It not sure it’s just British people. Be interesting to see if there are similar reactions elsewhere.
there’s certainly a lot of people who can’t see the point in the restrictions, and who are taking the piss. Perhaps because they can’t see the implications of their actions immediately?
we are certainty not a country United that’s pulling in the same direction. That’s very clear, and not just from corona.
I don’t get the obsession with Christmas, and this sudden need for everyone to see each other. Use zoom or Skype for goodness sake. There should be a focus on people who are in care homes, and haven’t been able to see elderly relatives/ grandchildren but for most people, it should be a case of suck it up.
we don’t need a 5 day period to go wild and visit everyone. People will not stick to this 3 family bubble, there’s no enforcement, and I know people who will just go from family to family for 5 days having a party every day.
of course there are people taking the high ground, but they presumably are not spreading the virus from their ivory tower?
i would suggest there are more people pushing the boundaries to what’s acceptable, or making up scenarios to bend/ circumvent the rules.
too many people want a rule for everything and every single thing that can happen. It’s pretty simple, just reduce contact with people.
I might be baa humbug, but a big Christmas is not needed this year. No need to see people outside your immediate family.
I’d rather that that have a national lockdown in January, which is an inevitable outcome when the R value goes through the roof as a result.