New Doctor Who special

When the Doctor runs out of regens, can't the other one who grew out of his hand just take over the reins?

Only if they wanted David Tennant back, the Doctor said that the one grown from his hand wouldn't regenerate.
Matt Smith was better than I expected, did a great job this series.

Didn't like today's episode, felt rushed. I'm more interested in knowing who River Song is, hopefully they tell us in the next series.
I enjoyed that episode, by no means as good as last week, but last week possibly the best Doctor Who episode ever.

Bad people trap doctor in box.

Doctor gets out of box using time traveling wrist watch.

Amy is dead. Oh noes!

Doctor puts Amy in box which is magic, she stays in box for a long time, Rory guards box for a bloody long time.

Meanwhile, River song is stuck in time traveling magic box, which is blowing up.

Doctor uses impressive wrist watch to get River out of time traveling magic box.

Meanwhile in little Amy's house the stars have gone. Oh noes!

Little amy gets message, goes to museam finds Big Amy in magic Box. She is not dead. Good Times!

Everyone end up in museam, no one is dead. Good times!

Dalek is not dead. Bad times!

Time traveling magic box is still blowing up. Bad times! So is everything else ever. Worse times!

Dr then time travels lots. He puts everything in the places they need to be so that he can escape from magic box and no one is dead.

The Doctor is wearing a funny hat. LOLZ.

Dalek blows up doctor. Oh noes, bad times!

River song is very scary. River song blows up dalek.

The Dcotor is not dead after all. OMG.

Doctor uses magic box to reverse effects of other magic box exploding. Instead of destroying everything it fixes everthing. GOOD TIMES.

Doctor does not exist. NO WAIT HE DOES. sort of.

Doctor appears in his past tells little Amy magic story.

Little Amy is big Amy now, She is married. Everything is fixed she has mum and dad because of various magic boxes blowing up.

Amy remembers story told by doctor at wedding. this is magic. LOOK ITS THE DOCTOR. Everybody dance!

River song is possibly very bad. Oh noes?

The end.
Good stuff Silva. It was a busy episode wasn't it?
Seeing as this is the first series I've ever watched, is there anyway to watch previous series? Do the BBC ever show repeats?
Oh and during last nights episode did I heay Amy's aunt say 'I don't trust that Dawkins' in reference to the star 'cults' :lol:
There's a future Doctor at work. Watch episode 5 again. When they're in the forest, the Doctor (he's had his coat pinched by one of the angels at this point) leaves Amy with the soldiers and goes off with River....seconds later he's back, coat on again, and he tells Amy to remember something from when she was seven, and to trust him.

It looks as if to resolve the problem he is facing in the finale, he has to go back and change time - there's other points within the series which there might have been a future version of the Doctor intervening as well. Well worked plot this series- Moffat is definitely better than the last guy at writing the series

I am psychic or something