The story yesterday made no sense. Here's a list of plot-holes that I've thought of:
- The starwhale that has no problem breathing in a vacuum.
- The Doctor and Amy having no problem breathing in the starwhale's mouth, which should be a vacuum.
- The evil-headed things. Why did they need to be evil?
- Why did it take them so long to realise the starwhale didn't eat kids, or if they did realise, why did they keep sending them "below"?
- How the feck did nobody notice the giant starwhale when they boarded the ship?
- If you volunteered to do something, would you continue to volunteer after hundreds of years of torture by the people you're helping?
- How did they get from the starwhale's mouth to a pipe?
- Would anyone really be that bothered that they were using an animal to save millions of lives? I doubt everyone would choose "forget."
- Why was Amy so bothered about stopping the doctor from helping (before she forgot)? She hardly knows him, I doubt she'd be so vehemently against him finding out.
- Why didn't the abdicate button have some sort of safety feature? It's pretty stupid to base the annihilation of Britain on something that could be activated by tripping and falling onto it.
- I'd be willing to have sex with the Doctor's new sidekick. As long as she wore that police uniform.