Music Sam Smith (Singer)

Old post I'm quoting here but the thread was bumped and I was reading through it.

Can you actually be gay and non binary? My understanding of gay was that it involves 2 males or females. If one of the people involved doesn't identify as male and they sleep with males then are they gay still? Genuine question.
Yeah I had an argument about this recently, thinking that the term lesbian shouldn't include non binary as it often excludes amab people and they are just viewing non binary as "women lite". Whereas I think gay has come to mean a lot more things, and I know women who use it who are attracted to women. Of course I got shit for that though.
You see, frogies cat, it's all about how people want to be addressed. One day you'll understand that, franches crimp. Naming or identifying someone as something they're not is actively going out of your way to be a dick. They're not going to suddenly say "oh shit, fergus cnut on RedCafe keeps fighting against this so I should back down and give them the win they so desperately need to fill the void of emptiness in their life."
Sam Smith has come out as non binary for more attention. They/them/thier whatever you want to call that person has done this to make headlines and stay relevant.
Ah I see the parasite (this discussion) has found a new host thread to feed off for a while.
Is Sam Smith that much more attention-seeking than their peers?

They're probably about normal for a modern celeb
@fergies coat
whats the issue here? Are you saying all non-binary are making it all up. Or just Sam Smith in particular?
Seems like you and @ChrisNelson have magic powers and know things everyone else in the world doesn't.

It's just an opinion.

I am just entitled to say someone born with a pen1s will always be a man, as they are to claim to be a woman, or in this case neither.

It's not to offend anyone, I don't think Sam Smith is a man because I want to upset him or anyone else - I am simply coming from a biological point of view and thousands of years of human history which we seem all too keen to eradicate just to please a few.
That's what people do though isn't it.

No it's usually something someone has felt their whole lives and have finally had the courage to publicly state. From your perspective it may seem like suddenly out of the blue, but it of course isn't. It's not something someone does on a whim.

With the (unfortunate) amount of abuse and distress this would cause someone do you really think people just wake up one morning and decide to switch gender so they can pop into the women's bathroom? They have to take pills, go through surgeries, etc...
No it's usually something someone has felt their whole lives and have finally had the courage to publicly state. From your perspective it may seem like suddenly out of the blue, but it of course isn't. It's not something someone does on a whim.

With the (unfortunate) amount of abuse and distress this would cause someone do you really think people just wake up one morning and decide to switch gender so they can pop into the women's bathroom? They have to take pills, go through surgeries, etc...
I agree but the bolded part isn't accurate, people don't have to make any fundamental change, they can and are free to identify without such steps.
It's just an opinion.

I am just entitled to say someone born with a pen1s will always be a man, as they are to claim to be a woman, or in this case neither.

It's not to offend anyone, I don't think Sam Smith is a man because I want to upset him or anyone else - I am simply coming from a biological point of view and thousands of years of human history which we seem all too keen to eradicate just to please a few.

While I disagree with your opinion, you're entitled to it but to say it is obvious and unnecessary to have pronouns on emails/bios etc. is just wrong and you've admitted as such with your comments here.
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It's just an opinion.

I am just entitled to say someone born with a pen1s will always be a man, as they are to claim to be a woman, or in this case neither.

It's not to offend anyone, I don't think Sam Smith is a man because I want to upset him or anyone else - I am simply coming from a biological point of view and thousands of years of human history which we seem all too keen to eradicate just to please a few.

'homosexuality isn't natural'

'it's just an opinion'

misgendering clearly is offensive to those you misgender. if you know this and carry on doing it anyway, then what does that say about you?