I think i have tagged everyone...
So let me ask you people,,,
How comes the previous manager before Zidane or Flick was not able to USE THE WORLD CLASS squad that was there before they were sacked.
Just answer me that...
- How comes Benitez was unable to use prime Ronaldo, Benzema but Zidane was able to use them immediately to achieve UCL...
- How comes Nico Kovac at Bayern was not able to USE THAT WORLD CLASS squad but Flick was able to use it and achieve a treble.
- How comes Conte took a Chelsea team which finished 10th in EPL to winning the title after signing only Kante, Luiz, Alonso.
Problem with some of our fans is they think they are clever than everyone else. We're delusional.
Then we flip it, How comes Moyes was given a 2013 champions team then took it to number 7 in 9 months... team of League winners... team of world class squad..
Again, i will say it here. A good manager doesn't need millions to win games, leave alone 3 year project or new squad players...
Limited managers are visible quite early. Just that some of our fans are clearly deluded and operating in hope and future success.