New Doctor Who special

Amelia looks a tad plain compared to last week.

Can't say I've warmed to Matt Smith. I think a little will go a long way and he'll become irritating.

For me, he is already less anoying than David Tennant
The opening theme music has now grown on me too. Crust's right, he is less annoying than Tennant.
For me, he is already less anoying than David Tennant

For me, he's ten times more so.

And he is odd to look at. (I'm shallow). He looks like an alien, which helps I suppose.
I've quite liked both episodes so far. Agree that yesterdays seemed to be a little rushed at the end, but that aside was quite enjoyable. Having not seen him in anything before, I kept my expectations of Smith quite low, but he's done alright so far I reckon.
The story yesterday made no sense. Here's a list of plot-holes that I've thought of:

- The starwhale that has no problem breathing in a vacuum.
- The Doctor and Amy having no problem breathing in the starwhale's mouth, which should be a vacuum.
- The evil-headed things. Why did they need to be evil?
- Why did it take them so long to realise the starwhale didn't eat kids, or if they did realise, why did they keep sending them "below"?
- How the feck did nobody notice the giant starwhale when they boarded the ship?
- If you volunteered to do something, would you continue to volunteer after hundreds of years of torture by the people you're helping?
- How did they get from the starwhale's mouth to a pipe?
- Would anyone really be that bothered that they were using an animal to save millions of lives? I doubt everyone would choose "forget."
- Why was Amy so bothered about stopping the doctor from helping (before she forgot)? She hardly knows him, I doubt she'd be so vehemently against him finding out.
- Why didn't the abdicate button have some sort of safety feature? It's pretty stupid to base the annihilation of Britain on something that could be activated by tripping and falling onto it.
- I'd be willing to have sex with the Doctor's new sidekick. As long as she wore that police uniform.
storyline was abit meh in all honesty.. but that ginger makes this series well watchable. Daaym
You're also forgetting the fact that the entire future British nation is being run by a Queen who doesn't remember anything and spends her time wandering around hallways in a silly mask, and some blokes in druid hoods who don't do anything but skulk around the dungeon looking after a little 1970s computer with two massive Pat Sharpe's Fun House type buttons on it....Where's the government in all this? Who's actually doing stuff? Setting laws, running the NHS? is any of this actually happening? What? The Queen?..What?
Thought the first episode was excellent. A classic. This weeks episode was a bit disappointing after such a great start, though not the fault of the actors who I thought brought a weak story up a notch. Still, like United, we can't expect excellence every week. I still look forward to the next episode with glee.
I'm mainly dissapointed because I hold Moffat in such high esteem as a writer....For this type of thing anyway, he's no Aaron Sorkin. But at light horror/thriller/comedy for the family market I think he's a dog gone dapper dan. I know he's got to broaden it more for the fkids and not every one can be like Blink, but...meh, I just thought the whole Queen thing was ridiculous and straight out of penguin book.....He should still bring the Melty man in as a villan though. That'd confuse the kids.
Matt Smith is pretty awful.

The stories have been pretty awful too.
Matt Smith is pretty awful.

The stories have been pretty awful too.

I don't know what possessed them to pick someone who looks that odd tbh. You don't need to be goodlooking, but you do need to have some kind of charisma, and he has absolutely nothing imo.
Oh, I really like Matt Smith. Amusing that there's such a contrast between us - I think he's a decent doctor.

But the episode itself was utter crap. A shame. Pond looked feckable again, though I very much doubt she'd have been allowed to wander around the war cabinet with her legs out like that.
Oh, I really like Matt Smith. Amusing that there's such a contrast between us -

He seems to be trying too hard to me. Maybe a mixture of himself and the scriptwriters.
Oh, I really like Matt Smith. Amusing that there's such a contrast between us - I think he's a decent doctor.
But the episode itself was utter crap. A shame. Pond looked feckable again, though I very much doubt she'd have been allowed to wander around the war cabinet with her legs out like that.

I agree - he's taken to the part well, and already seems better than Tennant

The writing let him down last night - I think individual episodes have different writers, which goes to show why there are some ropey and some good ones

At the end of the day though, this is a kids show and I guage it's quality by the reaction of my kids....who absolutely loved it

credit to charlie brooker
Admittedly he does look a bit odd. But so did Tennant.

Smith is pretty good so far I think, just not as good.
i think the new doctor is a bit fecking special tbh
I'm a big fan of Matt Smith already, he looks good as the Doctor.
This weeks was so much better then last week looking forward to the seond part now.

Absolutely. A quality episode, and building up nicely for the second part. I rewatched the last weeks ep, and whilst it was ropey in parts it wasn't quite as bad as I remembered. This week however, I thought Smith was much better-really growing into the part.
Excellent episode. That's more like it Moffat. Riversong is a pure MILF. Glad they're developing her storyline as it mixes in well with the whole time thingy. Sending the Doctor a message 12,000 years into the future when she needs his help right away was well thought out and took a second watch to understand what happened. In for a treat next week I expect.
Yup very good this week.

The second and third episodes were both pretty weak/stupid, especially the 2nd, although I did like the new Doctor from the start so kept with it.

Only weird thing is how they introduced the Daleks so early in the series, left episode 3 with "how come you don't remember the daleks, thats not right" and the daleks going off to rebuild somewhere...and the start of the next episode the Doctor swans off to a museum without a care in the world...
Looking at some old Dr Who related sites, found this pic of one of his earlier assistants.

Speaking as a mere woman, she looks to me like one of the most attractive there's been.


Why aren't there goodlooking male assistants?
I thought with moffat taking over, we'd get some really good and much darker episodes. Instead, it seems like they're now aiming it all at 10 year olds.

Load of shit. Don't even get me started on the new Dalek.
First episode of the new Series that I've really enjoyed. I hope the rest of the series is that good. Rather then Toys'r'Us Dalek's and jammy dodger bombs we actually got a much darker episode with genuine moments of tention. Long may it continue.

I've already taken to Matt Smith, I think he's good. Oh and Amy Pond, Yes please! :drool:
The producers and writers seem desperate to get the Doctor laid.