Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

How does Master League work these days? This is my first next gen PES and it seems different. It used to be that you worked your way up through a league system but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore..

You start relative to your team's position in real life.

For example if you choose United you'll thrown straight into the Champions League in your first season.

It's less Master League and more management/career sim. Like Fifa's career mode but with a lot more thought put into it. If it wasn't for the lack of any lower league teams, I reckon it'd be near perfect as a game mode.
You start relative to your team's position in real life.

For example if you choose United you'll thrown straight into the Champions League in your first season.

It's less Master League and more management/career sim. Like Fifa's career mode but with a lot more thought put into it. If it wasn't for the lack of any lower league teams, I reckon it'd be near perfect as a game mode.

Aww that sucks!

I prefered it the old way.

I'm going to have to start again now because I chose a team in the PES league (with default players of course) as I was under the impression I could get promoted to tougher leagues.
I enjoy the refereeing. It's unpredictable and sometimes baffling but it adds to the sense of realism and helps the game flow. Mainly I'm pleased that refs don't just robotically pull out a red for anything remotely mistimed, and for the most part judgment of fouls seems far more sensible than in recent versions.

At the same time, there are often clear errors in their decisions. Personally, I think a lot of the odd behaviour from referees is more from design than from glitches (Although contact detection seems a bit dodgy). Often times seems pretty deliberate. In a sense that these are same bad decisions you see from refs every week and it's like they've just implemented ref spasticity into the game. I think it works well, and ultimately the bad decisions seem to always be balanced between the two teams. In the end, the game is more fluid for it, and I feel less paranoid about the refs.
I feel more paranoid about the refs, because in or around your box whenever you make an inch perfect tackle there is pretty much 50% chance he could blow up and give them a penalty/free kick. I also don't think it's by design.
I feel more paranoid about the refs, because in or around your box whenever you make an inch perfect tackle there is pretty much 50% chance he could blow up and give them a penalty/free kick. I also don't think it's by design.

Even more annoying when they do the auto tackle or your trying to change your cursor between players and the wrong one puts in the slider.
I feel more paranoid about the refs, because in or around your box whenever you make an inch perfect tackle there is pretty much 50% chance he could blow up and give them a penalty/free kick. I also don't think it's by design.

Yup. I made a sublime tackle in the box on Master League. For some unknown reason a pen was given and I lost 1-0.
Aww that sucks!

I prefered it the old way.

I'm going to have to start again now because I chose a team in the PES league (with default players of course) as I was under the impression I could get promoted to tougher leagues.

You can get promoted. When you start out you also select the top league.
You can get promoted. When you start out you also select the top league.

I don't quite follow?

The ones i've tried so far I seem to start in a high league. When I picked United, for instance, I was in with Chelsea etc.
My thoughts then:

I'm really quite unhappy with it. It's the first next gen PES i've owned but I picked it up because I really enjoyed the demo. Little did I know that they seem to have completely ruined the Master League, which was the reason I bought it.

First of all they've changed the way the leagues work. Now, if I choose United, I get thrown right in amongst quality teams with my shower of shite players. The old way was much better where they started you in a low league and you made your way up, aquiring better players on the way.

Secondly, you get a fecking huge budget if you're United. I was given something fecking stupi like £105,000,000.00! Where's that challenge with that? Sure I could pick a shit team, but it's not the point. I shouldn't have too.

Seeing as the Master League was the main reason I purchased the game I'm really disapointed they've fecked around with it like that. I would console myself with the online master league if the online wasn't so unbelieveably shite. I'm not having any problem with lag but the difference in the game play experience between online and playing SP or local MP is reqlly quite staggering. Players are hidiously unresponsive and, for the most part, act like utter retards.

I'm gunna play it for a little longer to see if I can get any life out of the Master League or BAL but it's looking more likely i'm just gunna go back to FIFA11.
I don't quite follow?

The ones i've tried so far I seem to start in a high league. When I picked United, for instance, I was in with Chelsea etc.

Didn't you start out in PES league? I've patched my game so can't remember what leagues were there originally, but from what I can remember PES league was the 2nd tier to the league in Spain, Germany, England or whatever you choose.
Didn't you start out in PES league? I've patched my game so can't remember what leagues were there originally, but from what I can remember PES league was the 2nd tier to the league in Spain, Germany, England or whatever you choose.

Really? I did choose PES league but it didn't then ask me which league (english, spanish etc) would be the higher one...
Really? I did choose PES league but it didn't then ask me which league (english, spanish etc) would be the higher one...

Hm, strange. Just started up a new ML in the 2nd tier and got the option to choose which country (league) I'd like to belong to. Don't think it's something you have to unlock in the extra contents either.
Hm, strange. Just started up a new ML in the 2nd tier and got the option to choose which country (league) I'd like to belong to. Don't think it's something you have to unlock in the extra contents either.

I'm gunna have to look into this. I've started 4 in total whilst trying different things and never recall any selection choices like that.
Hm, strange. Just started up a new ML in the 2nd tier and got the option to choose which country (league) I'd like to belong to. Don't think it's something you have to unlock in the extra contents either.

Just started a new one to double check and i'm definitely not offered the chance to play in a second tier or anything like that.

I select a team in the PES league, it shows me the other teams in my league and all the other leagues asking if i'm happy with the way teams are layed out (so english teams in the english league etc) then you just crack on.
Never mind. I've figured it now. You have to pick a team in the D2 league. They really should make that shit clear as i've now wasted my time with my previous save. I'm about 10 games into the season.
Struggling to qualify for the Europa League with my now only half a team of shower of shite players atm.

Fecking Birmingham suddenly transformed mid game into Barcelona on fast forwards and scored twice in the last five minutes to beat me 3-2, and I haven't played it since because it enraged me.
I like this game and hate it in equal measures.

The Good
- The manual passing is fantastic when you get used to it.
- The pace of the game is perfect.
- Online is vastly improved.
- There's a good degree of player individuality.
- 'Slow' players are just as effective as quick players, unlike in old PES games.

The Bad
- My main gripe is the boost that defenders seem to get when an attacker gets past them. Paul Robinson chased down Antonio Valencia just there, even though Valencia had a five yard head start. The game is biased towards defenders, basically because they aren't able to make the game more difficult so they introduce artificial difficulty like unrealistic player speeds and strengths.
- Too much CPU involvement in what you're doing. They sometimes shoot, tackle, head and clear the ball for you. I don't know why. I'm perfectly capable of making mistakes on my own. The latest example is my crossing the ball in to Berbatov when suddenly the CPU controlled Scholes leapt like a salmon and put a diving header out for a throw.
- Collisions and physical play are weird. Strong players are able to brush players off the ball too easily.
- The ball physics are poor. Sometimes you shoot and the keeper saves it and the rebound lands on the halfway line, or goes out for a throw without touching the ground.
- The AI is still wank. In no particular order: players don't make runs, your defenders suddenly sprint in other directions when players run through, your own playersoften run across you when you're trying to clear the ball which leads to you booting it at them.
- Scripting. Sometimes the AI decided it's going to score and even hacking down their striker forty yards from goal will somehow lead to them scoring.
- The cursor selection is awful in semi-assisted. The manual mode is idiotic. Loose balls are impossible as five of your players stare at the ball, utterly disinterested.
- Keepers are still awful.
- Referees are even worse.
- Throw ins are shite. Particularly in two player. They can see where you're aiming to unless you do the last minute change which is less accurate.
- The penalty system. Why?
- Tricks are too easy. Which means they're massively overused online.

- Your players run into each other when chasing loose balls. A lot.
- Millions and millions of scissor kicks from thirty yards. Have Konami even bothered to play this game?

The Inexplicable
- Not being able to turn off player names being above the CPU's head.
- Not being able to play 2 v 2 online with 2 people on the same console.
I like this game and hate it in equal measures.

The Good
- The manual passing is fantastic when you get used to it.
- The pace of the game is perfect.
- Online is vastly improved.
- There's a good degree of player individuality.
- 'Slow' players are just as effective as quick players, unlike in old PES games.

The Bad
- My main gripe is the boost that defenders seem to get when an attacker gets past them. Paul Robinson chased down Antonio Valencia just there, even though Valencia had a five yard head start. The game is biased towards defenders, basically because they aren't able to make the game more difficult so they introduce artificial difficulty like unrealistic player speeds and strengths.
- Too much CPU involvement in what you're doing. They sometimes shoot, tackle, head and clear the ball for you. I don't know why. I'm perfectly capable of making mistakes on my own. The latest example is my crossing the ball in to Berbatov when suddenly the CPU controlled Scholes leapt like a salmon and put a diving header out for a throw.
- Collisions and physical play are weird. Strong players are able to brush players off the ball too easily.
- The ball physics are poor. Sometimes you shoot and the keeper saves it and the rebound lands on the halfway line, or goes out for a throw without touching the ground.
- The AI is still wank. In no particular order: players don't make runs, your defenders suddenly sprint in other directions when players run through, your own playersoften run across you when you're trying to clear the ball which leads to you booting it at them.
- Scripting. Sometimes the AI decided it's going to score and even hacking down their striker forty yards from goal will somehow lead to them scoring.
- The cursor selection is awful in semi-assisted. The manual mode is idiotic. Loose balls are impossible as five of your players stare at the ball, utterly disinterested.
- Keepers are still awful.
- Referees are even worse.
- Throw ins are shite. Particularly in two player. They can see where you're aiming to unless you do the last minute change which is less accurate.
- The penalty system. Why?
- Tricks are too easy. Which means they're massively overused online.

- Your players run into each other when chasing loose balls. A lot.
- Millions and millions of scissor kicks from thirty yards. Have Konami even bothered to play this game?

The Inexplicable
- Not being able to turn off player names being above the CPU's head.
- Not being able to play 2 v 2 online with 2 people on the same console.

The scripting is so fecking infuriating, but it's not new to this version, it's a staple of the PES diet.

Sometimes it's sooo obvious that when it leads to a goal I just throw my controller really hard and hope it doesn't smash my tele.
The scripting is so fecking infuriating, but it's not new to this version, it's a staple of the PES diet.

Sometimes it's sooo obvious that when it leads to a goal I just throw my controller really hard and hope it doesn't smash my tele.


I've just taken to shouting 'Cunnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttttttt' at the top of my voice. So far the results are inconclusive.
You can play 2v2 with 2 people on the same console.

It's in the quick match menu. I think under Options it has "Add Guest"

I've just taken to shouting 'Cunnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttttttt' at the top of my voice. So far the results are inconclusive.

I just beat Fiorentina in the CL, then drew 0-0 at home to a fecking script heavy Sevilla side that basically cheated like cnuts for 90 minutes. My blood was boiling.
i have to admit this years PES is a challange and that is real fun. i am 6th in the league in Master League and 6 Points behind chelsea with 10 games played. top of champions league group and in 2nd round of cup
ok, what do I have to do to score a goal against the computer,I'm going to break the disc:mad:

Struggling a bit too, but starting to find my feet through moving the ball around a bit before I approach the box. Some teams are incredibly aggressive in the pressure though. point still stands.

What is your point exactly? That you and your mate sitting beside you can't play as a team against two other users elsewhere?

Online --> Quick Match --> Options --> Add Guest User.
What is your point exactly? That you and your mate sitting beside you can't play as a team against two other users elsewhere?

Online --> Quick Match --> Options --> Add Guest User.

There's the tiniest possibility I wasn't being serious.
Just started a new one to double check and i'm definitely not offered the chance to play in a second tier or anything like that.

I select a team in the PES league, it shows me the other teams in my league and all the other leagues asking if i'm happy with the way teams are layed out (so english teams in the english league etc) then you just crack on.

Yep, same here.
It is really difficult to score goals, especially in ML with the "shitty" players, but once you get used to the controls, start getting better players in, you should start scoring regularly aswell.

For instance, in previous versions of PES, my mate and I would get the game on the first day, play in top player and win the world cup at our first or maximum 2nd-3rd attempt. This time round, it took us a week to win the world cup together! So the game is much more difficult, but as Brophs pointed out it is a bit skewered as I picked up a through ball on the half way line with Defoe, who had a 5 yard head start, but eventually I was forced to shoot from outside the box because some Italian defender caught up with him- I mean is Chiellini even really that fast - not to mention, faster then Defoe??

But saying that, if I had to choose between tough defenders or just ghosting past them with superior players (in previous PES versions), i'd def choose the former as it makes the game tougher - plus, if you use the ball properly, you are pretty capable to conjure up enough 1 on 1's with the GK in the game - some through ball's are majestic when pulled off.

The game is littered with errors/slight irritations, but I think they have taken a step or 2 in the right direction.

Ps my biggest 2 gripes i have with PES is i) why the heck is penalties so complicated and ii) the "semi auto" control settings. Why can't you just CHOOSE UNASSISTED and it works properly.
The fact that the game is a lot harder is a massive postive for me. I like a tough game then a easy game.
Now I've got the Master League sorted and i'm in the right league i'm absolutely loving it. In single player it's such a brilliantly enjoyable game.

I'm 4th in the league after about 10 games and just got knocked out of the 2nd round of the FA Cup on pens by Fulham.

I chose Wondengine Town and original ML players, obviously.

Here's my team, in the brackets is whether they came from the youths team, were original ML players or transfers:

Fatecha (Youth Team)

El Moubarki (Original)
Schmidt (Youth Team)
Palmieri (Youth Team)
Ruskin (Original)

Dodo (Original)
Gibson (Transfer)
Shimizu (Youth Team)
Bentley (Transfer)
Pelaez (Youth Team)

Schwarz (Youth Team)

Lined up like:

El Moubarki Schmidt Palmieri Ruskin
Dodo Gibson
Bentley ---- Shimizu ---- Pelaez

I feckin love it. I just wish you could upload goals like you can on FIFA.
Played this over the weekend with my cousins. While previous PES has always been excellent when you play with your mates, this version got me feeling very bored by the end of my 2nd game. I can safely say PES 2010 was a better game than PES 2011.