I've made a few fixes as per the feedback:
- Missing icons in Firefox are fixed
- User award icons are now back instead of showing the actual full award text which was cluttering up the user info box in posts
- Thread ignore settings should now be restored for everyone
- Left padding on thread lists has been fixed, this was particularly noticeable on mobile devices
- Fixed a missing text translation relating to user notes which mods were seeing
- I checked the width of the user info box (i.e. the box on the left with my name and details). The width seems to be the same as it always was.
Still to do:
Check whether quotes in posts should be fully expanded by default or collapsed, I honestly can't remember. Any help? 
- Restore the missing thread type icons in the Entertainment forum (e.g. gaming, TV)
- Make already read threads more obvious in dark mode, seems to be hard to distinguish from unread threads
- Make some dark mode icons less colourful so they don't draw so much attention to themselves
- Make the dark theme breadcrumb bar less bright on mobile
- Look into making posts more distinguishable in dark mode
- A few other minor styling tweaks I've noticed that are low priority
Anything I've missed?