New Doctor Who special

Much better then the first Tennant will be missed but I did like Matt in his 30 seconds he had.

Series 5 trailer BBC - Doctor Who - New Years Day

Non UK viewers - Blogtor Who

That was quite impressive for a 1 min trailer.
He looks the part already.
I see from that that the dalek's are in the next series , thought thay had been all distroyed by the clone doctor?
The one with the statues from Blink should be a good one.
Quite good that was I thought. Not a big watcher but New Years Day, hungover to feck, no way I'm moving, nothing else on..had to be watched really didn't it? Event telly....and I thought it was good too, a fitting send off for Tennant, certainly better than all the other Doctor Who endings I've seen...the one with all of them and the clone and Davros was ridiculous. Nice twist to this and Bernard Cribbins was great, though Davies couldn't resist the LOTR 20 endings business. Still very decent popcorn thing we do in this country mainstream tellywise probably.

Don't like the new doctors outfit in that trailer, he looks like an annoying student...But Moffats a good enough writer to make it work
Event telly....and I thought it was good too, a fitting send off for Tennant, certainly better than all the other Doctor Who endings I've seen...the one with all of them and the clone and Davros was ridiculous.

That was terrible with the moving the planets just awful and that terrible looking Gollum Doctor is a cage end of series 3 with the Master was bad.
Didn't see that, but I saw the first one cos i like John Simm, and thought it was alright but then it ended on that fecking awful "here come the drums" song and I just though "eerggh, you silly git, why have you done that?" stuff. This was surprisingly grown up and emotive. The scene with Cribbins and Tennant and the plastic booths was very good i thought.
Something about Boothy being plastic?...or radioactive?

I just thought the acting was good and quite emotive
Being a fan since Tom Baker and waiting to see what the hell happened to Gallifrey (and why) the spoilers below:

At last the explanation which was satisfactory-to-brilliant in my opinion. Finally showed that being in control of such thing as time and space is bound to play havoc with physical limitations like human form. The Master, as an insider for the Gallifreyans, possessed the same destructive tendencies.

Also showed the Doctor's anguish at having to decide to not only wipe out and timelock the Daleks but also the Gallifreyans as both were as bad as each other. What a tough decision to make, and be alone forever. Also explained why he would never 'choose' to kill the Master. Ever. No doubt we'll be seeing Jon Simms again.
I just realised, ecclestone as doctor said time lords can take any random form when they regenerate, yet they were all human, at least give us some continuity davies you idiot
I don't believe hell exists, nor god, nor an eternal paradise in which we all reside once we receive the tender kiss of death.
Just wanted to add that John Simms acting as the Master was fantastic, once again. Him, Tennant and Bernard Cribbins all together were brilliant.

Shame we'll never see them all together again :(
I never quite know what to make of Dr Who. It's usually watchable and entertaining, but somehow always feels like a bit of a let down.

This was no different really. Seeing the Doctor crack up a bit, and how the Timelords had been corrupted into madness by their own power was interesting, but the whole story was, well, a bit crap really, and riddled with silly little inconsistencies.

For example, the Master cloning every human into himself, then wanting to clone the Timelords into himself because this would somehow be better?...How exactly? They'd just be clones of him the same as the humans, wouldn't they? For a supposed genius, he's a bit of a fecking idiot, really.

And that bit at the end, where the doctor knew exactly where and when to wait for Rose, but at the same time didn't even know what year it was...feck off.
Timothy Dalton as a mentally corrupt power nut was fantastic. He is also my 3rd favourite Bond of all time too. Very underrated as an actor.
Great stuff and a brilliant soundtrack.
But who the feck was that female Timelord?...was it the Dr's Mother or what?
Not that it really matters, it just bugged me that he never answered Old Bernard's question.
Great stuff and a brilliant soundtrack.
But who the feck was that female Timelord?...was it the Dr's Mother or what?
Not that it really matters, it just bugged me that he never answered Old Bernard's question.

You missed the camera edit that might have given the Doctor's answer away...

When Bernard asked him the question, Doc looked right past his shoulder and right at Donna. Now, it's very possible that the woman with the Timelord's was a future Donna.

This could be compounded by the fact that Donna is.... In some sense, Timelord, herself.
I never quite know what to make of Dr Who. It's usually watchable and entertaining, but somehow always feels like a bit of a let down.

This was no different really. Seeing the Doctor crack up a bit, and how the Timelords had been corrupted into madness by their own power was interesting, but the whole story was, well, a bit crap really, and riddled with silly little inconsistencies.

For example, the Master cloning every human into himself, then wanting to clone the Timelords into himself because this would somehow be better?...How exactly? They'd just be clones of him the same as the humans, wouldn't they? For a supposed genius, he's a bit of a fecking idiot, really.

And that bit at the end, where the doctor knew exactly where and when to wait for Rose, but at the same time didn't even know what year it was...feck off.
Quite. I have watched Dr Who since Bill Hartnell and thought this was a bit crap, frankly. Probably getting faaaar tooo olllld....
You missed the camera edit that might have given the Doctor's answer away...

When Bernard asked him the question, Doc looked right past his shoulder and right at Donna. Now, it's very possible that the woman with the Timelord's was a future Donna.

This could be compounded by the fact that Donna is.... In some sense, Timelord, herself.
But the accent... Surely she wouldn't lose that fecking accent?
If the future Donna spoke in that accent it'd be a dead giveaway, no need for any mystique at all.

I could be wrong, man. Who knows... I just found the camera edit very purposeful.

We'll see!

She would somehow have to have been there in the last days of the time war and gallifrey though for that to have been the case
Feckin hell. You are either a zombie or a timelord!

Bwahahaha! I was only a baby but was plonked in front of it since we'd just bought a telly. Patrick Troughton I remember clearly and think he was probably my favourite, although I don't really go in for those comparisons. I was in Peter Davison's band for a nanosecond years ago but he shelved being a rock star, wisely.
I sense the 'Dr's Mother' theory has more gravity...because an older Donna would surely have led to RTD utilizing Catherine Tate's Gran character with a few "Facking liberty!" references thrown in....he likes the cheap asides!!
I'm not a fan but I watched the show due to naff all else being on. I must say that I thought the ending was a bit poor.
It reminded me of the naked gun 2.5 where Frank Drebin stops the bomb exploding by pulling out the plug.

I'd imagine that the scenes where he visited certain people for a last goodbye were quite good for the fans.
There's loads of complete nonsense in it...Davies can't help himself. He's not a very sophisticated writer. But it is doctor who ffs!

I mean, didn't Tom Bakers doctor die from falling off a crane, or a radio tower or something...But Tennants Doctor jumps out of a fecking space ship and through a plate glass ceiling and gets up in the next scene. And how the feck did Timothy Dalton manage to throw a stone at a hologram of earth and suddenly get it to actually get it there??..I mean, eh? Wanna explain that Russell? No? OK then...and the bit at the end where he just stands there with his all powerful gauntlet thing and just lets the doctor decide which one to shoot makes no sense logically. In fact none of it makes any sense what so ever, but it is Doctor Who. Doctor bloody Who.

You have to take it for what it is..I'm sure even your early Doctor stories had the most farcial elements to them imaginable. Darleks and stairs being one...The interaction and motivations between people are much better in the newer ones...which I think is why people like it so much. That and aliens
Yeah, was a bit cheesy. Especially the book signing, a random nod to two episodes i think it was.

As somebody who doesn't watch the show, I assumed that was an important past event that was being referred to.
There was a couple of episodes a few series back where he had to hide his memories from some people so he had to assume another life and he lived with that womans ancestor. Some nasties turn up and tell him he's the doctor and that unlocks his mind (best way i could put it) and he leaves her.

I suppose it is quite important as the doctor essentially becomes Human for a period of time.