Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 8)

I'd go with 80s Harrison Ford

1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 Empire Strikes Back
1981 Raiders of the Lost Arc
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Return of the Jedi
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
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I'd go with 80s Harrison Ford

1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 Empire Strikes Back
1981 Raiders of the Lost Arc
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Return of the Jedi
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Good try but Star Wars and Blade Runner are not action movies.
Good try but Star Wars and Blade Runner are not action movies.

Blade Runner I give you but Star Wars? That's action for me. Although more light hearted than your Nic Cage ones (Con Air pretty tongue in cheek as well though but on a different (lower?) level). But it's been ages I've seen any of those and max once too because I didn't really think they're all that interesting. Surprised you didn't mention Apocalypse Now though.
Partly I had to post this because I was pretty surprised myself of this run. Pretty amazing.
Blade Runner I give you but Star Wars? That's action for me. Although more light hearted than your Nic Cage ones (Con Air pretty tongue in cheek as well though but on a different (lower?) level). But it's been ages I've seen any of those and max once too because I didn't really think they're all that interesting. Surprised you didn't mention Apocalypse Now though.
Partly I had to post this because I was pretty surprised myself of this run. Pretty amazing.
I mean I see Star Wars as sci-fi but let's say they are action... Blade Runner 100% is not action. So still not 3 constitutive action movies.

Apocalypse Now was surrounded by The Frisco Kid and Hannover. Doesn't count.
Apocalypse Now was surrounded by The Frisco Kid and Hannover. Doesn't count.

Those aren't action movies though so I didn't count 'em (Hanover Street is pre-dating Apocalypse Now on IMDB). You didn't state "consecutive movies that were all action movies", didn't you? ;D

1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 Empire Strikes Back
1981 Raiders of the Lost Arc
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Return of the Jedi
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

But since you're an avid/rabid Nic Cage fan, and he did boss it with Wild at Hearts, there is not discussing it. Thougth all those three movies you mentioned a tad too brainless for my taste. 90s OTT style which I loved as a teen but once I grew up...not so much anymore.
Those aren't action movies though so I didn't count 'em (Hanover Street is pre-dating Apocalypse Now on IMDB). You didn't state "consecutive movies that were all action movies", didn't you? ;D

1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 Empire Strikes Back
1981 Raiders of the Lost Arc
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Return of the Jedi
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

But since you're an avid/rabid Nic Cage fan, and he did boss it with Wild at Hearts, there is not discussing it. Thougth all those three movies you mentioned a tad too brainless for my taste. 90s OTT style which I loved as a teen but once I grew up...not so much anymore.
Yes you are right, I didn't phrase it properly.. it's much easier saying it to my mates than typing it here but I meant consecutive movies that were all action. Tom Cruise is the closest anyone got.
He should also get credit for all the training he gave Anderson Silva during his GOAT run as the Middleweight champion of the UFC :lol:
The main problem arising from this thread is how to categorise films. Is “Alien” sci-fi or horror? Is “Aliens” sci-fi or action/Vietnam in space? Even “Blade Runner”, which I’d say is definitely sci- fi, follows a film noir template.
Not a single movie from this list is better than Face Off. And Face Off is shit
You are clearly blinded by your hatred of The Master of Aikido.

Find me someone who made 3 constitutively amazing action films like Cage did with The Rock, Con Air & Face/Off.


Demolition Man, Cliffhanger, The Specialist

edit: bloody hell i am not the first one to suggest this :D
Rocky IV
Rambo II
(Not) Over the Top
Rambo III
Tango and Cash
Lock Up

Even better. Thank god Rocky V never happend after that :wenger:.
Find me someone who made 3 constitutively amazing action films like Cage did with The Rock, Con Air & Face/Off.

I read your post as 'consecutively', and I thought Cruise would be a shoe in for three action films in a row but the best like that for him in my opinion is Oblivion, Edge of Tomorrow and then Rogue Nation. And Oblivion isn't great, though I like it.

If it's any three though, he's certainly had his share.
You did ignore my Bruce Lee mention @Dirty Schwein , although I personally 10/10 only his Enter The Dragon, his last three pictures were all good action flics. And besides he most likely does the best action stunts himself.


it gets even better, curious what reason you'll find to dismiss it this time though. Christopher Lee:

2002 - Lord of The Rings 2
2003 - Lord of The Rings 3
2004 - Crimson River 2
2005 - Star Wars III
You did ignore my Bruce Lee mention @Dirty Schwein , although I personally 10/10 only his Enter The Dragon, his last three pictures were all good action flics. And besides he most likely does the best action stunts himself.


it gets even better, curious what reason you'll find to dismiss it this time though. Christopher Lee:

2002 - Lord of The Rings 2
2003 - Lord of The Rings 3
2004 - Crimson River 2
2005 - Star Wars III
Oh I didn't see the Bruce Lee comment but also, I've only seen Enter The Dragon so I can't say for sure... But I do know, in our action round, Con Air, Face/Off & The Rock scored higher than any Bruce Lee film.

As for the second bit... Those aren't traditional action movies!
Oh I didn't see the Bruce Lee comment but also, I've only seen Enter The Dragon so I can't say for sure... But I do know, in our action round, Con Air, Face/Off & The Rock scored higher than any Bruce Lee film.

As for the second bit... Those aren't traditional action movies!

I have yet to see a non hollywood production make the top five (even regardless the genre) in those so that doesn't mean much for me. IMDB lists all those three from Lee well beyond the 7/10 mark..ConAir on the other hand didn't make it. Enter the Dragon has the highest score of all six movies as well. I knew it couldn't be Nic Cage having shot the best three consecutive movies that all belong to the traditional action genre. :D

Btw. Have you seen Color From Outer Space? Was curious how it is.
1. Planet of the Apes (original)
2. Jonny Mnemonic
3. Ready Player One
4. Star Wars Episode 5
5. Total Recall
I have yet to see a non hollywood production make the top five (even regardless the genre) in those so that doesn't mean much for me. IMDB lists all those three from Lee well beyond the 7/10 mark..ConAir on the other hand didn't make it. Enter the Dragon has the highest score of all six movies as well. I knew it couldn't be Nic Cage having shot the best three consecutive movies that all belong to the traditional action genre. :D

Btw. Have you seen Color From Outer Space? Was curious how it is.
iMDB don't know shit!

Yes I have seen it. It's interesting, gross and fun if you're into Lovecraftian horror. Mandy is another good Cage film from the last few years.
The only 3-in-a-row you could make a case for for Bruce Lee would be The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon.

Also, according to Wikipedia, Enter the Dragon made $2 BILLION worldwide adjusted for inflation. Insane.
The only 3-in-a-row you could make a case for for Bruce Lee would be The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon.

Also, according to Wikipedia, Enter the Dragon made $2 BILLION worldwide adjusted for inflation. Insane.
The only 3-in-a-row you could make a case for for Bruce Lee would be The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon.

Also, according to Wikipedia, Enter the Dragon made $2 BILLION worldwide adjusted for inflation. Insane.

Of course those three. Not much else he unfortunately was able to do. edit: wait, it's Fist of Fury, Way of the Dragon and Enter the Dragon. Big Boss I actually prefer over Way of The Dragon (had them mixed up before, it's been a while since I saw those)

Enter the Dragon is truly excellent as a traditional action movie. Lee was an upcoming superstar in that time but yeah, unfortunately couldn't reap what he sowed. Movie connoisseurs around the world recognize his "threepeat" (=three consecutive action movies of the highest order).

iMDB don't know shit!

Yes I have seen it. It's interesting, gross and fun if you're into Lovecraftian horror. Mandy is another good Cage film from the last few years.

Agreed about iMDB. Was surprised to see The Rock ranked that high, Face/Off as well. But they favour heavily the popular American productions but what can you do? I'm not watching ConAir a second time in my life but following the general sentiments of other users here that aren't you about it the 6.9 mark is quite kind.

I'm very much into Lovecraft, and there aren't many good productions, that's why I asked. So thanks, will have a closer look. Btw. have you seen The Void? Wanted to mention it in the horror-round but forgot about it. I very much liked it.
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