Maintenance complete. Now give yourself to the dark side!

On mobile, either default or dark mode, when viewing the forums pages, needs padding-inline-start and padding-inline-end of at least 1rem for the container element of the the thread list.
Dark is much better, the white is obnoxious in comparison now
I can't decide.

I like the red, white and black United colours of the default. And the red breaks between posts seem to be more distinctive and separate each post better.

I like the dark theme as well, but all the posts feel like they merge more into each other as there's less obvious separation between the darker colours that divide them.

Nice to have either option, though. It's a good addition.
Is the profile box to the left of posts thinner? It's making small posts taller, since it's stretching out all the information in the profile. That's particularly relevant for people with long locations (or the current notes bug). Maybe it was the same before, I am just noticing it now because of the bug.
I like the dark theme as well, but all the posts feel like they merge more into each other as there's less obvious separation between the darker colours that divide them.
Agreed! I usually always go with dark mode but I don't like how posts don't look as separated with this. Maybe I'm just too used to the default style.
Actually just looking at it, it has to be whatever @tenpoless is using. I am seeing those images just as .png's. Probably just Malwarebytes being overly cautious.

I don't think you answered before, are tags going to remain without colour on dark mode? It just looks like regular text: @nimic
Ah I'm using As far as I know it's safe, but i'll switch to other image sharing website then.
I like how it shows if a user is online above their comment. Just a nice QoL improvement.
Loving the dark mode, but I still cannot use the various features on mobile (iPad/iPhone) such as bolding, spoilers etc.
Loving the dark mode, but I still cannot use the various features on mobile (iPad/iPhone) such as bolding, spoilers etc.
Click the [ ] icon

Maybe it's just me, but I do feel like it's quite a bit more difficult to tell which threads have new/unread posts in dark mode. I know it's just a colour change, but the normal vs bold text just doesn't seem to stand out with the white text on dark background like it does with the red text on white background.

If others feel the same perhaps an icon could be next to the threads with unread posts (similar to the icon showing which threads you've posted in)? Alternatively, maybe it's just my aging eyes.
Maybe it's just me, but I do feel like it's quite a bit more difficult to tell which threads have new/unread posts in dark mode. I know it's just a colour change, but the normal vs bold text just doesn't seem to stand out with the white text on dark background like it does with the red text on white background.

If others feel the same perhaps an icon could be next to the threads with unread posts (similar to the icon showing which threads you've posted in)? Alternatively, maybe it's just my aging eyes.

Yeah I’d agree with this.
All we need now is a workmode, where it looks a bit like an excel spreadsheet.
Any chance we could test out changing the 'You've posted in this thread' speech bubble to white/grey? Feel like the green sticks out quite a lot and it's not really info you need to stand out that much. The icon alone is enough.
Any chance we could test out changing the 'You've posted in this thread' speech bubble to white/grey? Feel like the green sticks out quite a lot and it's not really info you need to stand out that much. The icon alone is enough.
I'll add it to the list.
Thanks for your patience during the maintenance downtime earlier. Apologies that it took longer than expected but all went as planned in the end.

The main changes relate to upgrades to the core of XenForo itself. This required some reworking of the site theme/design/layout but everything should be the same as before. However, if you notice anything awry please let me know in this thread or PM me.

This upgrade lays the foundation for some other upcoming improvements but this update does include a couple of improvements which I know has been long requested:

1. Dark Theme!

To enable the Dark Theme, click on the theme button that says " (Default Theme)" at the bottom of every page:


Then choose " (Dark Theme)" et voila!

The layout of the dark theme is identical to the default theme, however, there may still be some discrepancies between the two which should be considered bugs. If you notice anything not quite right with the new dark theme, please let me know.

Also, if any of you are design minded I'm happy to hear any suggestions for improvements to the new theme. Colours and stuff ain't entirely my thing! :)

2. Twitter embed fixes URLs now work when embedding tweets and tweets should load less intrusively on pages. The latter was resulting in pages jumping around as tweets loaded higher up on the page.

We're also looking at adding support for various other media embedding. I'll post on that separately.


This is definitely a welcome improvement. Thanks.
Change the color scheme on dark mode to be green, white, and gold instead of just red and white and then we're in business.
I've made a few fixes as per the feedback:

- Missing icons in Firefox are fixed
- User award icons are now back instead of showing the actual full award text which was cluttering up the user info box in posts
- Thread ignore settings should now be restored for everyone
- Left padding on thread lists has been fixed, this was particularly noticeable on mobile devices
- Fixed a missing text translation relating to user notes which mods were seeing
- I checked the width of the user info box (i.e. the box on the left with my name and details). The width seems to be the same as it always was.

Still to do:

- Check whether quotes in posts should be fully expanded by default or collapsed, I honestly can't remember. Any help? :confused:
- Restore the missing thread type icons in the Entertainment forum (e.g. gaming, TV)
- Make already read threads more obvious in dark mode, seems to be hard to distinguish from unread threads
- Make some dark mode icons less colourful so they don't draw so much attention to themselves
- Make the dark theme breadcrumb bar less bright on mobile
- Look into making posts more distinguishable in dark mode
- A few other minor styling tweaks I've noticed that are low priority

Anything I've missed?
When changing colour to something you have already given a colour, there's a missing icon. This is on light mode.

I can't seem to reproduce this. How are you getting that icon to show?

I can't seem to reproduce this. How are you getting that icon to show?

If I highlight the second part of your quote, the one without colour formatting (the word "seem" in this case), it looks like this when I go to change colour:


But when I highlight lskdjfskldf, and try to change its colour, it looks like this:


I can't remember what it looked like yesterday (despite using it often). Some kind of conformation that this is the current colour, I assume.
Everything is working great for me apart from this weird thing where my modmin elections thread keeps getting deleted.
I've made a few fixes as per the feedback:

- Missing icons in Firefox are fixed
- User award icons are now back instead of showing the actual full award text which was cluttering up the user info box in posts
- Thread ignore settings should now be restored for everyone
- Left padding on thread lists has been fixed, this was particularly noticeable on mobile devices
- Fixed a missing text translation relating to user notes which mods were seeing
- I checked the width of the user info box (i.e. the box on the left with my name and details). The width seems to be the same as it always was.

Still to do:

- Check whether quotes in posts should be fully expanded by default or collapsed, I honestly can't remember. Any help? :confused:
- Restore the missing thread type icons in the Entertainment forum (e.g. gaming, TV)
- Make already read threads more obvious in dark mode, seems to be hard to distinguish from unread threads
- Make some dark mode icons less colourful so they don't draw so much attention to themselves
- Make the dark theme breadcrumb bar less bright on mobile
- Look into making posts more distinguishable in dark mode
- A few other minor styling tweaks I've noticed that are low priority

Anything I've missed?

Could locked threads be more distinguished? Slightly grayer color maybe? Or the lock icon in a different color.

I've made a few fixes as per the feedback:

- Missing icons in Firefox are fixed
- User award icons are now back instead of showing the actual full award text which was cluttering up the user info box in posts
- Thread ignore settings should now be restored for everyone
- Left padding on thread lists has been fixed, this was particularly noticeable on mobile devices
- Fixed a missing text translation relating to user notes which mods were seeing
- I checked the width of the user info box (i.e. the box on the left with my name and details). The width seems to be the same as it always was.

Still to do:

- Check whether quotes in posts should be fully expanded by default or collapsed, I honestly can't remember. Any help? :confused:
- Restore the missing thread type icons in the Entertainment forum (e.g. gaming, TV)
- Make already read threads more obvious in dark mode, seems to be hard to distinguish from unread threads
- Make some dark mode icons less colourful so they don't draw so much attention to themselves
- Make the dark theme breadcrumb bar less bright on mobile
- Look into making posts more distinguishable in dark mode
- A few other minor styling tweaks I've noticed that are low priority

Anything I've missed?
I like the changes! Dark mode is great, and I appreciate you're working on making read/unread threads easier to distinguish. As for quotes: not sure if that's what you mean, but they were by default collapsed if they extended beyond a certain length.
Everything is working great for me apart from this weird thing where my modmin elections thread keeps getting deleted.
I think that's called a feature, not a bug.
@Niall there’s weird spacing on some threads where the title reaches a second line. But it seems fine on others where it does the same. See the first two here versus the Yoro thread.

@Niall there’s weird spacing on some threads where the title reaches a second line. But it seems fine on others where it does the same. See the first two here versus the Yoro thread.


It's when the thread title is on two lines and the page numbers fit on the same line as the poster and forum info in the second, or don't fit for the Yoro thread.

Might be better to place all page numbers on a third line for consistency as there must be padding for the left of the "posted 5 mins" ago part that drops it to the third line.

Either that or pack it in and sell the forum.
It's when the thread title is on two lines and the page numbers can't fit on the same line as the poster and forum info in the second.

Might be better to place all page numbers on a third line for consistency.

It’s weird. It’s fixed now but others have changed. It’s like it changes depending on where it is in the order.
