SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Tories learn??? Not going to happen

Is not about the tories learning. Is about society learning for the next time and not moaning if there are early lockdowns like it happened in China, South Corea, Vietnam and Thailand that they reacted pretty fast with measures and society responded well as per lessons learnt in 2009
Is not about the tories learning. Is about society learning for the next time and not moaning if there are early lockdowns like it happened in China, South Corea, Vietnam and Thailand that they reacted pretty fast with measures and society responded well as per lessons learnt in 2009

For us in the west, I doubt It. All anyone really talks about is “getting back to normal” and “China should pay for this!”. Watching last week tonight a couple of weeks ago was pretty sobering. And really eye opening about our relationship with nature that we kind of take for granted. Seeing tourists walking through a tourist spot of a bat cave kinda makes you wonder what other horrors await us.

I read a thing about how Taiwan had dealt with covid. They had seen the signs before in 2003. So alarm bells went off straight away for them. They mobilised straight away. And they got back to “normal” by May last year. In fact they have dealt with it so well, that they have just reported their 10th covid related death. Not for this week. Not for this month. Not for this year. Their 10th covid related death since this all started. They didn’t feck around. They learned the lesson from 2003. Meanwhile in Blighty, we have boris not going to cobra meetings for months. Taking time off in the countryside to get a divorce so that he can marry his mistress that he knocked up. Repeatedly telling everyone how glad they will be to hear that he’s been shaking hands with covid sufferers, and that this will be all over by valentines day, Mother’s Day, Easter, the summer, Christmas, valentines day, Easter...

Frankie Boyle said it pretty well. “We're Living Through Whatever Is The Opposite Of A Golden Age Of Political Talent”.

We could have all had early lock downs and avoided all of this pain and death. But we didn’t want to the inconvenience. We didn’t want to miss horse races, and stereophonics gigs. We didn’t want to miss out on football matches, or nights out at the local for a couple of weeks or months. And even after all that, we still went to other peoples houses for Christmas dinner, and fecked ourselves worse than before.
For us in the west, I doubt It. All anyone really talks about is “getting back to normal” and “China should pay for this!”. Watching last week tonight a couple of weeks ago was pretty sobering. And really eye opening about our relationship with nature that we kind of take for granted. Seeing tourists walking through a tourist spot of a bat cave kinda makes you wonder what other horrors await us.

I read a thing about how Taiwan had dealt with covid. They had seen the signs before in 2003. So alarm bells went off straight away for them. They mobilised straight away. And they got back to “normal” by May last year. In fact they have dealt with it so well, that they have just reported their 10th covid related death. Not for this week. Not for this month. Not for this year. Their 10th covid related death since this all started. They didn’t feck around. They learned the lesson from 2003. Meanwhile in Blighty, we have boris not going to cobra meetings for months. Taking time off in the countryside to get a divorce so that he can marry his mistress that he knocked up. Repeatedly telling everyone how glad they will be to hear that he’s been shaking hands with covid sufferers, and that this will be all over by valentines day, Mother’s Day, Easter, the summer, Christmas, valentines day, Easter...

Frankie Boyle said it pretty well. “We're Living Through Whatever Is The Opposite Of A Golden Age Of Political Talent”.

We could have all had early lock downs and avoided all of this pain and death. But we didn’t want to the inconvenience. We didn’t want to miss horse races, and stereophonics gigs. We didn’t want to miss out on football matches, or nights out at the local for a couple of weeks or months. And even after all that, we still went to other peoples houses for Christmas dinner, and fecked ourselves worse than before.

I agree 100%, but reports must be done and articles must be published to see what happened and how we could act better. without them 100% we would not learn, with them there might be a better reaction. Maybe not as good as Taiwan but better that is something. At least the population will know what it means. If not a part of the population and by then, lets hope Boris and other bad leaders will not be in power and free of the chains of the past mistakes and be able to do the right thing and the population understand why is done and do it quickly
This article is interesting/surprising. Goes against the prevailing narrative in this thread anyway.

Anyone from the US know if it’s misleading in any way? Has Florida’s no lockdown approach really been as successful as it’s portrayed?

paywalled, but i read on twitter they didnt even normalise for population in some of their comparisons. and if you go by waves of deaths/infections, there are impacts of the earlier opening-up that are obscured by the type of graph they use (log scale).
For us in the west, I doubt It. All anyone really talks about is “getting back to normal” and “China should pay for this!”. Watching last week tonight a couple of weeks ago was pretty sobering. And really eye opening about our relationship with nature that we kind of take for granted. Seeing tourists walking through a tourist spot of a bat cave kinda makes you wonder what other horrors await us.

I read a thing about how Taiwan had dealt with covid. They had seen the signs before in 2003. So alarm bells went off straight away for them. They mobilised straight away. And they got back to “normal” by May last year. In fact they have dealt with it so well, that they have just reported their 10th covid related death. Not for this week. Not for this month. Not for this year. Their 10th covid related death since this all started. They didn’t feck around. They learned the lesson from 2003. Meanwhile in Blighty, we have boris not going to cobra meetings for months. Taking time off in the countryside to get a divorce so that he can marry his mistress that he knocked up. Repeatedly telling everyone how glad they will be to hear that he’s been shaking hands with covid sufferers, and that this will be all over by valentines day, Mother’s Day, Easter, the summer, Christmas, valentines day, Easter...

Frankie Boyle said it pretty well. “We're Living Through Whatever Is The Opposite Of A Golden Age Of Political Talent”.

We could have all had early lock downs and avoided all of this pain and death. But we didn’t want to the inconvenience. We didn’t want to miss horse races, and stereophonics gigs. We didn’t want to miss out on football matches, or nights out at the local for a couple of weeks or months. And even after all that, we still went to other peoples houses for Christmas dinner, and fecked ourselves worse than before.
Excellent post. But you’re right, we as a society won’t take any lessons from it, we will still whinge about civil liberties and have parties if another pandemic comes along
Anyone seen the Great Barrington Declaration on COVID-19 policies? It was authored and signed by the professor of medicine of Harvard, Professor of immunology at Oxford and a professor at Stanford too.


Thoughts, anyone?
Anyone seen the Great Barrington Declaration on COVID-19 policies? It was authored and signed by the professor of medicine of Harvard, Professor of immunology at Oxford and a professor at Stanford too.


Thoughts, anyone?
I havent time to read all of it now but the general gist is that we should let the less vulnerable people back out and only shield the older more vulnerable people.
I agree 100%.
Locking everyone up is only prolonging the misery.
I havent time to read all of it now but the general gist is that we should let the less vulnerable people back out and only shield the older more vulnerable people.
I agree 100%.
Locking everyone up is only prolonging the misery.
Should have been done from the start.
Anyone seen the Great Barrington Declaration on COVID-19 policies? It was authored and signed by the professor of medicine of Harvard, Professor of immunology at Oxford and a professor at Stanford too.


Thoughts, anyone?

Already been discussed endlessly, it's been widely discredited by the scientific community. Of course the fact that it was funded by a US libertarian think tank and billionaire climate change denier Koch should be enough of an indication.
Anyone seen the Great Barrington Declaration on COVID-19 policies? It was authored and signed by the professor of medicine of Harvard, Professor of immunology at Oxford and a professor at Stanford too.


Thoughts, anyone?

It’s bollox. With a bunch of absolute shysters behind it. That Gupta bint in particular has a lot to answer for. It’s rare for one scientist to be so consistently wrong, so often, as she has over this past year.

The timing was funny too. Right before society opened (although not as much as they wanted) and kicked off this latest wave which brought hospitals to their knees and kicked off a bunch of seriously problematic variants.
@Penna @11101 I'm hearing rumblings about a tougher lockdown coming our way. It sounds like we might have a crap spring. What's a good source for immediate news for this?

The government is discussing options including a 3 week total lockdown and a weekend only lockdown with an earlier curfew. Ever since Draghi came to power the Scientific Committee has turned militant, but I think they know extreme measures will not go down well because they haven't achieved anything with them on previous occasions. There is also talk of combining it with a mass vaccination campaign, although that begs the question what they think they are doing now.

I use for national news. Like Sky in the UK they're good at breaking stories quickly.
The government is discussing options including a 3 week total lockdown and a weekend only lockdown with an earlier curfew. Ever since Draghi came to power the Scientific Committee has turned militant, but I think they know extreme measures will not go down well because they haven't achieved anything with them on previous occasions. There is also talk of combining it with a mass vaccination campaign, although that begs the question what they think they are doing now.

I use for national news. Like Sky in the UK they're good at breaking stories quickly.

ok cheers. Italians have brought this on themselves. it's been lax for months now.
@Penna @11101 I'm hearing rumblings about a tougher lockdown coming our way. It sounds like we might have a crap spring. What's a good source for immediate news for this?
La Repubblica, ANSA (which is in Italian and English) or - you know I like the last site, as it's particularly helpful for Brits living in Italy.
Anyone seen the Great Barrington Declaration on COVID-19 policies? It was authored and signed by the professor of medicine of Harvard, Professor of immunology at Oxford and a professor at Stanford too.


Thoughts, anyone?

Idiotically wrong.

The approach they suggest makes all the things they want to improve worse.
Just £37bn down the shitter, but they can't pay doctors and nurses.

Covid-19: NHS Test and Trace 'no clear impact' despite £37bn budget

Anyone who thought that was a good idea was a plank. From the off it was obvious it was pointless and a waste of money. Some in here were banging on like it would cure covid :lol:
Anyone who thought that was a good idea was a plank. From the off it was obvious it was pointless and a waste of money. Some in here were banging on like it would cure covid :lol:

Contact tracing as a concept works, proven in many Asian countries. The problem is when you outsource to try to deploy at scale, quickly. The local councils and NHS trusts have proven to have more effective contact tracing than the centralised system. Putting that money into the local system would have problem generated different results in this pandemic.
Track and Trace, it came too fast. RedCafe said it had a chance.
37 billion down the drain, local councils and NHS trusts win again.
All they had to do was spend a fraction of that on just getting this country masked up back in late spring and we would never have gone over the 100k death mark. Sounds like hindsight, it really isn't.
I havent time to read all of it now but the general gist is that we should let the less vulnerable people back out and only shield the older more vulnerable people.
I agree 100%.
Locking everyone up is only prolonging the misery.

You know whose prolonging the misery? cnuts. Thats who. Went into a shop yesterday, a small petrol station so I could return something to Amazon. Next I hear is two guys coming in behind me who hadn't seen each other for a bit. Heres who that conversation went.

"Whats up with you?"

"I don't know, Ive got a covid or a cold. Something killing me."

The cnut might have had covid but he was still happy to walk around and pass it on to other people in shops and at his work. This cnut, and cnuts like him are why the misery is prolonging.

Good thread on what the end game looks like.

Interesting thread, basically could be a few more years of behavioural change to cope with the spread of the virus as the variants take their course in the seasonal periods. Boosters will no doubt help ease the burden.
You know whose prolonging the misery? cnuts. Thats who. Went into a shop yesterday, a small petrol station so I could return something to Amazon. Next I hear is two guys coming in behind me who hadn't seen each other for a bit. Heres who that conversation went.

"Whats up with you?"

"I don't know, Ive got a covid or a cold. Something killing me."

The cnut might have had covid but he was still happy to walk around and pass it on to other people in shops and at his work. This cnut, and cnuts like him are why the misery is prolonging.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Probably buying smokes from his dole money as well!

What the?

It's the disruption and uncertainty, in people's lives, routines, income, and other. There's a solution to adjust some of these demographic issues down the line, at least for desirable countries, but I don't see it being used broadly enough: immigration.
Anyone who thought that was a good idea was a plank. From the off it was obvious it was pointless and a waste of money. Some in here were banging on like it would cure covid :lol:
Track and trace is an essential tool to control a pandemic. It has worked very well in various countries e.g. Taiwan, Australia and NZ. However, it only works if you don't allow the virus to run riot as track and trace will then be overwhelmed.

At least the Tories managed to filter billions of your hard earned tax dollars to their mates.

Why do you keep electing these evil clowns?
The trials didn't compromise safety in any way.

You need to be vaccinated to go to school in many countries. US Universities also usually demand it. Yoy can't travel to some countries without being vaccinated against various things. Airlines and most countries will demand it.

So you have a choice to not vaccinate and have your opportunities restricted accordingly.

For one Dr Peter Doherty stated that he thought we could have a vaccine by September and he wasn't far off.

These vaccines are just as safe as every other vaccine that you have ever taken without question. They have had exactly the same safety trials. The large number of infections, streamlining of the admin process and accepting the financial risks from producing millions of doses in the hope they wouldn't have to be binned is why it was quick. Safety was in no way compromised.

Normal long term post approval monitoring find very very rare side effects that you don't find in phase 3 trials because they are so rare. In this case very very rare side effects, if any, are orders of magnitude better than not vaccinating.

Thank you for your response. Let's take a look..

The trials didn't compromise safety in any way.

They went through the phases from what I read, but I also read the FDA didn't officially "approve" the vaccine, they just gave it EUA (Emergency Use authorization). The testing went directly to humans and skipped animal testing. From what I read the flu vaccine was tested on animals. This makes me uneasy.

You need to be vaccinated to go to school in many countries. US Universities also usually demand it. Yoy can't travel to some countries without being vaccinated against various things. Airlines and most countries will demand it.

So you have a choice to not vaccinate and have your opportunities restricted accordingly.

Right, but I don't think you can compare this to going on a trip to Thailand and getting your shots. This vaccine will alter the way we change our life and the above scenarios you wrote is not really a choice, is it?

For one Dr Peter Doherty stated that he thought we could have a vaccine by September and he wasn't far off.

Okay so one or two people. The rest were saying it would take years (including everybody's Corona God Mr. Fauci)

Look, I'm not against vaccines but if one doesn't realize how this is a huge violation of our freedoms then there's something seriously wrong with that.

Also.. we know nothing about MRNA technology, how can you determine it is safe? It has NEVER been used up until now, this is the first of it's kind - so a few months of trials do not sit well with me.

My problem with this vaccine, this virus, is the divide it has caused between people. My problem is that 1 year onwards from the breakout, we are still treating this virus as if it was an extremely deadly virus that we thought from day one, when it's not (the figures prove between healthy people it has a 99% survival rate).

My problem is that if we mention all of the bad things that have come from lockdowns, then we are Trump supporters. We are ignoring the fact that the byproduct of lockdowns have killed us more than this virus! Looking around my family, I feel we have all aged 10 years the last year of being in lockdown. I believe our approach to these lockdowns given the survival rate, given the fact that we have pushed aside surgeries has proved our response to this virus to be embarrassing.

My best friend's mother could not get chemotherapy done last year because the hospital was "overflooded" with covid patients. A cancer patient was left to die! Small businesses have been wiped out in my city, mental illnesses, divorces, suicides... all this has sky rocketed. Our kids have developed anxiety. It's just awful man, and I'm really disappointed in humanity that if you bring up the above points then you're a conspiracy theorist.
Thank you for your response. Let's take a look..

They went through the phases from what I read, but I also read the FDA didn't officially "approve" the vaccine, they just gave it EUA (Emergency Use authorization). The testing went directly to humans and skipped animal testing. From what I read the flu vaccine was tested on animals. This makes me uneasy.

Right, but I don't think you can compare this to going on a trip to Thailand and getting your shots. This vaccine will alter the way we change our life and the above scenarios you wrote is not really a choice, is it?

Okay so one or two people. The rest were saying it would take years (including everybody's Corona God Mr. Fauci)

Look, I'm not against vaccines but if one doesn't realize how this is a huge violation of our freedoms then there's something seriously wrong with that.

Also.. we know nothing about MRNA technology, how can you determine it is safe? It has NEVER been used up until now, this is the first of it's kind - so a few months of trials do not sit well with me.

My problem with this vaccine, this virus, is the divide it has caused between people. My problem is that 1 year onwards from the breakout, we are still treating this virus as if it was an extremely deadly virus that we thought from day one, when it's not (the figures prove between healthy people it has a 99% survival rate).

My problem is that if we mention all of the bad things that have come from lockdowns, then we are Trump supporters. We are ignoring the fact that the byproduct of lockdowns have killed us more than this virus! Looking around my family, I feel we have all aged 10 years the last year of being in lockdown. I believe our approach to these lockdowns given the survival rate, given the fact that we have pushed aside surgeries has proved our response to this virus to be embarrassing.

My best friend's mother could not get chemotherapy done last year because the hospital was "overflooded" with covid patients. A cancer patient was left to die! Small businesses have been wiped out in my city, mental illnesses, divorces, suicides... all this has sky rocketed. Our kids have developed anxiety. It's just awful man, and I'm really disappointed in humanity that if you bring up the above points then you're a conspiracy theorist.
Have heard this said but many supposedly healthy people have passed away from it, including one of my neighbours. It’s the randomness which makes it particularly dangerous
If the virus mutates and we get a varient that the current vaccines don't work on does that mean we have to tweak the vaccines and 'revaccinate everyone from scratch?
How bad are things in Brazil? Just going by the numbers, they were never good, and they have started getting worse.