Reposting an article from a couple of weeks back for anyone thinking about Christmas etc and meeting up with family, or trying to explain to relatives why you don't think the family should meet up. What's nice is that it also covers risk reduction if you are meeting up.
Shorter visits, ventilation, turn the background music down so you don't have to shout, avoid sitting face to face - all may help. As, of course, would a commitment from everyone to avoid other kinds of contact in the week before.
Take the specific numbers it mentions as coming with lots of "more or less" provisos, but the broad sweep is probably accurate.
Shorter visits, ventilation, turn the background music down so you don't have to shout, avoid sitting face to face - all may help. As, of course, would a commitment from everyone to avoid other kinds of contact in the week before.
Take the specific numbers it mentions as coming with lots of "more or less" provisos, but the broad sweep is probably accurate.