SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

The guidance around testing seems so crazy to me. If you have a positive LFT, you have covid. Behave accordingly. You do not need a PCR to confirm the diagnosis. PCR should be reserved for people who have covid symptoms and don’t test positive on an LFT.

The whole testing infrastructure will probably be overwhelmed regardless but the current guidance is making a bad situation worse.
If you report a +ve LFT, does it log as a positive on the NHS formal stats?
The guidance around testing seems so crazy to me. If you have a positive LFT, you have covid. Behave accordingly. You do not need a PCR to confirm the diagnosis. PCR should be reserved for people who have covid symptoms and don’t test positive on an LFT.

The whole testing infrastructure will probably be overwhelmed regardless but the current guidance is making a bad situation worse.
It seems to all be based around tracking numbers at this point. They should have doubled down on temporary test infrastructure for this period, so they could handle the load(pretty obvious that it was going to happen).
The guidance around testing seems so crazy to me. If you have a positive LFT, you have covid. Behave accordingly. You do not need a PCR to confirm the diagnosis. PCR should be reserved for people who have covid symptoms and don’t test positive on an LFT.

The whole testing infrastructure will probably be overwhelmed regardless but the current guidance is making a bad situation worse.
Agreed, makes more sense. Too many disregard what the result of the LFT is until they find out via a PCR
The guidance around testing seems so crazy to me. If you have a positive LFT, you have covid. Behave accordingly. You do not need a PCR to confirm the diagnosis. PCR should be reserved for people who have covid symptoms and don’t test positive on an LFT.

The whole testing infrastructure will probably be overwhelmed regardless but the current guidance is making a bad situation worse.

I needed a PCR test for work. You can log the lateral flow result but you don't get any code or real verification you actually tested positive
We know of a family in our crèche who got positives a few days after Christmas and we saw them all in our local Tesco this morning, the kids running around touching everything with their little Covidy hands. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
A pretend cough or 2 in their direction would be a good reaction, turn to the mother “I’m really sorry, my mate has gone to hospital with a really bad cough, not sure what’s wrong with him.: I hope he hasn’t given me something”
Bet she soon clears out
Boorish Johnson is perhaps the worst prime minister in modern times. Anyone who catches COVID beyond the 20th of December the government are totally at blame. Doesn't matter if the NHS aren't overloaded lockdown should have been initiated before Christmas.

They are supposedly trying to preserve an economy :lol: if the cases continue to be above the million mark do they really think consumers will have demands for anything outside the pharmaceutical markets.

Omicron might cause more mild symptoms but its rate of spreading illness is unlike anything since the whole pandemic initiated.
Cases in The Netherlands are slowly going down since we first lockeddown in the evening at the start of december and more completely now. Very weird to me to see the full stadiums in English football form my locked down part of the world. Especially with the soaring cases.

UK have been among the worst to deal with it.
UK have been among the worst to deal with it.
I think our freedom focused and individualistic western society also lends itself poorly to civil obedience to lockdown rules. Hardly anyone follows all the rules in the Netherlands. I'm starting a new job Monday and a expected to work 50% at the office even if the government explicitly asked to work from home when at all possible.

That being said, our government isn't that great either, but we just keep voting for the same lying dung stain every 4 years :)
We know of a family in our crèche who got positives a few days after Christmas and we saw them all in our local Tesco this morning, the kids running around touching everything with their little Covidy hands. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
Gave me a chuckle.
Seeing more optimism among people for the new year; obviously January/February will have record infections but beyond that things... might be looking up? It's been two years and it kind of feels like a part of life now and it feels weird to think one day think it might all be over.
Have there been any confirmed Omicron deaths of people under 65 with no underlying health conditions/other illnesses who have been double jabbed and boosted?
One of these days it will be appropriate
Still, embarrassing mistake to make, being your nan’s funeral and all. But, tbf to you, four years old or not, she was taking liberties parking her wheelchair there.
Agreed, makes more sense. Too many disregard what the result of the LFT is until they find out via a PCR
Alternatively, they do what my dad did - test negative on a LFT so decide it's definitely a flu they're suffering from and don't bother with a PCR. So many people seem so utterly confused about what they should be doing. I'm just glad I kept my decent mask on when I dropped his food round while he was in the tick of it!
Boorish Johnson is perhaps the worst prime minister in modern times. Anyone who catches COVID beyond the 20th of December the government are totally at blame. Doesn't matter if the NHS aren't overloaded lockdown should have been initiated before Christmas.

They are supposedly trying to preserve an economy :lol: if the cases continue to be above the million mark do they really think consumers will have demands for anything outside the pharmaceutical markets.

Omicron might cause more mild symptoms but its rate of spreading illness is unlike anything since the whole pandemic initiated.

I think the government is testing the waters, we are pretty well vaccinated in this country and the booster campaign has gone ok.

At some point we have to take the virus on so to speak otherwise we will just keep going in and out of lockdowns which will eventually do irreversible damage to the economy.

Its a brave decision in the face of every other country putting some sort of restrictions in place and the case numbers skyrocketing but the truth of the matter will be how hospitals cope the lockdowns are the protect the healthservice to stop it from being overwhelmed, if they belive that the hospitals will cope than they won't lockdown.

Whatever happens, if you are worried than you can lock yourself down and only leave the house for essential things until this current wave ends, just because the government haven't told you too doesn't mean you can't.
The guidance around testing seems so crazy to me. If you have a positive LFT, you have covid. Behave accordingly. You do not need a PCR to confirm the diagnosis. PCR should be reserved for people who have covid symptoms and don’t test positive on an LFT.

The whole testing infrastructure will probably be overwhelmed regardless but the current guidance is making a bad situation worse.
Using a throat swab on the LFT might lower the early negative result as well. Reading Omicron can be in the throat days before it shows up in nasal mucus. Makes sense and what I believe occurred with me.
Bit of a weird question but are you allowed to drink while having it? I tested positive the other day but I've had two bottles of wine eyeing me up all week.
It won’t be on top of the usual Christmas stuff. It will be instead of it. Most people basically stop socialising in January. That should offset the impact of schools opening. It seems as though omicron’s been ripping through school age kids during the holidays anyway. Can’t be many more not yet exposed.
The big question with opening schools is well there be enough teachers to actually open schools
Alternatively, they do what my dad did - test negative on a LFT so decide it's definitely a flu they're suffering from and don't bother with a PCR. So many people seem so utterly confused about what they should be doing. I'm just glad I kept my decent mask on when I dropped his food round while he was in the tick of it!
Peoples worst mistake, trusting a negative on an LFT, especially on a one time
Seeing more optimism among people for the new year; obviously January/February will have record infections but beyond that things... might be looking up? It's been two years and it kind of feels like a part of life now and it feels weird to think one day think it might all be over.

There are several ways of interpreting the current situation.

On the political side, I am very pessimistic and I hope the UK won't adopt further freedom-destroying measures as currently in effect in Continental Europe. Going to the pub will soon require a QR code before ordering...

From a health perspective, the following chart makes me rather optimistic

I think the government is testing the waters, we are pretty well vaccinated in this country and the booster campaign has gone ok.

At some point we have to take the virus on so to speak otherwise we will just keep going in and out of lockdowns which will eventually do irreversible damage to the economy.

Its a brave decision in the face of every other country putting some sort of restrictions in place and the case numbers skyrocketing but the truth of the matter will be how hospitals cope the lockdowns are the protect the healthservice to stop it from being overwhelmed, if they belive that the hospitals will cope than they won't lockdown.

Whatever happens, if you are worried than you can lock yourself down and only leave the house for essential things until this current wave ends, just because the government haven't told you too doesn't mean you can't.

Quality post full of wisdom.

The number of cases is an important criteria, but shouldn't be the Alpha and Omega.
Bit of a weird question but are you allowed to drink while having it? I tested positive the other day but I've had two bottles of wine eyeing me up all week.

no, you shouldnt drink, obviously
There are several ways of interpreting the current situation.

On the political side, I am very pessimistic and I hope the UK won't adopt further freedom-destroying measures as currently in effect in Continental Europe. Going to the pub will soon require a QR code before ordering...

From a health perspective, the following chart makes me rather optimistic


This graph makes me weirdly angry. Being in 5 month intervals just seems wrong, 3, 4 or 6 all go into 12 months perfectly :lol:
There are several ways of interpreting the current situation.

On the political side, I am very pessimistic and I hope the UK won't adopt further freedom-destroying measures as currently in effect in Continental Europe. Going to the pub will soon require a QR code before ordering...

From a health perspective, the following chart makes me rather optimistic


Deaths, as callous as it might sound, but hospitalisations is. It is brutal as the last update, from 27th shows nearly 2k hospitalisations, if that keeps going up at this rate then lockdowns will be inevitable.
Deaths, as callous as it might sound, but hospitalisations is. It is brutal as the last update, from 27th shows nearly 2k hospitalisations, if that keeps going up at this rate then lockdowns will be inevitable.

Even hospitalisations can be misleading, with a big overlap between people admitted for covid vs admitted with covid (as well as loads of outbreaks within hospitals)

The really key metric to look at over the next few weeks will be number of covid patients on a ventilator.
People need to remember that regardless of whether patients are in the hospital with covid (but primary reason being another) or because of covid, it still causes a strain because it forces them to be isolated which means that rooms where more patients could stay become single-patient rooms, it forces healthcare personnel to perform their job in full PPE which leads to fatigue and patients whose covid status is unknown end up infecting healthcare workers which leads to (even more) understaffing.

I’m pretty sick of it all to be honest. Mostly I’m sick of the spineless antivaxxers who are so strong in their anti-science beliefs until they get sick, at which point they come running to the hospital hoping that science will bail them out. I wouldn’t have an issue with antivaxxers if they just stuck to their beliefs once they got sick and stayed at home to really test the strength of their natural immune systems, instead of going to the hospital and then accepting to get a load of drugs that they definitely don’t know the long-term effects of. Twats.
Boorish Johnson is perhaps the worst prime minister in modern times. Anyone who catches COVID beyond the 20th of December the government are totally at blame. Doesn't matter if the NHS aren't overloaded lockdown should have been initiated before Christmas.

They are supposedly trying to preserve an economy :lol: if the cases continue to be above the million mark do they really think consumers will have demands for anything outside the pharmaceutical markets.

Omicron might cause more mild symptoms but its rate of spreading illness is unlike anything since the whole pandemic initiated.

At least he isn't #scottyfrommarketing - cold comfort I know.