Music Linkin Park - Top 5

Some of the live parts she sounds fantastic and others I feel like her voice doesn’t have enough weight to carry it.

Miley Cyrus should have been the new singer and I’ll be taking no questions.
She was quite poor in all honesty. And apparently is a Danny Masterson apologist and Scientologist to boot.
One of my favourite bands, and have been for 20 years. I like her. She channels that energy and emotion that Chester did so well, even if she's not as good a vocalist. Not many are though.

If she's a scientologist and rape apologist she can get to feck though. So can the rest of the band.
that's on Shinoda and co for saying 'in Chester's place, you guys', and then clearly having Emily actually try and do that job. Chester was unique, his voice and performances were unique, and anyone trying to replace it will fall short.
Absolutely, totally agree - and kudos for being reasonable enough to take this position and not just write her off as crap and female. Good post.

I did listen to a few tracks and had the same thought. She needs to be allowed perform as herself, and not be a Chester tribute act, or held up to his standard - that’s never going to work. People need to accept that LP are a different band now with a different sound - not necessarily better or worse just different. No need for anyone to be a hater, If you don’t like it you can always listen to the tracks recorded with Chester.
If she's a scientologist and rape apologist she can get to feck though.
Im kinda ignorant of the whole Scientology thing, so I can’t really have an opinion about it but on your second point - a LOT of people were deceived and duped by Masterson. She, like Kutcher and Kunis for example have acknowledged they were wrong and apologised. I don’t think it’s something she should have held against her.
Im kinda ignorant of the whole Scientology thing, so I can’t really have an opinion about it but on your second point - a LOT of people were deceived and duped by Masterson. She, like Kutcher and Kunis for example have acknowledged they were wrong and apologised. I don’t think it’s something she should have held against her.

They did know though, Emily absolutely knew as she was friends with a guy who's wife was raped by him through the cult. Kutcher and Kunis were caught writing a character reference to get him a leaner sentence...Don't defend these people.
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She can make sort of the same noises as Chester did so that'll be why she's in I guess - to keep the money making live machine rolling.

The new song's terrible of course. As bland as they could possibly make it. Why bother? It's clearly just shit.
One of my favourite bands, and have been for 20 years. I like her. She channels that energy and emotion that Chester did so well, even if she's not as good a vocalist. Not many are though.

If she's a scientologist and rape apologist she can get to feck though. So can the rest of the band.
She did explain how she fecked up the Masterson thing. Said she initially jumped to defend a friend but as soon as she learned the truth changed her stance which is fair I think.
The sell-out accusations are just so boring, IMO.
Absolutely. It makes no sense too.

She did explain how she fecked up the Masterson thing. Said she initially jumped to defend a friend but as soon as she learned the truth changed her stance which is fair I think.
But she's clearly lying, as she was at more than one hearing and she also has been called out by her scientology buddy multiple times for knowing the truth well before all this LP stuff.

They did know though, Emily absolutely knew as she was friends with a guy who's wife was raped by him through the cult. Kutcher and Kunis were caught writing a character reference to get him a leaner sentence...Don't defend these people.
@Plant0x84 you seem to have accidentally missed this post.
I'm not a linkin Park fan but Numb has always been one of my favourite songs.

Just seen a video of the new singer performing it live and I thought she was absolutely excellent.
@Plant0x84 you seem to have accidentally missed this post.
Which bit of ignorant don’t you get?! I didn’t know the Kutcher-Kunis’ had written their letter AFTER a guilty verdict. That’s entirely shitty.
I also wasn’t aware Emily knew one of the accusers. I retract my previous post, I’m really only interested in the music.
She did explain how she fecked up the Masterson thing. Said she initially jumped to defend a friend but as soon as she learned the truth changed her stance which is fair I think.
This is basically what I thought. I guess she believed him or liked him more than the woman friend.
Which bit of ignorant don’t you get?! I didn’t know the Kutcher-Kunis’ had written their letter AFTER a guilty verdict. That’s entirely shitty.
I also wasn’t aware Emily knew one of the accusers. I retract my previous post, I’m really only interested in the music.

This is basically what I thought. I guess she believed him or liked him more than the woman friend.

Im kinda ignorant of the whole Scientology thing, so I can’t really have an opinion about it but on your second point - a LOT of people were deceived and duped by Masterson. She, like Kutcher and Kunis for example have acknowledged they were wrong and apologised. I don’t think it’s something she should have held against her.
You aren't "completely ignorant" of the bolded though. I wasn't attacking you, I was pointing out you shouldn't be defending these people when you might be ignorant of certain things, but clearly know enough to know about the Kutcher/Kunis situation. But saying "I'm really only interested in the music" isn't a good thing either.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with them getting a new singer and continuing, definitely nothing wrong with having a woman front them. But replacing Chester with someone who openly defended a well known abuser and rapist? Who is part of a cult known for abuse? At some point, the music side must make way for the realities of what is happening. I mean, this isn't right from any single angle is it. You have to wonder about how much Shinoda knew/thought about.

It's always interesting where peoples lines are drawn.

You aren't "completely ignorant" of the bolded though. I wasn't attacking you, I was pointing out you shouldn't be defending these people when you might be ignorant of certain things, but clearly know enough to know about the Kutcher/Kunis situation. But saying "I'm really only interested in the music" isn't a good thing either.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with them getting a new singer and continuing, definitely nothing wrong with having a woman front them. But replacing Chester with someone who openly defended a well known abuser and rapist? Who is part of a cult known for abuse? At some point, the music side must make way for the realities of what is happening. I mean, this isn't right from any single angle is it.

It's always interested where peoples lines are drawn.
Emily apparently is one of 50 people who wrongly vouched for Masterson. Like I said, I wasn’t aware of the details.
At face value it seemed a reasonable position to take to vouch for a friend until you found out the truth in a court of law and changed your opinion, for which you apologised. The fact that you also know one of the victims is interesting context that I hadn’t read. Not all outlets report the same facts. I only ‘knew’ about Kutcher and Kunis from the article I read.
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No way, Meteora was LP peak. They were kinda weak and sell-out after that, the jay-z cash grab being a case in point.
Dunno about sell out... I watched the documentary that's included in the Collision Course CD and they seemed to really look up to Jay Zed. Shinoda particularly. I think it was more a case of them working with a huge star that they admire.

I dropped out during Minutes To Midnight but their fans would have been happy for more Meteora style nu metal but they went a different direction, made sense to me as they were maturing with their fan base. I can't talk for the quality of the album though as I only heard it once.
Absolutely. It makes no sense too.

But she's clearly lying, as she was at more than one hearing and she also has been called out by her scientology buddy multiple times for knowing the truth well before all this LP stuff.

@Plant0x84 you seem to have accidentally missed this post.

I haven't seen the stuff about her lying but will have a look when I got free time. Thanks for the heads up.
Been listening to all their albums. Some things I noted:
A Thousand Suns - I think this is a great record. Burning in the Skies is one of their best ever tracks

Living Things - by far their weakest album. There's just not a lot of strong tracks on this one.

One More Light - First time listening to this in full. Its a straight up pop album and a pretty damn good one.

Id probably rank them
1. Hybrid Theory
2. Minutes to Midnight
3. Meteora
4. A Thousand Suns
5. The Hunting Party
6. One More Light

7. Living Things
I understand the criticism of Armstrong's support for a rapist even if she's tried to distance herself from it but I find pointing out she's a scientologist strange.

Let's be clear, The Church of Scientology is hugely problematic but at an individual level, are all Scientologists bad people? Probably not. I'm going to assume Armstrong is quite far down the chain of command so she's not dictating policy but might be giving money to it. The Catholic Church is also hugely problematic but we don't criticise individual Catholics for being so.

In my view, The Church of Scientology is probably more of a social club for people trying to make it in Holywood. I doubt most truly believe in the stuff L. Ron Hubbard wrote about. It's probably more like the freemason but with phetan levels.
Let's be clear, The Church of Scientology is hugely problematic but at an individual level, are all Scientologists bad people? Probably not. I'm going to assume Armstrong is quite far down the chain of command so she's not dictating policy but might be giving money to it. The Catholic Church is also hugely problematic but we don't criticise individual Catholics for being so.

Know that I agree 100%, but boy are you kicking a hornets' nest... Religion is honestly no better or any different than these weird cults. The only difference is the number of followers. Once it crosses a certain amount we go from "valid criticism" to "blasphemy".
I understand the criticism of Armstrong's support for a rapist even if she's tried to distance herself from it but I find pointing out she's a scientologist strange.

Let's be clear, The Church of Scientology is hugely problematic but at an individual level, are all Scientologists bad people? Probably not. I'm going to assume Armstrong is quite far down the chain of command so she's not dictating policy but might be giving money to it. The Catholic Church is also hugely problematic but we don't criticise individual Catholics for being so.

In my view, The Church of Scientology is probably more of a social club for people trying to make it in Holywood. I doubt most truly believe in the stuff L. Ron Hubbard wrote about. It's probably more like the freemason but with phetan levels.
Masterson was reasonably high up on the ladder, Armstrong was born into it. The people he raped were members, and the rest covered for him. Since those affected by all this left, they've been followed and harassed for years.

It's not some harmless social club, it's a full on cult. Sure you might say not all of them are rapists, but they sure close ranks and support rapists. Much like Armstrong, Kunis and Kutcher did.
Horsechoker is a scientologist: confirmed.
Of course someone with your phetan levels would say that

Masterson was reasonably high up on the ladder, Armstrong was born into it. The people he raped were members, and the rest covered for him. Since those affected by all this left, they've been followed and harassed for years.

It's not some harmless social club, it's a full on cult. Sure you might say not all of them are rapists, but they sure close ranks and support rapists. Much like Armstrong, Kunis and Kutcher did.
I think the criticism comes down to her defending a rapist rather than being a member. The whole thing is shady don't get me wrong.
Of course someone with your phetan levels would say that

I think the criticism comes down to her defending a rapist rather than being a member. The whole thing is shady don't get me wrong.
If she was just a scientologist member, then people would possibly shrug shoulders and that be that.

Fact is she repeatedly turned up to court to defend a known rapist and sexual abuser, has since lied about it, all whilst replacing a guy who was a victim of sexual abuse and suffered his whole short life because of that. All wrapped in that neat little cult bubble.

And that's what get's me, surely Shinoda would have known about this? It's fecking stupid, there are plenty of singers out there they could have gone with and they pick the one with the most baggage (to put it mildly)? I honestly don't get it.
Of course someone with your phetan levels would say that

I think the criticism comes down to her defending a rapist rather than being a member. The whole thing is shady don't get me wrong.
I read that as Phelan levels. And now I'm thinking of a RedCafe religion.

New members start off with one Phelan. Ten Phelans can be exchanged for an Ole. Fifty Oles earn you a golden Frogie. Senior members get a Kenwood Juicer.

Someone PM Niall and get him on board with this.
I read that as Phelan levels. And now I'm thinking of a RedCafe religion.

New members start off with one Phelan. Ten Phelans can be exchanged for an Ole. Fifty Oles earn you a golden Frogie. Senior members get a Kenwood Juicer.

Someone PM Niall and get him on board with this.
And we all have to pray every night.

Via pm, sent to spoony.
I read that as Phelan levels. And now I'm thinking of a RedCafe religion.

New members start off with one Phelan. Ten Phelans can be exchanged for an Ole. Fifty Oles earn you a golden Frogie. Senior members get a Kenwood Juicer.

Someone PM Niall and get him on board with this.
Only when you burst the balloon will you truly transcend.
I can't be bothered to read through 4 pages but I don't agree with the initial "she's absolutely smashed it on the old songs" consensus.

I think she sounds awful and her voice doesn't suit the songs at all. Its not just about hitting the notes (which she seems to struggle with anyway), her voice doesn't have any of the power or energy of Chester and I wouldn't say that's irreplaceable. She just doesn't have it.

Whether its a man or a woman I don't care. Should have just got someone better. Maybe she's more suited to their new stuff but the problem there is the new stuff is, well, crap.
I understand the criticism of Armstrong's support for a rapist even if she's tried to distance herself from it but I find pointing out she's a scientologist strange.

Let's be clear, The Church of Scientology is hugely problematic but at an individual level, are all Scientologists bad people? Probably not. I'm going to assume Armstrong is quite far down the chain of command so she's not dictating policy but might be giving money to it. The Catholic Church is also hugely problematic but we don't criticise individual Catholics for being so.

In my view, The Church of Scientology is probably more of a social club for people trying to make it in Holywood. I doubt most truly believe in the stuff L. Ron Hubbard wrote about. It's probably more like the freemason but with phetan levels.

Of course someone with your phetan levels would say that

I think the criticism comes down to her defending a rapist rather than being a member. The whole thing is shady don't get me wrong.
Isn't it thetan?