Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Fecking hell
Must admit - Burnham is coming across as excellent, regulalry!
I don’t know. Cases doubled from the start of August to the end of August. It’s increased 7 fold since then. The curve was relatively flat before that. I’m no expert though, I just wouldn’t believe half baked explanations from politicians on that.That’s been bothering me too. Although I heard an ID consultant the other day say that it’s really just continued exponential growth that started in July/August. Which is a fair point.
If you look at a graph of cases in Uk/Ireland you can see the curve starting its upward trend a few weeks before schools opened and exponential curves always seem explosive once they get past a certain tipping point.
He stood up for what was right, and what he believed in, and he was completely right to do so. Those extra bodies are all on Boris, not Burnham.You won't be saying that when Mancunians are dying in overflowing field hospitals because everybody now thinks its ok to ignore the government.
It certainly has nothing to do with the schools being open, or Universities. It also has nothing to do with being encouraged back into the workplace, or eating out to help out. That upwards curve if solely my fault for having a chat in my neighbours garden.I don’t know. Cases doubled from the start of August to the end of August. It’s increased 7 fold since then. The curve was relatively flat before that. I’m no expert though, I just wouldn’t believe half baked explanations from politicians on that.
So are the gym's staying open then?
Fecking hell
Closer to 180 IMOI said we'd see above 20k on cases due to the reporting lag, same could be applied with the deaths. It'll pick up to about a 150 daily average this week.
Thank god for that.Looks like it.
I honestly think it is right now. Don’t know exact stats but it has to be more than half looking at what people are saying.Blimey is Poland really that bad?!Think U.K was estimated at 30% of people who were reluctant to take a vaccine for whatever reason.
The Manchester situation swings both ways, by not enforcing further restrictions straight away things get worse but I certainly agree with him in a few ways.
Restrictions don't go far enough to stem the flow imo.
At the same time, a considerable portion of population live pay check to pay check.. 67% of a paycheck.. + in missing out of tips. For some people that's rent but not food
Government are cnuts but guess who'll win the next general election.
You won't be saying that when Mancunians are dying in overflowing field hospitals because everybody now thinks its ok to ignore the government.
Nah he is as much of a Cnut as Cummings.
He has to fight this. Liverpool got £44m which works out to about £29 per capita.
Lancashire got £42m which works out to about £28 per capita.
In contrast £60m offered for Greater Manchester would be about £21 per capita.
£79m would be the equivalent figure for Greater Manchester. So that 80mil figure he asks for is right.
Now the government have gone down to £22m which is less than £8 per capita.
He has to fight this. Liverpool got £44m which works out to about £29 per capita.
Lancashire got £42m which works out to about £28 per capita.
In contrast £60m offered for Greater Manchester would be about £21 per capita.
£79m would be the equivalent figure for Greater Manchester. So that 80mil figure he asks for is right.
Now the government have gone down to £22m which is less than £8 per capita.
He stood up for what was right, and what he believed in, and he was completely right to do so. Those extra bodies are all on Boris, not Burnham.
He has to fight this. Liverpool got £44m which works out to about £29 per capita.
Lancashire got £42m which works out to about £28 per capita.
In contrast £60m offered for Greater Manchester would be about £21 per capita.
£79m would be the equivalent figure for Greater Manchester. So that 80mil figure he asks for is right.
Now the government have gone down to £22m which is less than £8 per capita.
He stood up for protecting his votes. If he cared about anything else he would not have been so vocal and so public with it all.
I'm glad the government has made an example out of him. Regional government needs to reminded this situation is not a vote winner to be played with. If we don't have a central strategy to deal with the virus we will never get the better of it.
You underestimate Cummings.Nah he is as much of a Cnut as Cummings.
So was it Burnham who ignored his own scientists in mid September? Did he also send the University students back into halls?You won't be saying that when Mancunians are dying in overflowing field hospitals because everybody now thinks its ok to ignore the government.
I'm fully aware governments have and will continue to get it wrong, few moreso than the UK. But countries need to stay together and plan as a collective or there is no chance. Various regions and councils (and the media) arguing and undermining is guaranteed to only end one way.
Then it seems to me that, sans public reasoning to the contrary, Manchester should have been afforded the same funding as other areas undergoing similar stresses. If we're supposed to all be in this together and acting as a collective what the hell is central government doing playing favourites?
Also, you're glad he's been made an example of? Who do you think is going to suffer more through less funding being made available, Burnham or the poor feck who's job or business just vanished?
I manchester getting less money then other places in tier 3 then?Then it seems to me that, sans public reasoning to the contrary, Manchester should have been afforded the same funding as other areas undergoing similar stresses. If we're supposed to all be in this together and acting as a collective what the hell is central government doing playing favourites?
Also, you're glad he's been made an example of? Who do you think is going to suffer more through less funding being made available, Burnham or the poor feck who's job or business just vanished?
He stood up for protecting his votes. If he cared about anything else he would not have been so vocal and so public with it all.
I'm glad the government has made an example out of him. Regional government needs to reminded this situation is not a vote winner to be played with. If we don't have a central strategy to deal with the virus we will never get the better of it.
We'll have to see if anything else comes of the Manchester saga but it does look like Andy cut his nose off to spite his face. Walked away from 60m offer and from what the BBC have reported other councils that have 42-44m will have it dealt out the same way and Manchester was 22m plus 50m something initially, totaling ~75m according to the BBC, which went to around 80m today but he still refused to deal and now we have just 22m. It's not as clear cut as Manchester was only getting 22m while others were getting 44m that was misleading. The package would've been around 70-80m. Lancashire package is 42.
With just 22m I wonder if GMP,, business and the councils dare to keep things open and get the 70-80m back on the table. Hospital admissions are at the highest here so it's a mess all round. We all need to cooperate on this.
Arguments over funding are secondary and should not detract from the main issue. Burnham has been on every news station that will have him in an effort to undermine the government and the lockdown strategy as a negotiating tactic. I am glad other regions have been shown that approach wont work.
How are arguments over funding secondary? Even in countries with far worse economies than ours, many have tried to mitigate the economic impact to some extent by government backed handouts, at least in part due to the knowledge that lockdowns won't necessarily work if people are starving/ worried about paying their mortgage or rent.
Not to mention that, even if that line of argument is true, the Tories have seemingly offered less than what they were offering previously. So one has to assume that what they were offering previously is what they deemed to be what Manchester needed. They're not punishing Burnham by reducing the amount, they're punishing the citizens of Manchester.
Measures to contain the virus are the primary focus at this point. It's not July anymore, case numbers and hospitalisations are becoming deeply concerning. Agree containment policies first, then look at the economic measures. Burnham has been happy to very publicly focus on money over containing the virus and has tried to turn the people of Manchester against the government.
They have pulled the rug out precisely because of Burnham's approach to the negotiations. After all, everybody else has managed to come to an agreement. There will be many more lockdowns over the next few months and the government can't have every local council playing this game.