A chocolate biscuit won't cut it, try a frozen chicken.

A chocolate biscuit won't cut it, try a frozen chicken.
Exactly. These are difficult decisions that have to be fully modelled. I’m sure we will be shutting down some schools at some point though... but timing is everything.So shortsighted.
Are you aware then when they close schools a massive portion of the countries essential workforce will be out of the game? Doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, shop workers, pharmacy staff..
It can't be a decision taken lightly and needs to be timed in line with other measures to reduce the strain on the above services.
I dread to think what would happen if some of you lot ran the country. These aren't easy decisions to make and they have much wider repercussions than your local primary school.
Which stage?
No other country shut down schools when the case rate was as low as it is in UK at the moment.
I have no other explanation for people thinking food delivery services are a good idea right now than 'Out of sight, out of mind'.Deliveroos genius plan for stopping people interacting with each other is:
- Check the delivery notes to see if a contact-free delivery has been asked for
- Let the customer know you’ve arrived
- Place your thermal bag open on the ground outside their door
- Step back at least 2 metres and wait nearby for the customer to collect it
- Mark the order as delivered only when you’ve seen the customer collect it
Yep, so just gonna let self isolating people root around in other peoples bags (which often have more than one order in). Genius.
What's an antibody? Same thing as vaccine?
OK - so this is the stuff that goes into a vaccine?
I assume you're quite young like majority of people on this site. So you can't reliably speak for how you will be feeling decades into the future, let alone others.Life expectancy in Italy is 82, and in most of Europe is below 80, so I would say majority of European citizens would be completely fine reaching 80 years. Life expectancy in my country is 77. Basically anyone who I know would be more than fine with reaching 70+. I, personally would be delighted if I live 75 years, anything other would be a bonus, I am sure many would agree.
I know this might lower the life expectancy in Italy for this year, but they already have one of the biggest life expectancies in Europe.
Amazon seem to be doing nothing to stop these profiteering cnuts. £65.99 for 9 rolls of Andrex. £12 for two small bottles of hand sanitizer.
I might put up a bag of tree bark for £299.99 and add "corona repellent" to the title and see if anyone panic buys it.
ill paypal you £250 now if you dont put it up!Amazon seem to be doing nothing to stop these profiteering cnuts. £65.99 for 9 rolls of Andrex. £12 for two small bottles of hand sanitizer.
I might put up a bag of tree bark for £299.99 and add "corona repellent" to the title and see if anyone panic buys it.
wait unitl you are 74![]()
I assume you're quite young like majority of people on this site. So you can't reliably speak for how you will be feeling decades into the future, let alone others.
PM me the link please.
For fellow Caf members I can offer you a special rate of TWO bags for just £500.ill paypal you £250 now if you dont put it up!
Not the same thing. An antibody is like a flag/marker that attaches to an invader and screams THIS GUY DOESN'T BELONG. And then your immune system comes and takes it out.
Imagine being inside OT on matchday, about a third of the way into the match and suddenly there's a giant flashing arrow attached to you with neon lettering spelling out HE DOESN'T HAVE A TICKET.
No. What goes into a vaccine is either a dead form of the virus or something resembling it or a relevant piece of it. Think of it like a police sketch of a suspect: THEY KIND OF LOOK LIKE THIS. Your immune system goes, ooh, ok. And then your immune system makes the antibodies mentioned above to go and attach to the invaders.
75 to 80% of infections in China were spread in the home.When infections are going up.
But AB can potentially be used as a treatment, hopefully.Not the same thing. An antibody is like a flag/marker that attaches to an invader and screams THIS GUY DOESN'T BELONG. And then your immune system comes and takes it out.
Imagine being inside OT on matchday, about a third of the way into the match and suddenly there's a giant flashing arrow attached to you with neon lettering spelling out HE DOESN'T HAVE A TICKET.
No. What goes into a vaccine is either a dead form of the virus or something resembling it or a relevant piece of it. Think of it like a police sketch of a suspect: THEY KIND OF LOOK LIKE THIS. Your immune system goes, ooh, ok. And then your immune system makes the antibodies mentioned above to go and attach to the invaders.
Exactly, and they're google employees. You'd think google would hire better people. I mean if this virus escapes into the general population in India, its going to be carnage. 2% of India is 20million people.And going to her parents too, the worst possible thing to do.
You don't care about innocent lives being lost.
Italy have updated some figures for people interested (@Pogue Mahone you were asking). Based on 13882 cases, split into male, female and total.
Its in the over 70s that it really becomes deadly, and the younger you are either the less likely you are to show symptoms or the more resistant you are to getting it. Only 1.1% of people who have died so far had no other illness present.
Classe di eta = age range
Casi = cases
Deceduti = deaths
Sesso = sex
Letalita - lethality
They published another document that said there are now two deaths under 40.
Translated roughly: Today 13 March there are 2 deceased COVID-19 patients under 40 years old. 1 is a 39 year old male with pre-existing psychiatric pathologies, diabetes and obesity, who died at home, and a 39 year old female with pre-existing neoplastic pathologies who died in hospital.
Both reports here:
The comment wasn't meant for you.What a fecking dumb thing to post.
First doors is probably better, lazy people don't wake up at 6amAsda was f’in pandemonium this morning.
From now on I am going to go either first doors or 30 mins before closing, should weed out the lazy.
75 to 80% of infections in China were spread in the home.
You might be okay, but you'd be condemning 10s of thousands to die. People like you need to consider your recommendations more seriously. You don't care about innocent lives being lost.
Nobody will even ask me then what I think
I am 29, that would mean almost half of that. Still young, yes, but my parents and older people I know are all fine with that age. Of course, we all want live 100 years, but I(and basically everyone I know) don't want to live my last 20 years crippled to bed.
There's a difference between self- isolating at home and mingling with family at home.You have spent the last two days defending our government policy that specifically calls peoeple to not only stay at home with families when sick, but to not even contact a doctor and tel them that you are sick.
And here you are pretending you think the opposite.
WTF is wrong with you?
There's a difference between self- isolating at home and mingling with family at home.
Genuine question is how much of the workforce would be impacted? I can’t imagine a particularly high number of families exist where the both/single parents work in part of the “essential workforce” who wouldn’t have other safe options for where to leave the kids.
So sick people should sleep in the garden? Or should they all go to hospital en masse?Jesus H christ.
The average home in this country is 650 square feet with one bathroom.
If you are self isolating at home, you ARE self isolating with your family.
75 to 80% of infections in China were spread in the home.
You might be okay, but you'd be condemning 10s of thousands to die. People like you need to consider your recommendations more seriously. You don't care about innocent lives being lost.
Well the stat in the US is that 38% of nurses working in the healthcare have kids in school. And obvious as relatively lower paid workers they'll tend to be disproportionately effected by the negative impact of school closure.
And obviously even if a relatively small seeming percentage of health care workers are stuck at home, in the middle of a pandemic that's still a serious factor to consider.
So sick people should sleep in the garden? Or should they all go to hospital en masse?
So you want those around you to spend all day at home with you?Eh, what? I've literally been crying for months for action to be taken. I've stated this many times before, I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about those around me. Really ignorant post - although most of your posts in this thread are.