New Doctor Who special

There's loads of complete nonsense in it...Davies can't help himself. He's not a very sophisticated writer. But it is doctor who ffs!

I mean, didn't Tom Bakers doctor die from falling off a crane, or a radio tower or something...But Tennants Doctor jumps out of a fecking space ship and through a plate glass ceiling and gets up in the next scene. And how the feck did Timothy Dalton manage to throw a stone at a hologram of earth and suddenly get it to actually get it there??..I mean, eh? Wanna explain that Russell? No? OK then...and the bit at the end where he just stands there with his all powerful gauntlet thing and just lets the doctor decide which one to shoot makes no sense logically. In fact none of it makes any sense what so ever, but it is Doctor Who. Doctor bloody Who.

You have to take it for what it is..I'm sure even your early Doctor stories had the most farcial elements to them imaginable. Darleks and stairs being one...The interaction and motivations between people are much better in the newer ones...which I think is why people like it so much. That and aliens
I know. I expect far to much from the man who brought us the brilliant and poignant Queer As Folk. I just think he's got more cheesey as things have progressed. Chris Eccleston didn't have nearly as much hokum to act out and I liked it more. Sure, early Dr Who had farce, especially the Pertwee and Baker eras, but it wasn't mawkishly sentimental.
Like I said, ignore me, I am older than time itself.
There was a couple of episodes a few series back where he had to hide his memories from some people so he had to assume another life and he lived with that womans ancestor. Some nasties turn up and tell him he's the doctor and that unlocks his mind (best way i could put it) and he leaves her.

I suppose it is quite important as the doctor essentially becomes Human for a period of time.

Thanks for filling in a few blanks.
I know. I expect far to much from the man who brought us the brilliant and poignant Queer As Folk. I just think he's got more cheesey as things have progressed. Chris Eccleston didn't have nearly as much hokum to act out and I liked it more. Sure, early Dr Who had farce, especially the Pertwee and Baker eras, but it wasn't mawkishly sentimental.
Like I said, ignore me, I am older than time itself.

I'm not actually a Doctor Who fan so I'm not arguing for or against it, but I have quite enjoyed a few of the eps that I've seen. They're almost unanimously the Moffat ones though, and they're the darker ones. Though to be fair to Davies, he did write Midnight in the last series and that was quite dark and effective. Didn't Pertwee have a stupid chitty chitty bang bang car thingy? ...

Davies is hideously sentimental though yes. That one with Olympics where the doctor carried the torch was possibly the biggest piece of cak I've ever seen in my life...It'll be much better under Moffat. But I do think Tennant was a great lead character and better than Eccleston. I would say the best since Baker but I only watched the ones with Wee Slyvester MacCoy and his bull dyke companion so I can't really compare the others other than by snippets. And I've got no desire at all to go an sit through entire episodes of shoddily made 70s sci fi for kids just to make sure...

What he had to work with was Davies fault really, not Tennants...Basically, for what it is, compared even to older ones, it's still pretty good. You can't expect Phillip K Dick from Doctor Who for 12 eps a year. It's gonna have it's fair share of utter bollocks in it. It may have made no sense, but to send off Tennant, they gave him some good pathos to work with I thought...Did you see his Hamlet per chance?
Thanks for filling in a few blanks.

Yeah, same here. I thought it was a, now older, Ace from Sylvestor McCoy's days trying to flog books as her new profession. But that explanation with the Chameleon Arch seems more plausible.
It may have made no sense, but to send off Tennant, they gave him some good pathos to work with I thought...Did you see his Hamlet per chance?
I did. I thought it was good. Mind you that Shakespeare bloke knew how to develop a character.
Pertwee's car was bizarre but oh so fast. Clarkson was probably jizzing a little in his short trousers.
I loved the fact Ecclestone was a dour Manc (well Northen anyway) and his was a much more multi-faceted character than previous Who's (who were all basically nutty eccentrics). I was gutted when he transformed into the grinning, toothy Tennant..but grew to like the warmth and charm he brought to the much so, that I was again disappointed when this new weird looking kid took over...reminded me of this bloke from the 80's film 'Mask'.

Hope I'm proved wrong again!
What Youngie said. I much preferred Ecclestone but Tennant surprised me in a positive way. I have much higher hopes for Matt Smith as he's not a 'looker' for one. Doctor Whos should never be lookers imho.
Just watched the last of David Tennant's stint has the Doctor and I thought it was a fitting end to IMHO the best Doctor.
There was a couple of dodgy bit , like when he fell from the space ship and thought the glass but hey it still worked.
I thought the ending was excellent , going to all his old buddies again.
Strange that Donna was the only one that did not know him
Not sure about this new guy yet , but from what I have seen looks like he could be OK.
I enjoy watching the story arcs and consider this better than most of the shite that is on tv these days (ie reality bollocks, soaps etc). However I recently discovered a series of audio adventures with Paul McGann as the Doctor which I listen to while working (you can torrent them and sometimes they're on BBC7). Rather than the ridiculous storylines you sometimes get on the TV version these days, these stories are really well written, and McGann seems well suited to the role (IMO far better than Tennant in his acting and also in the way his character is written). I'd definitely suggest listening to them
:lol: This is just too funny.

Angry parents complained to the BBC that the comment, made in an episode seen by 11 million viewers, would encourage bullying of their ginger haired children. But the BBC said that the Doctor was actually disappointed that he had not joined the ginger ranks.

The statement read: “We’ve received complaints from viewers who believed a line in Doctor Who: The End of Time was insulting to people with ginger hair.

“We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn’t have an anti-ginger agenda whatsoever. This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when David Tennant discovers that he’s not ginger, and here he is, missing out again — disappointed he’s still not ginger.”

The statement concluded: “In addition, the Doctor’s previous companion Donna Noble [Catherine Tate] and his new one Amy Pond [Karen Gillan] are both redheads.”

Last year the BBC responded to complaints from EastEnders viewers when the ginger hair of the character Tiffany was mocked. The BBC said then that characters in a drama should be allowed to “express views/opinions that we personally do not agree with".

It added that the soap also featured “a number of very successful red-headed characters".

Russell T. Davies, the Doctor Who writer, had referenced an exchange between David Tennant after his arrival in the role and Billie Piper, who played his assistant Rose Tyler.

“Am I ... ginger?,” he asked. “No, you’re just sort of... brown,” she replied.

The Doctor said: “Aww, I wanted to be ginger. I’ve never been ginger.”

But one mother who complained to the BBC said: “I think it is totally inappropriate for the Doctor to make fun of people with ginger hair — it is a programme children watch and I think it will encourage bullying."

Gingerists :rolleyes:
This police woman's skirt is fantastically small...are they standard issue?

By god the force would be so much better if they were.

She's fit though isn't she? Deffo get it up the bum hole she would.
Funny that I was just flicking off imaging head. off her.
She's a bit cornish though my lovely......I might need something to plug her cake hole with...hmmmm, now what could I use??
This has been pretty good so far.

The ginger girl is really cute and the new Doctor seems to have hit the ground running.

"You're Scottish, fry something"
He is surprisingly charming...that is, from what I've noticed in the brief interludes between ***ping furiously over the ginger girl.
Aaah she's scottish!....I did not get that...


Planet blows up because of the firepower of 3 hataks ? A dozen hataks couldn't even dent an ori ship and our 304 destroyed the same ori ship with 2-3 shots with our uber asgard beams.

I mean come on!!
I thought Mat Smith was pretty good, never going to be easy following one of the best Doctors, but a very good start.
Looking forward to tonight's episode. The New Doctor was better than I expected last week, but it'll be different without the whole regeneration schtick to fall back on from now on.

Undecided on the bird.
Amelia looks a tad plain compared to last week.

Can't say I've warmed to Matt Smith. I think a little will go a long way and he'll become irritating.
Well I agree, not bad, but when a Planet blows up because of the firepower of 3 hataks ? A dozen hataks couldn't even dent an ori ship and our 304 destroyed the same ori ship with 2-3 shots with our uber asgard beams.

It's just not cricket
Well I agree, not bad, but when a Planet blows up because of the firepower of 3 hataks ? A dozen hataks couldn't even dent an ori ship and our 304 destroyed the same ori ship with 2-3 shots with our uber asgard beams.

It's just not cricket

I got none of that, well apart from the cricket bit.
Going to watch this after el clasico on the iplayer.. first episode with Smith was mint and Amy pond was sex on legs.
meh...disssapointing Moffat ep.

Since when has the queen had any power in todays UK, why would she have more in a thousand years time? the queen

Childrens ep...obviously they all are really, but this was a little too childish for my liking. Smith was alright tho I thought
meh...disssapointing Moffat ep.

Since when has the queen had any power in todays UK, why would she have more in a thousand years time? the queen

Childrens ep...obviously they all are really, but this was a little too childish for my liking. Smith was alright tho I thought

You dont expect much change in a thousand years Mockney?
Not in the monarchy's favor I don't no....It's like the president fighting Aliens in independence day...but 10 times stupider.

I don't expect realism obviously, but that was just stupid.

Those creatures weren't explained at all either, they were just introduced as scary, then completely ignored for the last 20 minutes. I expect more from's like it was a 2 parter, but he was told to wrap it up so went "err...yeah, well they all get into the tower of london (what?) and we find out stuff and it ends" No..not really.
Not in the monarchy's favor I don't no....It's like the president fighting Aliens in independence day...but 10 times stupider.

I don't expect realism obviously, but that was just stupid.

Those creatures weren't explained at all either, they were just introduced as scary, then completely ignored for the last 20 minutes. I expect more from's like it was a 2 parter, but he was told to wrap it up so went "err...yeah, well they all get into the tower of london (what?) and we find out stuff and it ends" No..not really.

Smilers? They were explained to the extent of who was behind them (Queen). They didnt cut one open and work out how they work, no.

As for the Monarchy, it can surely only go one way in the next thousand years. And thats for them to be considered more important than they are now. Because, short of forgetting they exist, they cant become less important can they?