New Doctor Who special

The original series was intended to be a educational programme were each week the Doctor would take his crew to famous historic events. It was very quickly turned into a true Sci-fi show.
The original series was intended to be a educational programme were each week the Doctor would take his crew to famous historic events. It was very quickly turned into a true Sci-fi show.

Well yes, but it is different saying what is was intended as to what it actually was. In the first season there were a few histoical stories, such as Marco Polo, The Aztecs, The Romans etc.. but they were sandwich between twice as much Sci-fi.
It started as an Historical programme that was quickly hanged to a SCI-FI show.
The better episodes from the New Who have been the darker ones by a mile.

Which are the Moffat ones. Name an ep you like and I'll bet you any money it's written by Moffat.

I can't stand Davis writing, he's a big kid and has no interest in keeping it hi brow or even remotely reasonable (which is fair enough for a kids show, but it could be so much better) it's all about the spectacle, sentimentality and cheese with him. Some of the things he comes out with are are utter rubbish and contradict, well everything, even for a sci fi show. The amount of Deus Ex Machinas he creates are ridiculous....And take the Obama will save the world with an economic solution crap in this one, absolutely cringeworthy kids stuff...

Personally though I don't care as I'm not much of a Who fan but I appreciate it for what it is and like good writing, which is why I like the Moffat eps, cos they are brilliant family entertainment. I'm really looking forward to see what he will do with it, cos the man is a great great writer of this sort of stuff. 10X better than Davis

As for this ep. Yeah, last few minutes were good, but again, the laziest Deus Ex Machina ever (oh look, big machine, never seen or heard of it before, guess what it can do). He just can't write very clever stuff. Moffat can though.
I agree with you there on Moffat he is by far the best new Who writer. Best of season 1 was The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances great 2 parter. Best of season 2 was The Girl in the Fireplace same with season 3 for Blink. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead was great last year. Im really looking forward to season 5 with Moffat in charge with what happens. The show last night and the one on New Years looks like they might be setting the reset button for Moffat aswell.
To be fair to Davis, I just IMBD him and he wrote Midnight last year which was quite a good ep..Very Moffat like actually....I generally only tune in or what on iPlayer when I know Moffats written it. He's writing TinTin for Speilberg and Jackson right now. Girl In The Fireplace was very good you're right, how to do sentimental and touching without being a soppy old queen.
I've never watched Dr. Who, it just seems childish. All the creatures that I've seen glimpses of aren't scary at all. It just has this kids tv vibe about it.
As for this ep. Yeah, last few minutes were good, but again, the laziest Deus Ex Machina ever (oh look, big machine, never seen or heard of it before, guess what it can do). He just can't write very clever stuff. Moffat can though.

Yeh, and little imagination

The final scene with the Time Lords was so star wars looking, and I guess as well the machine was quite stargate like in its appearance
Try tellling that to people of Cumbria who are preparing another round of sandbags as we speak.:)

It was a bit inconsiderate, what with the 5 year anniversary of the Tsunami and all.
Happy New Doctor Day! 6pm GMT BBC. Be a torrent available around 10pm GMT. Hyped as the best episode ever. The last one sure had an intriguing ending. I enjoy even the bad episodes so I'm in for a treat I hope.
Used to get home from OT in the 60's on a Saturday afternoon and the Doctor was on tv. Only had 2 channels back then. BBC and ITV. Loved Saturdays.
We get to meet the new Doctor tonight I take it? I hope it's not another 6 months until we get a proper episode with the new guy.


Too young in my opinion. Saying that I was not happy when Chris Eccleston was replaced with Tennant, and he turned out to be a great Doctor.
This better not be shit. Tennant deserves a great last hurrah. Who's written the final episode?
We get to meet the new Doctor tonight I take it? I hope it's not another 6 months until we get a proper episode with the new guy.


Too young in my opinion. Saying that I was not happy when Chris Eccleston was replaced with Tennant, and he turned out to be a great Doctor.
New series begins in March
Has this aired yet, I need the torrent if I am to have any hope of seeing it.

In other news, the new doctors costume looks shite.
The best bits of the whole episode were those with Wilf and The Doctor.

Won't be the same without Tennant.