New Doctor Who special

How did Amy manage to forget Rory in this episode, yet remembered the soldiers that kept walking into the light in the Angels episode? Surely its one power or another, either she remembers everyone or she doesn't? With this many plot holes, I'm already Lost.

The Doctor shoddily explained it that because the soldiers weren't part of her "timeline" she could remember them, as being a time-traveller set her apart. However, Rory was part of timeline and also a time-traveller, so that set them on the same plane again, and therefore in a position where the crack would cause her to forget him.
Bit of a cop out having him just disappear. I get the feeling it was a convenient way of getting rid of a character that wasn't working.

By the way, could Amy dress for Rio every week please?
Good episode tonight IMO. Bit of a weak storyline but the issues dealt with were interesting.
Brilliant episode tonight following the very weak Hungry Earth /Cold Blood. Seeing last week's teasers I was not hopeful for an epic but this was one of the best of the new series (leaving out the CGI chicken of course). Not your normal Who but outstanding TV.
Bit of a Richard Curtis middle class smug fest if you ask me....someone really wants everyone to get Van Gough was the greatest artist in history, which is a bit of a smug ******** of bollocks if you ask me. It probably wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't Richard - there are no black people in Notting Hill - Curtis writing it.

I'm being harsh, the story was well told and acted and it was indeed very good TV, and fairly educational....there was just a small part of me that felt I was being force fed the ideals of a well off, cultured middle class white european writer as gospel. But maybe I'm just a horrible cynic.
Bit of a Richard Curtis middle class smug fest if you ask me....someone really wants everyone to get Van Gough was the greatest artist in history, which is a bit of a smug ******** of bollocks if you ask me. It probably wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't Richard - there are no black people in Notting Hill - Curtis writing it.

I'm being harsh, the story was well told and acted and it was indeed very good TV, and fairly educational....there was just a small part of me that felt I was being force fed the ideals of a well off, cultured middle class white european writer as gospel. But maybe I'm just a horrible cynic.
You're a horrible cynic.
Just watched the EP with Vincent Van Gough , thought it was a good EP.
But did anybody notice the part where the Doctor took Vincent forward to 2010, when they left the Tardis the signs on there were on fire.
When he took Vincent back they was back and when the doctor and Amy went back to 2010 the signs are back again.
Maybe some thing to do with the rip in time??
Just watched the EP with Vincent Van Gough , thought it was a good EP.
But did anybody notice the part where the Doctor took Vincent forward to 2010, when they left the Tardis the signs on there were on fire.
When he took Vincent back they was back and when the doctor and Amy went back to 2010 the signs are back again.
Maybe some thing to do with the rip in time??

More likely something to do with dodgy editing.
no watch it again and when the tardis lands in 2010 the signs are clearly on fire.

Just watched that bit again and it it the posters that was put on the tardis that were on fire.
That will teach me to watch things more closely :)
Yeah, I noticed they were on fire when they went to 2010, I thought you were saying when they went back to the 19th Century they'd somehow been repaired?
Just watched the one with James Corden and it just proves to me that the fat git cant act , it was dreadful one of the worst EPs ever.
Next weeks looks good , River is back in it and lots of past baddies.
Bizarre story, not really sure it added anything. Talking to a cat? Seemed very out of place; not really that great an episode. Series finale two-parter starts next week. Looks crazy from the preview. Daleks, Cybermen, Siltheen, Sontarans, mental!
Gareth Roberts wrote this one I think he is by far the worst of new Who writer he wrote The Shakespeare Code, The Unicorn and the Wasp and Planet of the Dead. But I actually didn't mind this its just there not gonna watch it again type of episode. Im probably just saying this as I had such low expectations for this it could only be better then terrible plus I dont hate Corden like allot of people do.
I thought that was fantastic. The contents of the the pandorica were predictable yes but I get the feeling we've had all these curve balls, all this information, all these twists, this overload of monsters all for one reason, to really surprise us in the finale. Who was the voice in the TARDIS? Who can control the TARDIS externally?
God I had the displeasure of watching this farce tonight. The Roman soldiers :lol: Stone Hendge is transmitting :lol: That alien bloke in the space suit reminded me of the person that looked like a thumb. So badly made and acted!
Woah shit just got serious. I'm pretty sure River Song is evil.
Hmm, I don't know. Been thinking it since she appeared first in the series, there just seems to be something odd about her. The Daleks (or one of the monsters at the end) said something about the Doctor being the only one able to fly the TARDIS, but Song can fly it too. That she has some strange power over time (like a Time Lord) sets her apart from the other characters - she wrote on that wall, convinced everyone she was Cleopatra and she travels through time somehow. She's been ignored a little bit for the massive implications her character could have, so I reckon she's up to something.

This is the nerdiest post I've ever made on here!
It's not only Time Lords can can use time travel, Jack Harkness, A Time Agent, working for the Time Agency, can also travell through time. They travel using a vortex manipulator which is how River Song was able to go to the first ever planet and leave The Doctor a message. Her adventures, or meetings, call them whatever you will, with The Doctor aren't necessarily in the right order and she's already mentioned that The Doctor himself taught her how to use The TARDIS. If you remember the beginning of tonight's episode, she used the hallucinogenic lipstick to escape the prison and the guard that takes The Doctor to her has lipstick smeared on most of his lips. The Daleks believe The Doctor is the only capable of flying the TARDIS because as far as they know he is the last of the Time Lords, as they haven't encountered River Song yet.

Did I miss anything?
I thought that was fantastic. The contents of the the pandorica were predictable yes but I get the feeling we've had all these curve balls, all this information, all these twists, this overload of monsters all for one reason, to really surprise us in the finale. Who was the voice in the TARDIS? Who can control the TARDIS externally?

There's a future Doctor at work. Watch episode 5 again. When they're in the forest, the Doctor (he's had his coat pinched by one of the angels at this point) leaves Amy with the soldiers and goes off with River....seconds later he's back, coat on again, and he tells Amy to remember something from when she was seven, and to trust him.

It looks as if to resolve the problem he is facing in the finale, he has to go back and change time - there's other points within the series which there might have been a future version of the Doctor intervening as well. Well worked plot this series- Moffat is definitely better than the last guy at writing the series
:lol: Totally spot on, you just blew my thoughts out of the water! Totally forgot about the Doctor teaching her and her method of travel.

I'm confused as feck now about how this is going to end.
There's a future Doctor at work. Watch episode 5 again. When they're in the forest, the Doctor (he's had his coat pinched by one of the angels at this point) leaves Amy with the soldiers and goes off with River....seconds later he's back, coat on again, and he tells Amy to remember something from when she was seven, and to trust him.

It looks as if to resolve the problem he is facing in the finale, he has to go back and change time - there's other points within the series which there might have been a future version of the Doctor intervening as well. Well worked plot this series- Moffat is definitely better than the last guy at writing the series
I've been wondering about that for a while now. Surely when the angels got to the Doctor they would have sent him hurdling back through time. My theory was that he was sent back through time, but thanks to the Time Lords longer life spans he could have easily lived long enough and perhaps done something that's slyly explained in the finale in an "ahhhh" moment. Though, the theory you've just outlines is the one I've been inclined too lately, as it sounds like the type of thing that would happen in Doctor Who. I just hope it's not a continuity error.

It has to be said though, the fact that 'silence' seems to have been somewhat of a recurring theme this series, with the doctor demanding it on several occasions, including in today's episode, it does point towards an 'evil' Doctor, meaning the claims of the 'alliance' could all be true.

Or, in proper Doctor Who fashion, it could something blatantly obvious which we've all somehow missed.

:lol: Totally spot on, you just blew my thoughts out of the water! Totally forgot about the Doctor teaching her and her method of travel.

I'm confused as feck now about how this is going to end.
Glad to help. :D

The synopsis the BBC has given to the finale does give somewhat of a spoiler. BBC - BBC One Programmes - Doctor Who, Series 5, The Big Bang
Did they ever solve the issue of the Doctor having a limited amount of regenerations?
Did they ever solve the issue of the Doctor having a limited amount of regenerations?
No, but in Classic Who The Master was able to outlive the 12 regenerations (first he stole a body, then the time lord council granted him another regeneration cycle) so I see no reason why The Doctor can't. Especially with the Time Lord Council no longer being around to actually impose the limit.
Amy's ring has to have something to do with all of this. Guess only Moffat knows what.
Thoroughly enjoyed that. Even some of my family who are not doctor fans enjoyed that...although they were pissed off that it's to be continued...never told them it was the first part of a two parter :)
Liked the Stonehenge scenario...spent many good times there in my earlier days.
Did they ever solve the issue of the Doctor having a limited amount of regenerations?

When the Doctor runs out of regens, can't the other one who grew out of his hand just take over the reins?
Someone explain the finale to me please. Made no sense, shit episode and never really got going.
I enjoyed that episode, by no means as good as last week, but last week possibly the best Doctor Who episode ever.

Someone explain the finale to me please. Made no sense, shit episode and never really got going.

Bad people trap doctor in box.

Doctor gets out of box using time traveling wrist watch.

Amy is dead. Oh noes!

Doctor puts Amy in box which is magic, she stays in box for a long time, Rory guards box for a bloody long time.

Meanwhile, River song is stuck in time traveling magic box, which is blowing up.

Doctor uses impressive wrist watch to get River out of time traveling magic box.

Meanwhile in little Amy's house the stars have gone. Oh noes!

Little amy gets message, goes to museam finds Big Amy in magic Box. She is not dead. Good Times!

Everyone end up in museam, no one is dead. Good times!

Dalek is not dead. Bad times!

Time traveling magic box is still blowing up. Bad times! So is everything else ever. Worse times!

Dr then time travels lots. He puts everything in the places they need to be so that he can escape from magic box and no one is dead.

The Doctor is wearing a funny hat. LOLZ.

Dalek blows up doctor. Oh noes, bad times!

River song is very scary. River song blows up dalek.

The Dcotor is not dead after all. OMG.

Doctor uses magic box to reverse effects of other magic box exploding. Instead of destroying everything it fixes everthing. GOOD TIMES.

Doctor does not exist. NO WAIT HE DOES. sort of.

Doctor appears in his past tells little Amy magic story.

Little Amy is big Amy now, She is married. Everything is fixed she has mum and dad because of various magic boxes blowing up.

Amy remembers story told by doctor at wedding. this is magic. LOOK ITS THE DOCTOR. Everybody dance!

River song is possibly very bad. Oh noes?

The end.
:lol: Quality, cheers for that.

I liked his fez to be honest, Matt Smith is brilliant as the Doctor IMO.