Our testing is shot. I got my result back today. 5 days. Result? Inconclusive.
I have been isolating with my partner for those 5 days.
My last outing was to a pub on Saturday. All four of us checked in using the App.
I advised my two friends. One is a builder and can’t work from home. But he rode to work this week instead of taking the tube, wore a mask at work and advised the other two people on site of his situation. His partner worked from home this week.
The App hasn’t alerted any of them that they’ve spent time with someone that has logged two of three symptoms. I can’t log an inconclusive test result for some reason.
This is 5 days. We’re all like minded and affluent individuals so I don’t think the impact is too bad. But what if all four of us had a job that meant we had to work with others?
This is not anecdotal evidence. This is evidencing example. There are countless stories like this.
You seem to be fixated on the numbers and percentages and who’s doing better.
The absolute core fundamentals of our system are broken. There are no examples of this System working for the majority. Fcuk loads of people are dead. The devil does not need an advocate here.
I’m not shouting at a wall, I’m pissed off. Everyone should be. The people we trust to look after society have failed us. Looking for cracks of daylight as we continue to be covered in an ever increasing pile of rubble is not helpful to anyone.
You’re suggesting that we support and buy into a narrative that is ‘Some are doing worse, few are doing better’.
Fcuk. That.