Music Sam Smith (Singer)

How else was Piers meant to tweet about it? He had to use the term 'they' as that's Smith's preferred pronoun choice. The only extra attention Piers brought to it was the inclusion of '...' in the tweet, which is pretty minor to someone with his views on gender etc.

It'd be if Linehan made a tweet about a trans woman saying " 'She' is wearing an outfit to attract attention again!"
The pejorative use of quote marks around 'they' is unnecessary.
Have you ever looked up the definitions of sex and gender? Sex is biological, based on whether you have male or female reproductive organs. That's what your books will talk about (although that's actually a bit more fluid as well, surprisingly: article from Nature). Gender is cultural, it's whether you identify with the female or male role in society. So yes, it's absolutely in your head, that's what gender is: your self-perception (and not as whimsical thing, I might add).

So you agree Sam Smith is a biological male?
How else was Piers meant to tweet about it? He had to use the term 'they' as that's Smith's preferred pronoun choice. The only extra attention Piers brought to it was the inclusion of '...' in the tweet, which is expected of someone with his views on gender etc.

It'd be the same if Linehan made a tweet about a trans woman saying " 'She' is wearing an outfit to attract attention again!"
You've just answered your own question there.
You've just answered your own question there.
Ok, so I would say that is pretty minor given the context. If he really wanted to cause controversy he could have worded the tweet as he or 'he'.

(Can't believe I'm having to 'defend' Piers here).
So you agree Sam Smith is a biological male?
I can't tell without them taking their clothes off and/or a kind of medical examination, but it's very well possible, and I suppose they are. But how does that relate to the discussion about pronouns? They serve to reflect gender.
Ok, so I would say that is pretty minor given the context. If he really wanted to cause controversy he could have worded the tweet as he or 'he'.

(Can't believe I'm having to 'defend' Piers here).
What is there to defend?

If he didn't want to cause any controversy he would've not included the quotation marks at all. Defending him because he was "only a little bit of a cnut when he could've been worse" is a new one :lol:
There's two things about the whole gender fluidity I don't understand.

1) How often should it be acceptable to change your gender?
2) If we want biological sex to have no bearing on your rights and roles in a liberal society, then why should your gender matter at all?
Apart from the outfit: Wasn't Smith (partly) responsible for the Brit Awards scrapping the gender categories of their awards? For that alone they deserve praise.
I was responding to a poster that said that a transwoman couldn't use a "female" bathroom unless she'd had surgery/was on hormones, which is incorrect:

You are right regarding the Equality Act but I don't quite understand what that has to do with what I said.

But your point is a good one and you could then ask why there was a proposed change to self-ID laws if the right to use the bathroom of your choice is already enshrined in the Equality Act.

i was just clarifying the fact that access to bathrooms isn't the crux of the self id debate.

why there are proposals to introduce self id laws is to make it easier to legally change your gender without the need for a psychiatric diagnosis. administratively it makes it easier to do things like changing your birth certificate and to ensure your correct gender on your marriage or death certificate. reducing the need for a psychiatric evaluation also makes it less traumatic for the individual, given being trans is not a mental illness and shouldn't be treated as such.

the fact gcers think self id will somehow mean more men abuse women in bathrooms is not only abhorrent fear mongering without a shred of data to support it, but also indicates their clear lack of understanding about the legislation itself.
Apart from the outfit: Wasn't Smith (partly) responsible for the Brit Awards scrapping the gender categories of their awards? For that alone they deserve praise.
Why? There wasn’t a single woman nominated for the ‘best performer in music award’? Beyoncé or Adele mentioned it in one of their speeches. I think Harry Styles did too.
I mean, what’s the right amount of thirst for attention? If that can’t be defined then how can anyone be over-thirsty?

Fecking hilarious outfit though. Especially the chubby, sweaty head sticking out the top of it. At least Bowie and Bjork looked cool.

I suppose there isn't a right amount, but there's an invisible line somewhere where people start to assume you're just attention seeking and once you cross it you invite negativity.
i was just clarifying the fact that access to bathrooms isn't the crux of the self id debate.

why there are proposals to introduce self id laws is to make it easier to legally change your gender without the need for a psychiatric diagnosis. administratively it makes it easier to do things like changing your birth certificate and to ensure your correct gender on your marriage or death certificate. reducing the need for a psychiatric evaluation also makes it less traumatic for the individual, given being trans is not a mental illness and shouldn't be treated as such.

the fact gcers think self id will somehow mean more men abuse women in bathrooms is not only abhorrent fear mongering without a shred of data to support it, but also indicates their clear lack of understanding about the legislation itself.
But isn't being trans rooted in having gender dysphoria (the disconnect between your sexed body and your gender identity), which is a mental illness similar to say body dysphoria? If it is not a mental illness, why is there a big focus on access to medical/mental health care?

I understand MH comes with a stigma or can be viewed as "wrong" but I was sure that being trans was deeply stressful and hence why people transition to match their gender and their body?

I do disagree, I think people critical of self-ID laws are more concerned for example about dangerous men, self-IDing as women so they can go to women's prison, as what recently happened in Scotland.
But isn't being trans rooted in having gender dysphoria (the disconnect between your sexed body and your gender identity), which is a mental illness similar to say body dysphoria? If it is not a mental illness, why is there a big focus on access to medical/mental health care?

I understand MH comes with a stigma or can be viewed as "wrong" but I was sure that being trans was deeply stressful and hence why people transition to match their gender and their body?

I do disagree, I think people critical of self-ID laws are more concerned for example about dangerous men, self-IDing as women so they can go to women's prison, as what recently happened in Scotland.

this is probably getting away from the topic a little too much, but not all trans people have gender dysphoria, and for those that do, it's still not a mental illness. it's just a term that describes the sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. that unease can lead to depression or anxiety of course.
Because an artist like Sam Smith (and probably others) cannot be listed under a male or female category and therefore cannot win an award.
Why can't the category be based on sex and not gender then?

Surely then you're either male or female?

Quick Google search -

Based on the sole criterion of production of reproductive cells, there are two and only two sexes: the female sex, capable of producing large gametes (ovules), and the male sex, which produces small gametes (spermatozoa)
All I can say is imagine getting on the tube in that get up. Not only are you going to be getting all up in everyone's personal spaces but you're probably going to get battered as well for looking like a prat.
My first thought was that Sam looks like he was an extra from League of Gentlemen episode at the B&B swinger party.
That's a blast from the past. The dating agency and I won the mums were classics.
Of course it is. His use of punctuation around ‘They’ is there with belittling intent, textualising (made up word) his naturally acidic and sneering state of being. He’s a massive cnut. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
You realize this is implied by your dislike (warranted mind you) of Morgan?
this is probably getting away from the topic a little too much, but not all trans people have gender dysphoria, and for those that do, it's still not a mental illness. it's just a term that describes the sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. that unease can lead to depression or anxiety of course.
OK, best leave it for another thread.
Old post I'm quoting here but the thread was bumped and I was reading through it.

Can you actually be gay and non binary? My understanding of gay was that it involves 2 males or females. If one of the people involved doesn't identify as male and they sleep with males then are they gay still? Genuine question.
I didn’t get it at first but I saw an explanation recently. My understanding is that the definition has involved to include any non-woman identity that likes men is gay. Non-binary people are classified as non-women. Same for lesbians, any non-male identity that likes women come under the lesbian umbrella I think
Of course it is. And it’s not even his own prejudice. It’s playing to his base. Who lap up shit like that.
I think they are two sides of the same coin (Smith and Morgan).

Morgan's his base will consist of people who dislike anything "modern" but there will also be people who dislike narcissists and people who are craving attention. You're probably right tbh as Morgan is so contemptible
Why can't the category be based on sex and not gender then?

Surely then you're either male or female?

Quick Google search -

Based on the sole criterion of production of reproductive cells, there are two and only two sexes: the female sex, capable of producing large gametes (ovules), and the male sex, which produces small gametes (spermatozoa)
First, it's actually not always as obvious. See the article I quoted in this bit from a previous post of mine:
Sex is biological, based on whether you have male or female reproductive organs. That's what your books will talk about (although that's actually a bit more fluid as well, surprisingly: article from Nature).
Second and more importantly: if classification is necessary, people will generally prefer to be classified according to their identify as they perceive it themselves - which is gender not sex. It will likely generally be rather painful for someone who is, for example, biologically male but identifies as a woman to be counted among men.
Attention seeking idiot, crying in his mansion because he can't cope during covid, and probably only came out as non binary to get more attention.

that was the exact time I knew I hated this cnut, surprised a few have said he’s got a good voice it sounds absolutely awful live as flat as a pancake, if it wasn’t for auto tune he wouldn’t even have a career.
that was the exact time I knew I hated this cnut, surprised a few have said he’s got a good voice it sounds absolutely awful live as flat as a pancake, if it wasn’t for auto tune he wouldn’t even have a career.
Way to read the room.