Pogue Mahone
Am I losing my mind?
This is the PHE data most recently released:
Figure 19 and 20 clearly show that workplaces and education settings are driving the wave and that hospitality has an absolutely negligible effect on it.
So why are we clambering over ourselves to argue about exactly how strict things should be, and not addressing the elephant in the room that it is simply not possible to teach kids safely and that employers have failed to make workplaces "covid secure".
I'm sure my moaning comes from a selfish place (hell, I know it does), but I simply cannot for the life of me understand why we're diverting all our attention to making miniscule changes to people's ability to actually do anything remotely fun over the next six months when it's such a tiny sticking plaster on the absolutely huge gaping wound that is education and workplaces.
I think you’re right, unfortunately. I saw a Twitter thread from a public health physician in Israel. He was absolutely convinced that it was their schools which drove their outbreak. Right the way into a second full lockdown.
Maybe less of an issue for very young kids (creches opened in the UK ages before surge started) but secondary schools seem to be riddled with the virus. Looks as though one of the biggest factor in keeping things under control over summer was keeping the kids out of school. Everywhere we look, shit starts going south within weeks of them starting up again.
It does seem harsh to put such strict restrictions on the hospitality sector when the issues are elsewhere. It’s obviously the most politically palatable scapegoat.