I thought he reffed the petty fouls on Hazard quite well, tbh. In that, they probably were fouls that Hazard wanted to get but they were fouls. None of them was a yellow card tackle & none of them were really in game affecting situations to deny significant breaks either. They were all part of the game, Hazard wasn't being clogged round the park or anything - not even to the extent of the previous game where the silly red was out a bit too early for most of us. So Oliver managed that quite well this time, you could say.
But... Chelsea got allowed to stop the game whenever they liked, Valencia got rightly booked for me tbf, but not fair in comparison to Moses. Where was the free kick for Ashley Young? <--- Hazard would have got 2 for that. Smalling might have been a penalty, maybe he didn't see it.
Which is all sour grapes, and doesn't alter the game as such.
But he's still a shite ref who obviously & blatantly never seems that he gives us very much, isn't it?
I thought we were fortunate with the Ashley Young handball, that went our way in that it could easily have been given whether you agree with it or not.
So... you could go through what I've just posted, probably take it apart & say well... he didn't do us over yesterday (he didn't really) - even say he wasn't totally terrible if you want to & maybe you'd be right & I'm wrong. Opinions etc.
But... and this is the worst for me - there are just so many times in nearly every game that MO does, that he arrives at the scene of a decision & you have absolutely no idea what he's going to do, and you're not sure which way he's going to give it. And yes, I am saying it's like that all the time with him.
There are some other not-great refs occasionally giving visibly worse decisions maybe - but they at least give you a clue with previous precedent & have some pretence of looking like they aren't actually making it up as they go along or just plain guessing like this bell-end appears to be doing about 50 times a game.