Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 8)

The sequel was a huge disappointment for me. That one meandered without purpose.
No, not seen that one, I'll check it out bud, cheers!

There was a great little sci fi on Netflix a while back called Midnight Special by Jeff Nicholls. Really good low key sci fi, would recommend.
It's that the one with Michael Shannon? If so, yes I quite liked that. I always thought I wasn't a fan of sci-fi but this thread showed me that I like the genre more than I realized.
It's that the one with Michael Shannon? If so, yes I quite liked that. I always thought I wasn't a fan of sci-fi but this thread showed me that I like the genre more than I realized.
That's the one chap yeah, he did another good little film on Netflix called Mud too, not sci fi but very good nonetheless.
This might be a weird place to ask but all these film threads have made consider buying more physical copies of films and make a nice collection with my favorites. Is BluRay still the way to go about it or will the technology be obsolete soon?
This might be a weird place to ask but all these film threads have made consider buying more physical copies of films and make a nice collection with my favorites. Is BluRay still the way to go about it or will the technology be obsolete soon?

Most films are still getting releases (and re-releases) on Blu Ray and 4K UHD discs so it's probably not going to die off for a while. There's some omissions (basically everything released by Netflix/Amazon/Apple TV+, barring a few exceptions) and maybe Disney are getting reluctant to visit their huge back catalogue - keep in mind they've bought the rights to shedloads of stuff. All that said, I tend to buy physical and digital copies of most, unless the movie is only available in HD as opposed to 4K, then I just stick to the digital unless it's a must have title. Streaming sound quality is shite.

Going forwards, whether 8K will gain any real traction I don't know. Bear in mind only a handful of movies even today have truly been filmed in 4K (occasionally higher - The Hobbit was 6K I believe, and Top Gun Maverick too) with the vast majority of releases being upscaled from 2K, so I'm not convinced that the 8K leap is going to be worth it yet.
Surprised to see interstellar mentioned a lot. Thought people disliked it. I watched it myself a few months ago. Still brilliant.
This might be a weird place to ask but all these film threads have made consider buying more physical copies of films and make a nice collection with my favorites. Is BluRay still the way to go about it or will the technology be obsolete soon?
The bitrate of a BluRay 4k DV disc is vastly superior to any streaming service out there. So enthusiasts on their 85 inch OLED would still prefer the physical copy
Most films are still getting releases (and re-releases) on Blu Ray and 4K UHD discs so it's probably not going to die off for a while. There's some omissions (basically everything released by Netflix/Amazon/Apple TV+, barring a few exceptions) and maybe Disney are getting reluctant to visit their huge back catalogue - keep in mind they've bought the rights to shedloads of stuff. All that said, I tend to buy physical and digital copies of most, unless the movie is only available in HD as opposed to 4K, then I just stick to the digital unless it's a must have title. Streaming sound quality is shite.

Going forwards, whether 8K will gain any real traction I don't know. Bear in mind only a handful of movies even today have truly been filmed in 4K (occasionally higher - The Hobbit was 6K I believe, and Top Gun Maverick too) with the vast majority of releases being upscaled from 2K, so I'm not convinced that the 8K leap is going to be worth it yet.

The bitrate of a BluRay 4k DV disc is vastly superior to any streaming service out there. So enthusiasts on their 85 inch OLED would still prefer the physical copy


Now that I think about it, new technology isn't that big of an obstacle. I guess the sturdiness of BluRay discs and players are more relevant over time.
I actually like most Coen brothers films - probably the comedies best, but still. I guess that's why those upset me more than they should have, especially since they kinda came all in a row. I should rewatch No Country though, I must have missed something given the high praise it continues to receive.

Read the book instead!

But Star War is like a reactionary fever dream. The resistance calls itself a republic but it’s leaders are royalty and it has a bloodline chosen person storyline. Which isn’t to say it’s bad but it’s the opposite Imo of what Fury Road is going for.

I hate having to do this nerd shit but

Charlize Theron has one truck and needs to fill that truck with the most valuable assists possible. So in a dystopian male dominated dictatorship centred around scarce resources, the good looking wives of the dictator are going to be a more valuable asset than the people begging for water. Also Theron character at the start is only interested in getting away to this fantasy idea of female dominant green place, she believes in the sexist shite just much as everyone else(Until the experiences she goes through in the film, which changes her outlook).
The models have never required any skills, they’ve only ever been used as breeding tools. They are useless and they need saving. This isn’t because of some male gaze shite but the film setting out it’s in world material reality. If these characters had any agency it would undermine the dystopian element.

Max is an example of what happens when you keep running away. That’s his role to the plot, when he says you can go forward for 160 days but there’s nothing but salt, it actually means something because when that coward tells you it’s time to go home it’s worth listening to(Plus they literally have a group discussion where everyone inputs their own ideas into why it’s a good plan

The only survivor in the first Alien movie
Granted not everyone can be god king Cameron and yes in Terminator 2 Linda Hamilton looks like pure dog shite, which is great. But if pointing to a map is a male saviour complex then I’m not sure what you think of Terminator 1.

Tbh even if all of your criticisms of the film are correct, that George Miller thinks only women like Zoë Kravitz are worth saving, that Fury Road continues the long history of the Hollywood male gaze or whatever similar shite. None of this means the film is “bad”’ or really less interesting.
These types of criticisms reminds of the Clair Denis quote - I’m a director. I’m not a social worker.

Like I’m sure there’s some in lore reason as to why the guy has a flamethrower guitar or it’s maybe a reference to the way we stupidly keep letting people have private jets while we know about climate change or a commentary on the madness of conservatism. It could have been done for a million reasons but at the end of the day, cinema is just pure vibes. A truck carrying a concert stack full of amps with some guy playing a flamethrower guitar is just fecking cool, there doesn’t need to any other reason for it.

Some of this might make sense if it was just Furiosa and no Max existed in the movie. But Max was presented as a variation on the chosen one archetype who performs superhuman feats and happens to possess the knowledge necessary to save the woman. Yet, he has no real stakes because the audience never gets the impression he could actually die. The movie would have been far better without Max at all and Theron's character would have been able to make more meaningful choices (and apparently Theron would have felt much safer making the movie without Hardy which probably explains the lack of chemistry between the two characters on screen and why Hardy came off as very unlikable). Pointless character and just an unrealistic plot device for the action sequences.

The excuse doesn't hold for the runway models with them shown prancing around washing themselves off in the middle of the desert with water, a scene better suited to a 1980s frat house comedy than this world. In a better-written movie, a lot more could have been done with these cardboard characters. It wouldn't have "ruined the dystopia" for the runway models to be better-written characters, it just would have ruined the pubescent male fantasy. The women all fit neatly into stereotypes: vacuous thin runway models, unnecessarily overweight milk donors, caricatured tough bikers.

The whole thing just fulfills the demand for style over any substance. Miller quoted as saying just "make it cool" so we get that idiot guy with the flamethrower guitar that looks silly and illogical for the depicted setting but at least it amounts to what Miller's inner 12-year-old thinks is "cool."

I don't even buy your original praise because the movie was never going to have any other ending except for a final showdown that the "good guys" win. It was the scène à faire for a Hollywood movie with a cobbled together plot and world building entirely in service of action sequences. A final battle that the good guys win was never in question. The whole film just epitomizes the one never-ending action sequence type of film to the point where the entire thing feels meaningless and boring and completely predictable. The good guys were never threatened, they were always going to win. For all the violence the movie lacked any real stakes.

But you enjoy it, awesome, have at it. We can agree to disagree.
This might be a weird place to ask but all these film threads have made consider buying more physical copies of films and make a nice collection with my favorites. Is BluRay still the way to go about it or will the technology be obsolete soon?
4K Blu rays are still the optimal picture / sound combo. I try not to buy too many now but I own hard copies of all my favourite stuff, streaming is nowhere near just yet.
Surprised to see interstellar mentioned a lot. Thought people disliked it. I watched it myself a few months ago. Still brilliant.
Sometimes people who don’t like films (things in general) are more vocal whereas people who like them only mention it when asked (I.e. votes like this thread).

Its a good film and I do like films where you have to watch and things only become clearer towards the end… this, Arrival, Predestination, Pulp Fiction, Usual Suspects, Seven (though I did guess the ending when the parcel was delivered).

As opposed to my wife … “I though John Travolta was shot?”, “how did they save him if his mission failed and he surely died?”, “what’s in that box?”

Read the book instead!
I'll add it to my reading list!

I have to agree on Fury Road. I think it would be unwise to think too hard about this film, it's not meant for that. You can read things into it if you want (like in any Hollywood blockbuster; but most disappoint in the end in that regard), but mostly it's there to enjoy the action and extravagancy of the setting. (Or not, if you're not into someone of the stereotypes.)
I think for that reason it will win more votes, but I just meanders along imo. It's also hard to judge given the multiple versions that have been released over the years.
I do think the first Bladerunner is better actually. Some nostalgia, sure, but I feel it has more atmosphere/character. It's a real film noir, which is a genre I really like; unlike the new film, which is to me more sterile in its mood (like most Villeneuve films). The new films is also a bit too long I thought.
1. Bladerunner
2. 2001 A Space Odyssey
3. Aliens
4. Metropolis
5. Flash Gordon

Honourable mentions to Solaris (both versions), Starship Troopers and The Man who Fell to Earth.
I do think the first Bladerunner is better actually. Some nostalgia, sure, but I feel it has more atmosphere/character. It's a real film noir, which is a genre I really like; unlike the new film, which is to me more sterile in its mood (like most Villeneuve films). The new films is also a bit too long I thought.

I think thats what makes Sci fi an interesting genre, it can be so wide ranging.
I think thats what makes Sci fi an interesting genre, it can be so wide ranging.
Yeah, sci-fi is often just a setting (except in films that really explore the technology); after that, you can do whatever you want with it.

I also did really like the second Bladerunner btw. I thought a lot of the cinematography is absolutely amazing (including the Vegas scenes and, especially, the chase and fight in the water at the end). I just think the first Bladerunner is even better (and that music...!).
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1. The Empire Strikes Back (pure nostalgia)
2. Children Of Men
3. Edge Of Tomorrow
4. Wall-E
5. Battle Royale

I changed my vote @Dirty Schwein . Battle Royale is sci-fi in my opinion and it's too much fun to ignore :D
Sometimes people who don’t like films (things in general) are more vocal whereas people who like them only mention it when asked (I.e. votes like this thread).

Its a good film and I do like films where you have to watch and things only become clearer towards the end… this, Arrival, Predestination, Pulp Fiction, Usual Suspects, Seven (though I did guess the ending when the parcel was delivered).

As opposed to my wife … “I though John Travolta was shot?”, “how did they save him if his mission failed and he surely died?”, “what’s in that box?”

My mam every single time. Like I'm watching it first time aswel, so I don't fecking know :lol:. Just stop asking questions and watch the damn thing haha
1. Event Horizon
2. Avatar
3. Lifeforce
4. Pitch Black
5. I, Robot

Damn you @Dirty Schwein, you should have done Top 10s. These lists would have been so much easier, especially with all that Sci-Fi goodness out there.
1. Event Horizon
2. Avatar
3. Lifeforce
4. Pitch Black
5. I, Robot

Damn you @Dirty Schwein, you should have done Top 10s. These lists would have been so much easier, especially with all that Sci-Fi goodness out there.
Firstly, that would have caused me twice as long to tally up... I have a wife, 2 kids, full time job and many hobbies!

Secondly... If I did, people would have asked for more still :lol:
Firstly, that would have caused me twice as long to tally up... I have a wife, 2 kids, full time job and many hobbies!

Secondly... If I did, people would have asked for more still :lol:

:lol:. I would have helped you out? And yeah, you're probably right.

Do you get people pm'ing their lists as the final tally always seems more than what is posted?
:lol:. I would have helped you out? And yeah, you're probably right.

Do you get people pm'ing their lists as the final tally always seems more than what is posted?
Nah. Remember the tally is on a points system. So if 10 people voted Blade Runner 1st it would end up with 100 points. If 20 people voted Predator 5th, it would be on 40 points...

1st = 10 points
2nd = 8 points
3rd = 6 points
4th = 4 points
5th = 2 points
Nah. Remember the tally is on a points system. So if 10 people voted Blade Runner 1st it would end up with 100 points. If 20 people voted Predator 5th, it would be on 40 points...

1st = 10 points
2nd = 8 points
3rd = 6 points
4th = 4 points
5th = 2 points

Shit, I missed that! I would have ordered my lists differently. Makes sense now. Thanks.
Yeah, sci-fi is often just a setting (except in films that really explore the technology); after that, you can do whatever you want with it.

I also did really like the second Bladerunner btw. I thought a lot of the cinematography is absolutely amazing (including the Vegas scenes and, especially, the chase and fight in the water at the end). It just think the first Bladerunner is even better (and that music...!).

Fair. Everyone's tastes are different. If we all liked the same thing the world would be a boring place.

1. The Empire Strikes Back (pure nostalgia)
2. Children Of Men
3. Edge Of Tomorrow
4. Wall-E
5. Battle Royale

I changed my vote @Dirty Schwein . Battle Royale is sci-fi in my opinion and it's too much fun to ignore :D

Wall-E is a great shout.
1. Donnie Darko
2. Pitch Black
3. Inception
4. Interstellar
5. Gattaca
Wall-E is a great shout.

I think it's Pixar's best. Hopefully it will make it in the animation round.

Is Battle Royale science fiction? It deserves to get in somewhere definitely.

It depicts a dystopian future society with some new(though not very advanced) tech. I'd say it's right on the edge, although it's just as much sci-fi as Children Of Men which has been mentioned plenty of times so far.
It's hard to put Battle Royale into a genre. I had it in my action top 5. iMDB has it as action, adventure, drama & thriller.
1. The Matrix
2. Minority Report
3. Interstellar
4. Ad Astra
5. [still thinking about it - will update later]
Just tallied up everything so far... 3 films are definitely through. Places 4 to 9 are tighter than a nun :nervous: