But it also costs business money for constantly opening and closing. I bet most staff and companies would prefer definite plansThe perspective of somebody whose revenues won't be directly impacted by a new full lockdown?
But it also costs business money for constantly opening and closing. I bet most staff and companies would prefer definite plansThe perspective of somebody whose revenues won't be directly impacted by a new full lockdown?
Yeah but if everyone is not fully immune what’s the point? 50% is still a huge gamble with people’s healthI'm just saying there is a reason they are doing it.
They're trying to get as many people as possible immunised NOW
I think the stats work better than that, particularly with the AZ vaccine where we do know more about what happens beyond the 3/4 week window. We know that not only does dose1 reduce the odds of developing symptomatic covid, it also reduces the odds of being hospitalised - to more or less zero in the trial. In the AZ case the second dose arriving at 8 weeks plus, not only does no harm in terms of the subsequent protection level, it may do some good.Yeah but if everyone is not fully immune what’s the point? 50% is still a huge gamble with people’s health
I didn’t say that the wider statistics don’t show a terrible situation. Simply commented about that one statistic.
But from that single statistic that you go on to say "Clearly it does show cases are rising generically but not much more then that"
We all know we are in a terrible situation. That goes without saying.
Unless I got the wrong end of the stick, your comment seems to suggests that things aren't as terrible as they seem.
Can someone explain to me how schools are safe (30-60+ households mixing with no social distancing especially in Primary) whereas 2 or more households mixing in their own home, or in a pub / restaurant with social distancing in place, is not?
Or how schools are safe in the rest of the UK but not in London?
I'm confused. Or is this just Boris and his “loveable buffoon” act again?
I remember Fauci saying they were looking at 60k deaths in the US..55k cases, 454 deaths.
When this all eventually ends death toll is going to be well over 100k isn't it? Considering the "best case" outcome was predicted at 20k deaths by Vallance and co back in March that suggests a few mistakes have been made along the way. I always thought things would flatline at around 60k but that was just for the first wave, speeding past that now sadly.
I'm just saying there is a reason they are doing it.
They're trying to get as many people as possible immunised NOW
I could see the reasoning behind getting as many people as possible partially immunised this if there was a vaccine shortage. But this doesn't appear to be the case with the Oxford/Based on their track record, it sounds like another government half measure.
My genuine concern is that this government, are yet again, looking at this from an economic perspective, seeing if they can get away with partial immunisation and save the treasury a huge amount of money. It's a huge gamble with peoples lives. Perhaps I'm being cynical, however based on their record, this government couldn't win a bet in a one horse race.
The distinction between schools in London and schools everywhere else is the communities they’re coming from and the level and type of virus they’re exposed to. London is in the most severe circumstances because it has a much larger share of the more transmissible strain of the virus, which makes it easier for everyone to get it and everyone to pass it on. So children still get it and pass it less often than adults, but the chances of a child getting it and passing it on in London is substantially higher than in Liverpool. It is not that kids are more likely to get it in London schools, it is that kids are more likely to get it anywhere in London, in large part because their parents and siblings are also more likely to get it and bring it into the household. So higher levels of transmission change the risk calculation. It isn’t double standards, it’s looking at two different situations through the same lens.
I don't see why opening schools would be a good idea for children in Liverpool and a bad one in London.
There should be a single national policy about schools and children who are a very specific population group Covid-wise.
The lack of clarity and homogeneity destroys the trust the population placed in politicians.
I think you did get the wrong end of the stick.
I simply commented that that particular statistic is not a very good one. You then went on to infer from that that I was saying therefore the situation isn’t bad.
Except I simply was just saying that that statistic isn’t a great statistic. Not commenting at all on if the situation is terrible. It quite clearly is. And there’s many many better and more relevant statistics that show that. The number of tests returning positive as a % of tests taken is useful insofar as it might indicate a trend, but other then that does nothing because it has too many variables that impact it other than having the virus or not which make it less helpful.
I think you did get the wrong end of the stick.
I simply commented that that particular statistic is not a very good one. You then went on to infer from that that I was saying therefore the situation isn’t bad.
Except I simply was just saying that that statistic isn’t a great statistic. Not commenting at all on if the situation is terrible. It quite clearly is. And there’s many many better and more relevant statistics that show that. The number of tests returning positive as a % of tests taken is useful insofar as it might indicate a trend, but other then that does nothing because it has too many variables that impact it other than having the virus or not which make it less helpful.
That won't have been the reason for their decision. If they don't enter a full lockdown it'll be entirely due to economic ideology. The idea that the government could suggest people work from home or not go to school when they have the power to legally enforce both those things for the public good is an idea of diminished public capacity which comes from four decades of neoliberalist free market politics. Which is also why the US, UK, and any countries closest to their economic model in the developed world seemed to do disproportionately bad.. If they've decided the risk to education is worse than the risk to health then fine but they'll have to politically own the impacts to covid spread because of their decision.
Do you have access to a Google machine?Just found out my partner did a c-section on a patient who later tested positive for covid. She had to self isolate and whilst I don’t, I have no idea how to act in the house. Do I just stay away from her, sleep in different rooms etc?
10-15 staff members taken out in one go apparently
Checking the UGove map for infections shows that my area has gone up from 132/100,00 to 205/100,000 to 499/100,000 in the last 3 days. It was going down but has now started to rise quickly.
Do you have access to a Google machine?
I don't think the lines are that clearly drawn. Closing schools is a bad idea in Liverpool and a bad one in London. Opening schools is a bad idea in Liverpool and a bad one in London. They're choosing between two bad choices and in that context, their national policy is for schools to be open wherever possible. Education is a priority that comes ahead of many parts of the economy and social connections. It's one of the few things they've been consistent on for months.
Their understanding of virus transmission right now is that the strain of the virus that transmits 50% quicker is now the dominant strain in London, but not in Liverpool. So "wherever possible" includes Liverpool, but doesn't include London. The current public health recommendations are that "tier 4" restrictions are not enough to hold back transmission of this worse strain, more needs to be done, and quite possibly those areas will be going back to exactly what we went through in March. But that is a last resort that they will only apply in the areas where that worse strain is very prevalent.
They still "hope" that tier 4 restrictions will be enough to hold back transmission with schools open, because their understanding of the data from the last lockdown is almost all areas that were in tier 4 and didn't have that strain did actually see transmission fall to acceptable levels. But that may just be selective misreading in the data, and if they get that wrong they'll just impose more restrictions on the other regions not long after. Personally I'm not sure why people are asking for that to happen. Some people seem to think if schools close then maybe we won't have to cut back on some of the other stuff that us adults like to do. If schools are closed for a significant period it means things are really bad and there will be more restrictions for all of us.
There are obviously pros and cons to a regional strategy but it was what the majority of the public wanted after the first national lockdown. Area x shouldn't be "punished" because of the "bad behaviour" of area y is a very popular view at the moment, particularly in conservative media. I agree with you that disadvantaging children's education in one area for a significant period of time while allowing others' to get on as normal comes with specific challenges that raise some difficult questions.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if the said they were prioritising Primary schools because online learning is too limited for the younger ones. I'm more dubious about them allowing Secondary to continue - especially fulltime on-site - the autumn term contained a massive missed opportunity to improve online resources and complete the roll out of laptops/data hotspots where needed. That makes me suspect they hadn't even thought about it, crossing their fingers and hoping for the best isn't the same as prioritising it.I don't think the lines are that clearly drawn. Closing schools is a bad idea in Liverpool and a bad one in London. Opening schools is a bad idea in Liverpool and a bad one in London. They're choosing between two bad choices and in that context, their national policy is for schools to be open wherever possible. Education is a priority that comes ahead of many parts of the economy and social connections. It's one of the few things they've been consistent on for months.
Just found out my partner did a c-section on a patient who later tested positive for covid. She had to self isolate and whilst I don’t, I have no idea how to act in the house. Do I just stay away from her, sleep in different rooms etc?
10-15 staff members taken out in one go apparently
Went in an hour earlier on Thursday just to catch up with some death certificates that had unfortunately been racking up during the week. Yes, it is as morbid as it sounds.
When you write in a death certificate, you also write in a "receipt" that stays within the book (as you tear out the actual death certificate), which also includes the causes of death.
I had a quick look through the many, many, many receipts that were there and the vast majority of them were 1a - COVID 19.
Bollocks to those who still think that doctors put down shit like: 1a Myocardial Infaction/(Heart attack), 1b COVID; or 1a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (Brain bleed) 1b. COVID.
That shit doesn't happen and I can't believe people still think it happens. The only times I've put COVID in the death certificate when it wasn't the primary reason for the cause of death is when a patient is in the process of getting over the oxygenation failure from COVID and then pick up a hospital acquired pneumonia which worsens their condition again. In that case it would be 1a - Bacterial Pneumonia, 1b COVID.
Anywho our hospital is changing to a 7 day working week from now on as it's too unsafe in "out of hours" like weekends and after 5pm when ward teams head home.
So for the foreseeable future, everyday will be 12 hour shifts with the occasional day off or two so we still keep within the rough range of hours of our contracts.
This is despite practically everyone exceeding the hours of our contract anyway. Think the earliest I've left work over the last few weeks is 17:45.
We'll hit a 1000 deaths per day sometime this week.
I'm also pissed about this new vaccination change. I was due my second vaccine dose this Thursday.
I understand that you want more people vaccinated but I didn't accept to be part of a clinical trial to see the effectiveness of the vaccine by waiting 12 weeks between doses. Pfizier has rightly condemned this as well as their "~90% effectiveness" is based on a 3 week gap between doses.
I felt like absolute death after my first dose, and I wouldn't have had it so early if I knew this was the case as I had COVID a second time in October which meant I was probably still deemed immune by the time I received the first dose. I genuinely would have declined it if I knew they'd mess around with the schedule like this. This was not what we agreed when we accepted to take the vaccine as early as we did.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if the said they were prioritising Primary schools because online learning is too limited for the younger ones. I'm more dubious about them allowing Secondary to continue - especially fulltime on-site - the autumn term contained a massive missed opportunity to improve online resources and complete the roll out of laptops/data hotspots where needed. That makes me suspect they hadn't even thought about it, crossing their fingers and hoping for the best isn't the same as prioritising it.
The continuing hesitation over advice to Universities and Colleges is even worse as it has less actual educational necessity behind it, and a lot of extra potential for spreading problems around the country.
Then finally we get the question of, "so what do we sacrifice to keep the schools open?" and we get the easy bits, the pubs, the restaurants, the gyms, the non-essential shops. But take a look at Tier4 rules - those aren't the March/April lockdown rules. Places of worship stay open, so do support groups, and there are a whole bunch of other things that we realised were essential whether for mental health reasons or sheer practicality - like house moves etc, that are listed there. The default "stay home" now only really applies to certain aspects of certain people's social lives and some businesses - who can't workaround the rules.
So basically I hear the "we've prioritised schools" - but I don't see the evidence that we've done enough elsewhere to match how we acted in March/April (against a less transmissible strain) let alone match that and keep schools open. Especially not now as we head into winter, and we don't have the immense advantage that the "chance to say hello and hand the shopping over in the front garden" spring weather gave us.
The NYT is a highly partisan paper that takes a dim view of the UK as they believe it is representative of a political ideology opposed to the one they espouse. It’s a shame that they claim the policy that they have misrepresented could cause vaccine scepticism when in fact that’s exactly what they’re doing with this politically motivated hit job.
Public Health England’s Covid “green book” recommends that “it is reasonable to offer one dose of the locally available product to complete the schedule” if the same vaccine used for the first dose is not available. But it adds: “There is no evidence on the interchangeability of the Covid-19 vaccines although studies are under way.”
Is your partner getting vaccinated soon? An obstetrician friend of mine is livid that she seems to be one of the last specialities in the queue. All her patients are in the 18-44 age group with the highest incidence of cases and one thing you can never do at a two metre distance is deliver a baby!
She also said they’ve had a bunch of new mums re-admitted to hospital shortly after discharge, after contracting covid at home. In most of these cases the baby was also testing positive.
She’s heard nothing whatsoever about getting a vaccine. Her hospital only received the vaccine (Pfeizer obviously) on 23rd December. They all had to fill in a form saying they wanted it and including their risk factors and she hasn’t heard anything since.
She doesn’t have any risk factors - unless her black ethnicity counts, I’m not well informed enough to say - and hasn’t heard anything since.
Seems to be a bit of a postcode lottery going on right now, for HCWs and patients. Hopefully get sorted soon now the Oxford vaccine is coming online.
We definitely need a lockdown now we have to try and keep control of the virus so that we can vaccinate enough people to get some degree of herd immunity by Easter.Unfortunately most of the country will be over 600 in the next week or so . My area in Liverpool us at 210 but parts of the city are already at 500. January is going to be pretty awful for UK . We will have a complete lockdown soon and then things should get better in Feb
I've asked the same questions myself. During the initial lockdown and even until today.