Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
Sleeping with prostitutes while his wife is pregnant, top lad.
ssshhh...if it's alright for Giggs then it's fine for Rooney.
Sleeping with prostitutes while his wife is pregnant, top lad.
Hang on giggs didn't go with prostitutes... Just a glamour model and his sister in law.ssshhh...if it's alright for Giggs then it's fine for Rooney.
Owen left for peanuts. He also left right after Rafa had come in, this after he had been one of the players who had suggested that we appoint Benitez as our manager. He then went on to play for United.
Torres left for Chelsea. He went about it in the worst way possible to make things even worse. Again, this was after Kenny had just arrived and things were starting to look bright. This was after he made comments about never playing for another English club.
If you can't see how the Suarez situation is different...
So has Ronaldo, messi, terry and rooney in recent years.Suarez for 2 years debunked the myth that nobody is bigger than the club.
Maybe but Suarez took it to a new level.So has Ronaldo, messi, terry and rooney in recent years.
True. The whole t-shirt thing was ridiculous.Maybe but Suarez took it to a new level.
Sleeping with prostitutes while his wife is pregnant, top lad.
Yep to get Liverpool's greatest player to wear a t shirt showing support for a man who had just racially abused another man was hilariously embarrassingTrue. The whole t-shirt thing was ridiculous.
You are a right horrible little cnut arent you? I cant wait until next May this place will be unbearable for you
So you conveniently forget about Suarez whoring himself about last season and almost ending up at Arsenal claiming afterwards that the club failed to keep their promise to him. Then he went on to have a great season and claimed 'Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me. I'm very happy here and my family is happy here'.
And then he just happened to bite Chillieni at the most convenient time before moving to Barcelona.
Read into it what you will, but to say Suarez situation is different from the likes of Owen and Torres is not true. No idea why Liverpool fans seem to think otherwise. In fact I would say Torres and Owen didn't smear Liverpool's reputation like Suarez did. Just because Liverpool were financially compensated with 75 mil doesn't change what happened prior to that.
Where did that come from ?
It was Grinner who brought Rooney up to be fair and Barney was just pointing out Rooney can equal Suarez In a cnut off depending on your opinion.Whats Rooney riding prossies got to do with his worth as a player? Barney should stick to being a smug feck and keep the bile out of it
You are a right horrible little cnut arent you? I cant wait until next May this place will be unbearable for you
He made a valid point though.
It was Grinner who brought Rooney up to be fair and Barney was just pointing out Rooney can equal Suarez In a cnut off depending on your opinion.
About Rooneys character? Did she shag prostitutes on the football field? No he didnt! Did Suarez bite three poor feckers on the field? Yes he did. Rooneys nocturnal habits have nothing to do with his behaviour or standing on the field and the same goes for Giggs
One of us has missed something here - I thought they were talking about khunt acts by players in general. Suarez is most definitely a massive massive (the biggest) khunt on the pitch, but Rooney and Giggs have topped him off it.
Maybe, I thought they were talking about on the pitch. Regardless I dont see why personal lives should be brought into it. I guarantee none of us on here are angels by any stretch
To be fair he's just called someone a fat Spanish waiter in the RAWK thread.
It is quite simple, I would imagine many have seen little of Can & Markovic yet write them off as average. Let us see how they get on and give them a chance.
I don't make predictions but I think Lallana will be a cracking addition for us.
Sleeping with prostitutes while his wife is pregnant, top lad.
Sleeping with prostitutes while his wife is pregnant, top lad.
One of us has missed something here - I thought they were talking about khunt acts by players in general. Suarez is most definitely a massive massive (the biggest) khunt on the pitch, but Rooney and Giggs have topped him off it.
So you conveniently forget about Suarez whoring himself about last season and almost ending up at Arsenal claiming afterwards that the club failed to keep their promise to him. Then he went on to have a great season and claimed 'Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me. I'm very happy here and my family is happy here'.
And then he just happened to bite Chillieni at the most convenient time before moving to Barcelona.
Read into it what you will, but to say Suarez situation is different from the likes of Owen and Torres is not true. No idea why Liverpool fans seem to think otherwise. In fact I would say Torres and Owen didn't smear Liverpool's reputation like Suarez did. Just because Liverpool were financially compensated with 75 mil doesn't change what happened prior to that.
Yes but should we really care about these things ? Specially when it concerns their sex lives ? Football is a game and more than anything only the game part of it interests me. I can understand people disagree with me of course.
An odd conspiracy. Firstly, it ruined his own World Cup where he could've made a difference in later rounds. Secondly, it arguably made him less coveted by a potential buyer.He can whore himself around to whoever he wants. He did the business on the pitch and gave it his all every time he played for us. There's also the fact that I'm not arsed about what other supporters think about our club and our reputation. I think the conspiracy theorists that believe he bit him to try and force a move out are deluding themselves. From the sounds of it, he was going whatever happened.
Giggs is definetely a bigger twat than Suarez if we count off the field stuff, but then Giggsy has been thoroughly professional in his stint at United. Can't say the same about Suarez who's costed his team with so many meaningless bans.
The good that has done for us far outweighs the bad.
Not at all.
Ruined your global image so much so that the NYT ran a story criticising the actions of Suarez which resulted in an apology by Kenny and Suarez and also got countless bans. Yes his form was crucial to your CL spot but who's to say that you wouldn't have got it earlier when Suarez was banned for eight matches against Evra?
1. you aren't neutral.I understand that you're supportive of him. Listen to neutrals on this though. The reasons why they tried to engineer moves don't matter, it's the lack of loyalty that's being pointed out. I remember the Rooney thread on here during the last one when 90% of you were giving him an absolute cnuting for his behaviour.
I genuinely think this is being overplayed. The news cycle is far too fast for such things to happen and to take hold. It was an unedifying spectacle but had it ruined Liverpool's image the club would've been unable to secure global contracts with the likes of Chevrolet, Warrior and a Standard Charter. These are powerful global brands who wanted to be associated with the club that had Suarez as their main man. Similarly, if it was so ruinous the likes of Adidas wouldn't have used Suarez for years as a poster boy.Not at all.
Ruined your global image so much so that the NYT ran a story criticising the actions of Suarez which resulted in an apology by Kenny and Suarez and also got countless bans. Yes his form was crucial to your CL spot but who's to say that you wouldn't have got it earlier when Suarez was banned for eight matches against Evra?
Giggs is definetely a bigger twat than Suarez if we count off the field stuff, but then Giggsy has been thoroughly professional in his stint at United. Can't say the same about Suarez who's costed his team with so many meaningless bans.