Protests following the killing of George Floyd

It's a violent quote. It's difficult to accept but is there a proof that he is wrong?
I agree with the quote, especially the latter part. Now I don't know when exactly the quote was said, but I know that MLK was not the total nonviolent mindset that the whitewashed-history-learned-types like to portray in an effort to push their "thoughts" about nonviolence.
I’d like to see a venn diagram showing the people shouting about how violence isn’t the answer and the people who cling to the 2nd amendment and the need to be able to fight off their idea of tyranny one day.

"Violence isn't the answer! Where is my anti-big government AR-15?"
This is what you said...

There is no "misconception" with the authorities. It would imply they just have wrong, a bit faulty perception about something which is putting down what is actually happening.
This is racism or clear belief about being superior based just and nothing but the color of your skin. A patent behavior which so wrong, unjestiful and also, to make it worse, being done by the very same people who were put there to protect and prevent that same behavior.

Hard to talk about different "level of physicality" which has been applied when the often outcome is a death of another person just because of their colour.

So that "complaint" becomes rage.

They tried everything else. When the whole system is broken for so long, the people will eventually fight back in an equal measure. Most freedoms we value so much were achieved in the same way. Unfortunately.
you’re a troll. I clocked it from the first time I quoted you. You’re deliberately avoiding important questions, offering no solutions, and are mischaracterising the events leading up to the riots as well as attributing the looting and violence to the protesters - who have somehow lost moral ground. Forget about 400 years of pain and suffering.

stop it. If you’ve got nothing of value to say just do us a favour and shut the feck up.

I’m not trolling I swear - I’m not actively avoiding questions. I admit I don’t have the answers to overcome 400 years of surfing and injustice.

I wish I hadn’t made the moral high ground comment as I feel this has failed to articulate what I wanted to say. I tried to say that there is just cause for people to wanting action but if people resort to violence in seeking it, there is a risk that their cause gets overshadowed by the violence they too commit

just tell us what you really think fella there's no need to pretend, we know

Not sure I what you’re insinuating there.

The George Floyd murder was disgraceful and I hope that his murderers get an appropriate sentence for such callous action.

I hope that the whole of America gets behind the protests that sees an eradication of racism. I just don’t condone where protests lead to violence and innocent people losing their lives or livelihoods as a consequence.
I'm not criticizing the protests but non-violent struggle was championed by both Gandhi and MLK. It's safe to say their efforts did not lead to failures.
MLK wasn't the only once championing civil rights.
There is this myth (propagated but opressors of African Americans) that the civil rights protests were peaceful. They were extremely violent. I don't know enough about Indian history.
However. I know enough about history and read enough that most movements that have brought about real cha he habe been violent. The American revolution, The Solidarity movement, the civil rights movement, the Zionist movement anti apartheid movement. I can go on and on.
I am not propagating violence, looting killing etc mind you. I am just saying most movements that have led to real change have had some violence attached otherwise, the ruling class generally don't seem to care.
Do the people criticising protestors and rioters also stand at the bottom of burning skyscrapers and criticising jumpers for breaking windows on their way out?

"Wanton destruction of property isn't solving anything. They should just stay where they are and wait to be rescued by firefighters... while their feet are on fire."

These people are being killed. Their loved ones are being killed. Help isn't coming to those who wait patiently - it's going to have to be taken by those who take a stand for it. Most of us around the world that live lives of peace and comfort, do so on the back of such stands made by our ancestors against tyranny and oppression.
The US as an institution has no problems killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in their imperialistic wars, yet they're also going to be convinced to end institutional racism through peaceful protest. Think about that.
you think they just decided to loot stores this week, or that they see the protest as an excuse to riot/loot?
Why do you keep bunching all protesters into one, massive, homogeneous blob?

If you wanted to cause maximum levels of carnage and win over 'neutrals' or the indifferent, what would you do, or send in, to a mass of people making a stand against an established status quo?

On a basic level of underhanded tactical infiltration, how do you tilt the hand in your favour?

On top of that, the random variable of your basic anarchist or opportunist always factors into protests where tensions can overspill on a whim.

So why are you determined to see things in one way and one way only?
I hope that the whole of America gets behind the protests that sees an eradication of racism. I just don’t condone where protests lead to violence and innocent people losing their lives or livelihoods as a consequence.

Doyou think they just decided to loot stores this week, or that they see the protest as an excuse to riot/loot?
The violence and looting is the only reason why US lawmakers and law enforcement would have listened. There is literally very recent historical precedence that proves this. Hopefully it's now all receding and will fizzle out.

Also 98%+ of people were peaceful protesters. Why are you blaming them for the actions for a tiny few?

Let's see what happens next.
:lol: :(
The US as an institution has no problems killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in their imperialistic wars, yet they're also going to be convinced to end institutional racism through peaceful protest. Think about that.

Thank you.
The US as an institution has no problems killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in their imperialistic wars, yet they're also going to be convinced to end institutional racism through peaceful protest. Think about that.
Nail on the head.
Peaceful Protests on their own haven’t achieved much I agree. It goes deeper. You need training ofpolice forces / real sentences for those that use unreasonable force/kill on duty.

You need huge investment in community projects to improve the prospects of young black boys and girls.
Non of these solve the underlying racism or inequality.
At least I explain mine rather than hiding behind twitter posts. I see you ignored my other point about lumping in people who were legitimately killed by UK police with racism and police brutality.
When you make such statements, I literally have nothing else to say except it's clear you have become deeply disconnected with the society you are supposed to protect.
Im guessing the abused in Minnesota are not too worried about what people in Swansea think of their plight?

Nor should they, but this isn’t an attitude specific to these protests. It’s directed at any and all attempts to address racial inequality. They deny its existence, it’s impact. The US and police brutality is rightfully the main focus atm and the protestors have done a brilliant job in really drawing a focus to the injustice of it. All countries should be aware of the inherent systemic racism in society though, and until people actually accept that fact, it will be hard to change anything.
on the people you speak to

When you make such statements, I literally have nothing else to say except it's clear you have become deeply disconnected with the society you are supposed to protect.

Yes because me simply reiterating what a public inquiry and jury decided must mean I'm disconnected from society. You're having a nightmare and literally posting things from Twitter you have no real knowledge of.
The US as an institution has no problems killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in their imperialistic wars, yet they're also going to be convinced to end institutional racism through peaceful protest. Think about that.

That is spot on, I think that the part that is missed is that the other side has something to lose and they are the ones with the upperhand, they hold all powers and are the majority. They are not going give that up cheaply.
Why do you keep bunching all protesters into one, massive, homogeneous blob?

If you wanted to cause maximum levels of carnage and win over 'neutrals' or the indifferent, what would you do, or send in, to a mass of people making a stand against an established status quo?

On a basic level of underhanded tactical infiltration, how do you tilt the hand in your favour?

On top of that, the random variable of your basic anarchist or opportunist always factors into protests where tensions can overspill on a whim.

So why are you determined to see things in one way and one way only?

I’m not bunching all into one - I only have issues with the minority that have resorted to senseless violence. I saw a video on twitter earlier of a black guy crying in the streets shouting at people that had ransacked/destroyed his business premises. I just can’t see how that can be condoned and hate to see the legitimate protest descend into being associated with action of that sort, which I feel can only be detrimental to their cause.

Feel like I’ve fecked off half the posters in this thread, which was never my intention. I’ve genuinely not tried to troll anyone or rile emotions.

Apologies if I’ve struggled to articulate my thoughts, but having had a few posters tell me I’ve got an agenda, or worse, i‘ll leave the conversation.
He was president and didn't change much, so he better keep quiet.

Obama had eight years at the top of the world. Eight fecking years. And what's he remembered for? Killing innocent Afghani children like a coward from his drones. Not to mention thousands of other deaths. Did white police officers feck up black people in America during his tenure? Too fecking right. Did Obama say anything then or after leaving the presidency, if his hands were tied at the time? Has he ever said anything to date? Obviously nothing substantial enough.

At least Trump shows his cards. Obama has hidden his cowardice and is still hiding. Just another white president of the USA with strange skin tone who got nothing done except kill foreigner children. Oh but he tried really hard with his bills and orated well and left some sound bites. In the meantime the development of American military style police force continued to grow stronger in their conviction. No oration on that from him or his missus.

Another person. Not sure about the one you posted, her outcome that is. Is she the one that was walking home from work that someone posted about a few pages back?

Update: post #1100 by @Silva - same person in the image?

I posted about it before, three women. This woman is different to the one in the spoiler. There's another tweet of a journalist being permanently blinded because of one.

Also saw a young man's tweet about his situation and he had to have eye surgery also. Whie looking it up there were some other videos of people shot in the head and bleeding. Luckily they only had head wounds and not permanent eye damage.
I’m not trolling I swear - I’m not actively avoiding questions. I admit I don’t have the answers to overcome 400 years of surfing and injustice.

I wish I hadn’t made the moral high ground comment as I feel this has failed to articulate what I wanted to say. I tried to say that there is just cause for people to wanting action but if people resort to violence in seeking it, there is a risk that their cause gets overshadowed by the violence they too commit

Answer me this then. Why is it after numerous times people have addressed your points, given reasons how and why violence has unfortunately broken out, even provided video evidence of elements of the riots which do not originate from the purpose of the protest itself - do you keep coming back to the same old mantra that violence doesn't solve anything and even insinuate that it somehow takes away from what this is all about: 4 hundred years of oppression?

You're on repeat, don't engage with anyone trying to discuss and develop the conversation, and just come back to the same old shit constantly bringing the value of it all back to zero. Do not bullshit, you cannot be that fecking stupid. You've surely got an agenda.

If you are that stupid, then I apologise and advice you to not constantly butt in in extremely emotive topics which you have no knowledge about.
I posted about it before, three women. This woman is different to the one in the spoiler. There's another tweet of a journalist being permanently blinded because of one.

Also saw a young man's tweet about his situation and he had to have eye surgery also. Whie looking it up there were some other videos of people shot in the head and bleeding. Luckily they only had head wounds and not permanent eye damage.

At least I explain mine rather than hiding behind twitter posts. I see you ignored my other point about lumping in people who were legitimately killed by UK police with racism and police brutality.
He ignored my post as well. When I pointed out the initial tweeter was a person who clearly hasn’t got a clue about black men suffering from police brutality in the U.K. and was purely just trying to score some points over twitter.

But anyway this is Sammy’s posting style, I’ve got used to it. He does similar in the corona thread too with the government. Attaches himself to a narrative (ironically usually a commendable one) but then kinda ruins his position by spamming
the thread with endless tweets reinforcing that narrative even if more than half of the tweets are rubbish.
Yes because me simply reiterating what a public inquiry and jury decided must mean I'm disconnected from society. You're having a nightmare and literally posting things from Twitter you have no real knowledge of.
Having a nightmare according to whom? you? As you'll have gathered I dont respect your opinion on this subject.

Every tweet I've posted is literally bona fide evidence proving that your opinions can easily be disproven. We have tens of thousands of people across the UK who went onto British streets today, campaigning for Floyd George because they resonated similar injustice from their own UK life experience.

And rather than open up, listen and admit they might be saying something useful, instead you double down on your own limited view of the world and cry wolf.

But, yeah, I know nothing and you know it all. :rolleyes:
Yeah, maybe it’s putting a lot of pressure on him but is there really anybody else that could get through to the people like him, it’s a real pity that no one has addressed the people yet there has been no leadership throughout this whole thing.
He's already made a statement. Theres been attempts to deescalate but its being drowned out by Trump and the endless videos of cops being cops.
He ignored my post as well. When I pointed out the initial tweeter was a person who clearly hasn’t got a clue about black men suffering from police brutality in the U.K. and was purely just trying to score some points over twitter.

But anyway this is Sammy’s posting style, I’ve got used to it. He does similar in the corona thread too with the government. Attaches himself to a narrative (ironically usually a commendable one) but then kinda ruins his position by spamming
the thread with endless tweets reinforcing that narrative even if more than half of the tweets are rubbish.

I like him and his heart is in the right place but he gets too emotional and let's himself down. Guess we can all be guilty of that though. Just think it's quite insulting. You have to be careful when you post from Twitter to try and make a point as quite often what's on there is agenda driven nonsense.
Having a nightmare according to whom? you? As you'll have gathered I dont respect your opinion on this subject.

Every tweet I've posted it literally bona fide evidence proving that your opinions can easily be disproven. We have tens of thousands of people across the UK who went onto British streets today, campaigning for Floyd George because they resonated similar injustice from their own UK life experience.

And rather than open up, listen and admit they might be saying something useful, instead you double down on your own limited view of the world and cry wolf.

But, yeah, I know nothing and you know it all. :rolleyes:

Again you've posted all that but still not addressed the question as to why you are trying to make a point about UK racism and police brutality by posting the names of black criminals who were killed whilst in possession of firearms whilst committing an offence. What's the relevance to George Floyd who was simply getting his shopping? Not committing an armed robbery with armour piercing bullets.
Watching all this senseless police sadism from seemingly all over America I'm actually surprised that officers aren't targeted. It's worse than an occupying army.
Not now, celebrities.
Amanda Holden releases charity single 'Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud'
Obama had eight years at the top of the world. Eight fecking years. And what's he remembered for? Killing innocent Afghani children like a coward from his drones. Not to mention thousands of other deaths. Did white police officers feck up black people in America during his tenure? Too fecking right. Did Obama say anything then or after leaving the presidency, if his hands were tied at the time? Has he ever said anything to date? Obviously nothing substantial enough.

At least Trump shows his cards. Obama has hidden his cowardice and is still hiding. Just another white president of the USA with strange skin tone who got nothing done except kill foreigner children. Oh but he tried really hard with his bills and orated well and left some sound bites. In the meantime the development of American military style police force continued to grow stronger in their conviction. No oration on that from him or his missus.
1) Obama is known for Obamacare, not carrying out standard US foreign policy
2) Obama has commented on racial injustices many times before
3) You obviously don't understand the way our system of government works. Obama can't unilaterally do anything for black people. He can only direct Congress to take such measures.
4) For all Obama's faults, it was clear he was supportive of the black community in America. Look up his history.
5) "At least Trump shows his cards" is a pointless statement attempting to grasp at the most imaginary of straws.
5) The bolded is just plain ignorant

It's clear you have no clue what you are talking about. Please shut up and let the informed adults talk.
The majority of the people I’ve spoken to today have completely dismissed the protests. I’ve heard

‘If they want to be taken seriously they shouldn’t act like criminals’

‘All they care about is destroying shit’

‘how many of them have even experienced police brutality’

‘When you see what’s happening you think no wonder they treated (George Floyd) that way’

A damning indictment is that these are far from being the most offensive thing I’ve heard today. I was probably being glib when I said that they see no moral difference between these protests and football fans protesting a result. But if the case is that they do? It still makes no difference in their disposition.

Fair enough, I shouldn't have taken it so literally. I do agree with your general points.

It's not always easy, but I try to challenge people when they use such lazy arguments as you've listed. They often tend to back away from their initial comment when asked to put themselves in the position of those who have been persecuted. Maybe it's a by-product of social media, where it's expected that you have an opinion on everything, even when really you don't give a shit.
Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Frustrating as like them, I feel change is needed.

If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.

If I sit in your garden with a placard that outlines my position, every day, I can’t force you to read it.

If you step over me to get to your car every day, then a year down the line you find me sat next to your burning down house with a box of matches in my hand.... you can’t claim peaceful protest was the better move.

Burn it all down. The American system is fundamentally broken and corporate America needs to burn to make a difference. That’s how far gone it is.
Personally I think she is exaggerating a bit for camera. She says she feel afraid walking down the street and how we don't get to see the beautiful buildings yet she probably studying at Berkley university and the daughter of a doctor living in Beverley Hills. She is afraid every time a police officer Walks past her. Why? That's hyperbole. Every day the police have millions of encounters with African Americans that do not result in death or injury. To say you are blanket afraid of them is paranoia. The country is fuelled by it. I agree with her point about police forgetting they work for black people and I feel they think they are working against black people instead. They Definately need to change their attitudes and assuming black people are crimimals
What a ridiculous statement.