to draw the conclusions you might imagine, unless the title and the labels on the chart are wrong. All it tells us is what age buckets those who tested positive in Korea and Italy fall into. It does not tell us about whether there is a different spread of COVID-19 cases in Korea and Italy, because it does not account for the population and testing differences. For example, is Italy having far fewer cases aged 20-29 because:

A) they are testing fewer people compared to either age buckets
B) fewer people in that age bucket are testing positive
C) there are are fewer people of that age in the areas being tested
and so on?

Is there a source paper or article that has further information?
Likewise if I didn't do music I was going to do mechanical engineering. Which is why I now spend my nights crying into my instant noodles whilst staring at the double bass in the corner and wondering where I went wrong.
If you're willing to buy a double bass I'm willing to negotiate.

I'm sitting looking at an electric bass (Fender Music Master) covered in dust...

And I'm currently in the process of sorting through about 10 old electrics and acoustic guitars and cleaning dust / mold off them - so it's a no.

But we could maybe form a band - Flight of the Concords style. Double bass and guitar, I'll rant about evil Torys and you can break up the tension by charming the audience between songs.

Flight of The Pigeons.
I do want the ban because funnily enough, people who have had a couple of drinks tend to let their hygiene levels drop and I don't want my place to be responsible for an outbreak that might somehow get back to my parents.

Ideally though I'd very much like to run a limited takeaway service so I can pay my mortgage and domestic utility bills, but if it is a total shutdown then I will happily follow it for the sake of my parents.
Are you a curry house?
What’s this got to do with Korean stats people? That chart was made by that guy on Twitter, no, or does it come from a wider data set, because on its own it is meaningless.

It compares two things that cannot be meaningfully compared to draw the conclusions you might imagine, unless the title and the labels on the chart are wrong. All it tells us is what age buckets those who tested positive in Korea and Italy fall into. It does not tell us about whether there is a different spread of COVID-19 cases in Korea and Italy, because it does not account for the population and testing differences. For example, is Italy having far fewer cases aged 20-29 because:

A) they are testing fewer people compared to either age buckets
B) fewer people in that age bucket are testing positive
C) there are are fewer people of that age in the areas being tested
and so on?

Is there a source paper or article that has further information?

No, it wasn't.
Even if you can't flatten the curve to below the capacity line it is an approach that will still save many many lives. Delay of the spread is the main goal even if far from perfect.
Within a year (assuming 50-80% of people get infected), it won't make too much difference. There will be dozens of people who will be on critical conditions for a ventilator.

Of course, it is better than nothing, but it should not be the main target. The main target should be containment, and there are multiple success stories of it (China, South Korea, Japan, and to a lesser emulate-able degree Singapore and Hong-Kong).
The worst part is I didn't even become a teacher after that shit and ended up doing computer science. I could be building giant death robots right about now but, nooooooooo, instead I just tell lecturers that I won't buy them fifty iPads until they can give me five reasons why they think I'm pretty. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it.
@Zlatan 7

You wanted me to say "you have too high (20%) probability of needing care" instead of "you will need care"? Would that make you happy? I think, in the context the difference is immaterial, but if that is what you want me to state - yes, i meant the former
The worst part is I didn't even become a teacher after that shit and ended up doing computer science. I could be building giant death robots right about now but, nooooooooo, instead I just tell lecturers that I won't buy them fifty iPads until they can give me five reasons why they think I'm pretty. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it.

That's a bit vicious, you know that they won't find five different reasons.
I'm sitting looking at an electric bass (Fender Music Master) covered in dust...

And I'm currently in the process of sorting through about 10 old electrics and acoustic guitars and cleaning dust / mold off them - so it's a no.

But we could maybe form a band - Flight of the Concords style. Double bass and guitar, I'll rant about evil Torys and you can break up the tension by charming the audience between songs.

Flight of The Pigeons.
Oooh, I like that idea. Wait...

You've got a two grand bass just gathering dust in the corner? feck me man, that's commitment. I would have sold that for meth money by now and I don't even do drugs.
The more you look into the detail of what's coming the scarier it gets. The lack of freed up ICU beds in this country mixed with 1 in 10 positive cases requiring one and that point of being overwhelmed arrives very soon. They seem to be trying to quadruple beds but if the equipment isn't there then what.

If we hit 10k confirmed cases are we really going to be able to mitigate the worst? It took Italy 10 days from where we are now to that figure and any lockdown will take weeks to show an impact.

People suggesting wait 3 weeks but that's 5-6 week growth, what are you expecting the number to be after that? How many needing an ICU bed? And how many won't get one?
Within a year (assuming 50-80% of people get infected), it won't make too much difference. There will be dozens of people who will be on critical conditions for a ventilator.

Of course, it is better than nothing, but it should not be the main target. The main target should be containment, and there are multiple success stories of it (China, South Korea, Japan, and to a lesser emulate-able degree Singapore and Hong-Kong).

Agreed but containment will flatten the curve as will social distancing etc etc
He also ranted about how he did care about people by listing the responsibilities of the job he's paid to do as somehow being proof to his altruism. He also clearly doesn't know what affluent means.

It's no longer very affluent. ;)
Within a year (assuming 50-80% of people get infected), it won't make too much difference. There will be dozens of people who will be on critical conditions for a ventilator.

Of course, it is better than nothing, but it should not be the main target. The main target should be containment, and there are multiple success stories of it (China, South Korea, Japan, and to a lesser emulate-able degree Singapore and Hong-Kong).

According to this WaPo article delaying via social distancing works way better than containment

I would believe that to be true in the US and UK. Some other counties may have different experience but quarantining entire cities or regions just wont work in the US.

The big question is: distancing for how long? It seems that current hope is: severe closures of 2-3 weeks and massive work from homes (in companies where it is possible) for several months will make material difference.

We also need to get vaccine some time soon. Otherwise: just natural "everybody will get sick at some point" solution is: nuts
Just got back to the UK and I’m stunned by the difference in attitude. I expect it to spread much more over here than anywhere else in Europe.
That’s only Korean stats, which are still not enough to make meaningful comparisons!

Edit: found it:

As much as the article is interesting, as commentators point out, conclusions are being reached that omit important context. The data isn’t comparable to reach meaningful conclusions.
Just got back to the UK and I’m stunned by the difference in attitude. I expect it to spread much more over here than anywhere else in Europe.
Yeah, it's almost like people are more afraid of being in an awkward situation than the actual virus itself.
Every time I see some clip of someone singing Nessum fecking Dorma I think how much I would want to kill anyone who started belting out 'none shall sleep' from their balcony first thing in the morning.

Imagine that fecking racket? Thank God I don't live in a big city. :lol: