Protests following the killing of George Floyd

Give it up, there is no use talking about it, everyone is just seeing red at the moment and not thinking clearly.

Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Frustrating as like them, I feel change is needed.

If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.
Took me about 10 seconds to find. I dread to think what I could find on public platforms if I spent even just an hour. And who knows how many more horrific stories are on police eyes only data bases. And that's before all the allegations that cant be proved because of lack of physical evidence.

Are you saying people of colour are not abused more by British police? Is that the argument you are making?

Just to add perspective there's protesters outside Downing Street with a sign with lots of names on it. They are black people killed by UK police over the years. Have a look at some of the names on that list and the circumstances as to how they died. Just to give you an idea Nunes and Markland;

BBC News - Shot Mark Nunes and Andrew Markland 'had armour-piercing bullets'

Mark Duggan; an inquest found he was lawfully killed and whilst I appreciate the controversy around the investigation he was in possession of a firearm en-route to commit an offence.

It's quite malicious to put some of those characters on par with George Floyd, who was at the grocery store, and many of the other black people murdered by US law enforcement whilst simply going about their daily business.
If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.

Yeah, pretty much this. Which ends with innocent lives being in crossfire.
What has been achieved by remaining peaceful?

Nothing apparently - but again you’ve not said violence will change things either.

Again, if they were aiming their anger at the government / police if kind of get it.

My issue is that they’re biting their communities/looting stores - justify that...

That’s my main gripe that this mindless violence has feck all to do with the objective of the protestors /rioters. How does ransacking independent stores have any relevance to #blacklivesmatter
As the woman on Fareed said, there is no form of protest that the White man will accept because he simply does not want to be confronted with his racism.

A million times this.

Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Frustrating as like them, I feel change is needed.

If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.

It seems as though you're intentionally missing the fact that a lot of the violence isn't perpetuated by the protestors.

Also you're avoiding a large amount of questions
Maybe the protesters should re-brand themselves as a corporate entity, adopt style-less suits and soporific smiles, and wear laminated badges bearing the forgettable slogan 'We're raising awareness of something our fellow white folks might never have heard of: racism.' Then, after lobbying for tax exemptions, their complaints might be taken seriously by the authorities (after a little bribery, of course).
how are pockets of violence actually going to achieve anything?

This needs to be a movement that everyone gets behind to force change. You want everyone /black/white/Asian/young/old all shouting at the injustice.

You’re not going to get that when the protesters resort to violence!

How am I?? What do you expect these riots to achieve? How is setting fire to buildings going to overturn hundreds of years of institutional racism?


I mean, what is wrong with you? I've already pointed out how one post you say "RIOTS" and the next post you say "PROTESTS", do you even know the difference?

It's like debating fox news, just because you can't understand what's going on you've gone straight to the fecking extreme opposite. You are acting like we all want violence and rioting and all this going on, when in fact all we want is proper fecking equality and real change so people who have been persecuted for 100s of years can finally feel equal. You can't even tell me that these "riots" you speak of aren't also largely flamed by others who want this to turn ugly, you seem to think that every person out there is actually rioting. You keep dodging questions on that too.

Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Frustrating as like them, I feel change is needed.

If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.

Now you are quoting one of our most blinkered posters, one who is a know troll. This really helps your cause.

Keep your privileged moral high ground. You can act like you give a shit, but as long as you are safe and free from fear of being pulled over, I guess it's all good.

I'm done with this. Nothing worse than people pretending to give a shit.
He keeps dodging this question.

Peaceful Protests on their own haven’t achieved much I agree. It goes deeper. You need training ofpolice forces / real sentences for those that use unreasonable force/kill on duty.

You need huge investment in community projects to improve the prospects of young black boys and girls.
setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.
A minority of people are doing this but this is all you're worried about.

Setting fire to the Reagan building was perfect. You condone that I guess?
Have peaceful protests ever worked?
Looking for moral high ground when your.people are being killed left, right and centre is stupid.
As the woman on Fareed said, there is no form of protest that the White man will accept because he simply does not want to be confronted with his racism.
Colin Kaepernick was banished for kneeling at a football game ffs!
Tbh, I am a bit irritated with some here coming to criticise the protest without offering any solutions.

I'm not criticizing the protests but non-violent struggle was championed by both Gandhi and MLK. It's safe to say their efforts did not lead to failures.

I mean you are a bit of a melt but this sums up what is so wrong with America. That combination of circumstances (racism, abysmal laws/ rights/guns) it’s a nasty and very typical cocktail which means this guy is probably going to get away with that.

Over here in the U.K. to protect property you can use “reasonable force” in America you can use force up to “deadly force”. And just to balance it out, you have a gun to enable you do that.
@Florida Man - man that panhandle is acting up again.
I'd saw off the panhandle + Tallahassee Bugs Bunny style if I could. And that's probably the nicest thing I could say upon watching that.
fecking Tallahassle. Couldn’t get out of that place quick enough after graduating.
It ain't called Tallanasty for no reason. For real, get the feck out of north Florida pronto. Spent my high school years there and leaped across the state (to a slightly better, but still lame, city of Orlando) soon after graduation.
Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Frustrating as like them, I feel change is needed.

If they’d attacked government buildings for lack of action, I’d get there being a link. But setting fire to businesses of hardworking people, or simply looting high end stores for profit is fecking ridiculous and has no link to their goal.

You've now reframed the discussion and are suggesting that there are no genuine protesters and that everyone on the streets are only interested in rioting and looting.

This is not the case to suggest it is seems disinegenous in the extreme.
Yeah thats what I meant by interject, I probably didn't make it clear.

Everyone should be open and willing to learn about a subject, even if they don't agree with it.
Asking questions and being open to learning something new without prejudice is pretty much how every child learns, yet when we're adults and it comes to learning about something in society - so many people refuse to do that, whether it's ego, defensiveness or intentional ignorance - I really don't know, but it's tiresome.

I think sometimes it’s definitely intentional ignorance. Where if something is brought up that wouldn’t align with their preconceived notions is just dismissed or ignored. A lot of the time it comes down to an unwillingness to acknowledge that we have privilege. To us, the people who are protesting have no more moral backing than football fans rioting over a poor result. We were waiting gleefully for the first reports of violence, no matter the perpetrator or the context, so that we could dismiss all the protestors and their cause. Because the centuries spent being systemically discriminated against in all facets of society doesn’t really matter to us at the end of the day. It doesn’t affect us, so we’ll completely ignore the experiences and words of the people who are affected by it. Maybe sometimes even trying to justify their experience, or gaslight them completely.

I know I don’t need to let you know all this, you’ve raised all these points before and far more succinctly than I did. Just mentioning the general vibe of a lot of the people I spoke to today.

I mean, what is wrong with you? I've already pointed out how one post you say "RIOTS" and the next post you say "PROTESTS", do you even know the difference?

It's like debating fox news, just because you can't understand what's going on you've gone straight to the fecking extreme opposite. You are acting like we all want violence and rioting and all this going on, when in fact all we want is proper fecking equality and real change so people who have been persecuted for 100s of years can finally feel equal. You can't even tell me that these "riots" you speak of aren't also largely flamed by others who want this to turn ugly, you seem to think that every person out there is actually rioting. You keep dodging questions on that too.

Now you are quoting one of our most blinkered posters, one who is a know troll. This really helps your cause.

Keep your privileged moral high ground. You can act like you give a shit, but as long as you are safe and free from fear of being pulled over, I guess it's all good.

I'm done with this. Nothing worse than people pretending to give a shit.

you know feck all about me so drop the f
notion that I “pretend to give a shit”

Im not confusing protest and riots - and I’ve tried to answer/respond to as many posts as I can.

My issue is this - there is no just cause for a black/white American to loot a store or set fire to/trash shops/homes. That is where a legitimate protest descends into riots/anarchy.

nobody that has jumped on my posts has come back with any sound response to my issue above.
Nothing apparently - but again you’ve not said violence will change things either.

Again, if they were aiming their anger at the government / police if kind of get it.

My issue is that they’re biting their communities/looting stores - justify that...

That’s my main gripe that this mindless violence has feck all to do with the objective of the protestors /rioters. How does ransacking independent stores have any relevance to #blacklivesmatter

It’s not my place to tell black America how to respond to being killed and oppressed.

It’s also worth pointing out that lots of other people and groups are out there taking advantage of this situation and trying to disparage the protests.
Whenever I see questionable posts such as this I make it a habit to search certain words by the poster in the search bar just to see if they are having a mare in one thread or if their viewpoint is consistent. Anyway from what I found all I’m going to say is much like atze this is another guy not worth debating with on racial issues.
Good to know. Thanks.
Peaceful Protests on their own haven’t achieved much I agree. It goes deeper. You need training ofpolice forces / real sentences for those that use unreasonable force/kill on duty.

You need huge investment in community projects to improve the prospects of young black boys and girls.

The American Government has a history of closing schools & decreasing education budgets in predominantly black neighbourhoods.
They build more jails in black neighbourhoods.
They build less supermarkets this means less jobs, but also kids are more likely to depend on fast food which affects many things such as nutrition, sleep, concentration etc.
They don't build parks for kids to play in and many more.

Side note: I would personally argue that these strategies are far more violent than any of the violence taking place.

Now you're suggesting that the same government will suddenly investment huge amounts into those same communities it has denied for decades - just on good faith?

Honestly wtf, learn your history first.
I'm not going to say much, but I just want to say that I can understand why the rioting and looting have happened.
You've now reframed the discussion and are suggesting that there are no genuine protesters and that everyone on the streets are only interested in rioting and looting.

This is not the case to suggest it is seems disinegenous in the extreme.

Ive genuinely not tried to reframe anything, struggling to keep up with responses.

I am not saying there are no genuine protestors, I’d say majority of them are. But you can not condone someone throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers - you cannot assume all cops are guilty of racism and resort to mindless violence.

I have no issue with people protesting and the more people that want to see change the better.
Rioting in most cases will lead to discussions, which will lead to a solution, because governments can’t be having violence and destruction every walk about in a civilised society.
So will be forced to act, so it can be a way to peace in the long run getting all sides to the table and engaged in progressive talks for the good, as no one wants to see it happen really.
The American Government has a history of closing schools & decreasing education budgets in predominantly black neighbourhoods.
They build more jails in black neighbourhoods.
They build less supermarkets this means less jobs, but also kids are more likely to depend on fast food which affects many things such as nutrition, sleep, concentration etc.
They don't build parks for kids to play in and many more.

Side note: I would personally argue that these strategies are far more violent than any of the violence taking place.

Now you're suggesting that the same government will suddenly investment huge amounts into those same communities it has denied for decades - just on good faith?

Honestly wtf, learn your history first.

I’m not saying they will, I’m saying they should. I just don’t understand how people expect riots to achieve this.
Yeah thats what I meant by interject, I probably didn't make it clear.

Everyone should be open and willing to learn about a subject, even if they don't agree with it.
Asking questions and being open to learning something new without prejudice is pretty much how every child learns, yet when we're adults and it comes to learning about something in society - so many people refuse to do that, whether it's ego, defensiveness or intentional ignorance - I really don't know, but it's tiresome.

It's wilful ignorance at this point.

Ive genuinely not tried to reframe anything, struggling to keep up with responses.

You clearly fecking have! :lol:

you know feck all about me so drop the f
notion that I “pretend to give a shit”

Im not confusing protest and riots - and I’ve tried to answer/respond to as many posts as I can.

My issue is this - there is no just cause for a black/white American to loot a store or set fire to/trash shops/homes. That is where a legitimate protest descends into riots/anarchy.

nobody that has jumped on my posts has come back with any sound response to my issue above.

You actually posted both those words in back-to-back posts talking about the same people. I already showed you that.

You also keep ignoring questions on why you think protesters have solely caused the riots, and that's the part we are all somehow backing.

It's clear what your agenda is, you refuse to listen to people. So I'm done with you.
I think sometimes it’s definitely intentional ignorance. Where if something is brought up that wouldn’t align with their preconceived notions is just dismissed or ignored. A lot of the time it comes down to an unwillingness to acknowledge that we have privilege. To us, the people who are protesting have no more moral backing than football fans rioting over a poor result. We were waiting gleefully for the first reports of violence, no matter the perpetrator or the context, so that we could dismiss all the protestors and their cause. Because the centuries spent being systemically discriminated against in all facets of society doesn’t really matter to us at the end of the day. It doesn’t affect us, so we’ll completely ignore the experiences and words of the people who are affected by it. Maybe sometimes even trying to justify their experience, or gaslight them completely.

I know I don’t need to let you know all this, you’ve raised all these points before and far more succinctly than I did. Just mentioning the general vibe of a lot of the people I spoke to today.

Thank you for this post, it's appreciated - I think a lot of people have had those very same thoughts you listed in the first paragraph.
I’m not saying they will, I’m saying they should. I just don’t understand how people expect riots to achieve this.

Why should they (the government) do anything differently if it doesn't affect their lives or their peace?
I asked what would you do. So you're blocked in by people who are attacking your car. Do you just turn the engine off and let them carry on and at worst case scenario kill you? With regards to where they were going I don't know. I was simply speculating it was a 911 call given they had their sirens on.
I'm late to this and may have been answered but where was the vehicle blocked in? There was space for another vehicle to drive behind it and go around and also plow into people.
Some of these "why don't you protest peacefully without riots?" people will defend a Western-led accidental bombing of hospitals and civilians in the Middle East with the "well that's just collateral damage in war" argument. These people are full of shit.
I'm not criticizing the protests but non-violent struggle was championed by both Gandhi and MLK. It's safe to say their efforts did not lead to failures.


Non violent struggle was championed by MLK but he did not condemn violent struggle.

And for all his troubles he got a bullet. So much for non violence.
You also keep ignoring questions on why you think protesters have solely caused the riots, and that's the part we are all somehow backing.

Id say that the rioters are using the George Floyd protests as an excuse for their actions and they’re doing it as their form of protest against the establishment.

Posters in this thread have even said about bringing corporate America down.