Life after ETH — the next United manager

I still want to see what Nagals would be able to do at United....although he just resigned with Germany and think that was partly due to family reasons. Doubt he would do a 180 at Christmas and take the Utd job.

Otherwise I would want Ineos to go for Alonso. We get Alonso, we would get Wirtz. However he would probably be the most difficult manager to sign for obvious reasons. Liverpool and most thinking he will go to Madrid. He certainly won't reject if Real come calling with all that talent.

Tuchel would just be filler until he gets the bin. I think he would be able to steady the ship, but nothing more than that.
We really don’t need another steadying the ship appointment. It’s time for someone exciting who can build an attacking style of football that focuses on dominating the ball.
I don't know...i'll just be happy not to see us signing everyone that ever touched a ball at Ajax anymore
How many games does it take, every game I look forward to, live in hope for some progress. Every game same story, possible start well for a short time the, opposition adapts and we struggle. In game management has been very poor, bringing defenders on trying to see out the game or taking our best attacker off and handing the initiative to the other side. The powers above should watch the match videos for the last 18 months and then tell us they have made the correct decision.
Iraola seems to be the one of the next crop of top managers to me. We’ll see how Bournemouth do this year but I feel they punched above their weight last season and he made players better.

There’s very few really obvious options, except maybe Alonso but he’s so unlikely to come to us due to his Liverpool history.
Iraola seems to be the one of the next crop of top managers to me. We’ll see how Bournemouth do this year but I feel they punched above their weight last season and he made players better.

There’s very few really obvious options, except maybe Alonso but he’s so unlikely to come to us due to his Liverpool history.
And he will join Real Madrid eventually.
I wanted Tuchel in the past since Klopp has chosen Liverpool instead of us so for me this is a no-brainer.
Depending on how bad it gets in the short term maybe it will be RvN as interim until Tuchel is ready to go but there is always the risk of „the interim is doing well so let’s make him permanent“.
A fully charged Tuchel ready to take on a new challenge is by far the best option.
In case we are going young and with a lot of potential that Lijnders guy seems to be decent but in our situation I would prefer someone with more experience and the ability to turn things around.
We really don’t need another steadying the ship appointment. It’s time for someone exciting who can build an attacking style of football that focuses on dominating the ball.
That was supposed to be Ten Hag. As soon as he got here, he told us that he couldn't play his Ajax style with these players.
That was supposed to be Ten Hag. As soon as he got here, he told us that he couldn't play his Ajax style with these players.
That’s exactly what I thought we were getting. This club and it’s false dawns :(
That was supposed to be Ten Hag. As soon as he got here, he told us that he couldn't play his Ajax style with these players.

And we have been trying to buy those players ever since and he still can't do it!

Only half joking.
I ain't happy or content with our start but does anyone seriously believe Pep or Klopp would win with this team? How many of our players would start for City or Liverpool? Arsenal? Let's be realistic. Hopefully, we get a left back back ASAP and get a proper DM (one whose legs and head aren't gone) in the starting lineup. Rashford needs benching. Time to sweat out his future. Maybe a spell as a super sub, impact player would suit him. A new manager only gives the owners and management a fall guy and more time to dither longer while they bleed the team dry. I haven't the stomach for another 2 or 3 year reboot under a new manager. Ten Hag or Bust. I won't be shocked if we bust and I don't mean in a good way. GLAZERS OUT!!!!
Yes I do. They wouldn't win the league or champions league with our current set of players (to many inexperienced players at the top end of the pitch and probably lacking enough quality in midfield). I could almost guarantee they would be winning plenty matches and playing decent football though.

We're already bust, you can tell within three games that he's not learned anything from what bordered on gross incompetence last season, and it looks as though it'll be a repeat of last season, lose about as many as we win and get embarassed many times along the way.

At this point I'd rather have a temporary manager who might bring a bit more enjoyment for both the fans and the players, even if it's not a long term solution. I don't understand why anyone would want this dross to continue just because there's not an outstanding manager available.
At this point I'd rather have a temporary manager who might bring a bit more enjoyment for both the fans and the players, even if it's not a long term solution. I don't understand why anyone would want this dross to continue just because there's not an outstanding manager available.
100% - but perhaps INEOS are more sceptical than the fans about the interim for more than a couple of weeks. If they sack ETH now I really can't see them giving Ruud a full year before the next summer.
What about Xavi? We would see more control and possession would be vital. Would ensure his players don't the treat ball like hot potatoe and positional play is vital in build up play.
Neville got angry at Carragher, saying there were no good options for managers in the Summer!

But, INEOS should have started looking for alternatives fkr managers way before the Summer. And despite bad market, Liverpool and Barca clearly managed to find great managers, both Slot and Flick are doing wonderfully

I think INEOS took too long with their stupid "review" whatever the feck that was. And how long the Ashworth saga took, preventing him from coming in much sooner was a real big problem
I'd go for Iraola, too soon for McKenna and would want to see how he does this year.

I expect RVN will get it on an interim basis until the end of this season and we'll take the season to decided how to approach.
It's not a bad shout, but I think Iraola gets overawed here. He does suit our football in a way though.
Hasn't there been managers that have turned things around? I seem to remember a certain Scottish manager that took a while. He didn't win a bean until his forth year. Many reds calling for his head.
Imagine seeing this old chestnut of a comparison still being mentioned in 2024…
What about Xavi? We would see more control and possession would be vital. Would ensure his players don't the treat ball like hot potatoe and positional play is vital in build up play.
Our team is based on transitional football, we made major signings this summer gearing us towards that kind of football, contract extensions etc.

We cant suddenly shift towards possession style now. It would take a major overhaul.
Realistic option - Iraola.
One of lowest paid in PL so easy to buy out of contract and will be way cheaper than Tuchel.
Excellent man manager and very likeable guy. Tactically very good and did wonders with that Bournemouth team last season.
If our structure is as good as they suggest, then a punt in this guy rather than more expensive options would be my preference.
We just need ETH gone today and stop pissing about with a wasted decision that hasn’t, and never will, work.
There are many coaches that are exciting in my opnion. Alonso (prob Real bound), Flick, Nagelsmann, Mckenna and i like like the look of the new Brighton manager Hurzel.
Yep. I don't buy, and I didn't last summer, that there are no options available.
There are many coaches that are exciting in my opnion. Alonso (prob Real bound), Flick, Nagelsmann, Mckenna and i like like the look of the new Brighton manager Hurzel.
We don't know about the Alonso thing. Yoro was Madrid bound until we put money on the table. Alonso might also be tired of waiting if they haven't made a solid bid come the summer. A resolve is there to be tested. Xavi, Nagelsmann, Tuchel, Flick, Enrique are all probably gettable next summer depending on a few things of course. Then you've got McKenna if you want someone young and exciting that knows the PL and the club, but will obviously need time and support.
I'd rather we bring in Ruud as the interim so that we can appoint the 'right man' next summer as opposed to the 'available man' right now.
After Ole I'm going with a hard pass on this one. Let's go for Tuchel now and circle back to Ruud once he's got a bit more experience under his belt
After Ole I'm going with a hard pass on this one. Let's go for Tuchel now and circle back to Ruud once he's got a bit more experience under his belt
Interim, not long term. That would allow us to bring in someone next summer who might not be available now. Although if our options next summer won't be any different to what is available to us now, then obviously we should bring in a permanent option ASAP.
This is what people don't seem to realise, first and foremost our priority is to stop leaking goals and prevent these humiliating defeats. We can worry about becoming a progressive, free scoring team once we have solid foundations.
No we should bring in a manager to build long term success and not be driven by a short term emotion like embarrassment or anger
You can wait for an outstanding candidate, but how often has that worked out for us, picking a manager is pot luck, even the best in class have failed miserably, a lower status manager is more likely to work within the new structure with less pushback than the top managers and their egos. Iraola or emery would be my preference, someone with good man management who can put their arm around the players and build team spirit.
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Take McKenna, give him this season and until Christmas next, if he's no good, sack him and move on.

That's what normal clubs do. They don't constantly tie themselves in knots going "what if, what if?" - they try things and they move on quickly when it doesn't work.
Isn`t much more difficult than this.
It`s like we are stuck in a loop thinking the next manager should develop into a new Sir Alex Ferguson, if we just gave him enough time, and enough backing.
3 games in and we need a new manager. I can understand why people are baying for his blood. He needs to go on a winning run in October or he's out.
We'll announce someone. Everyone will be excited and say this is the man to change things. He'll bring some players in and everyone will be buzzing. Then the season starts and we get hammered by Liverpool and City and realise the players are rubbish and the club is broken from top to bottom.
Yep. I don't buy, and I didn't last summer, that there are no options available.
I think INEOS got scared that fans would be mad if they sacked ETC after winnning the FA cup.
We don't know about the Alonso thing. Yoro was Madrid bound until we put money on the table. Alonso might also be tired of waiting if they haven't made a solid bid come the summer. A resolve is there to be tested. Xavi, Nagelsmann, Tuchel, Flick, Enrique are all probably gettable next summer depending on a few things of course. Then you've got McKenna if you want someone young and exciting that knows the PL and the club, but will obviously need time and support.
Alonso would be my first choice. But all have exciting and clear coaching styles.

ETH seems to ignore weaknesses in the team and insist on persisting on using a tactic that wont work for these midfield players especially.
I think INEOS got scared that fans would be mad if they sacked ETC after winnning the FA cup.
If that's true it does worry me - the management should be smarter than fickle fans that one day want ETH out after a terrible season only to back him following a single win.
I still want to see what Nagals would be able to do at United....although he just resigned with Germany and think that was partly due to family reasons. Doubt he would do a 180 at Christmas and take the Utd job.

Otherwise I would want Ineos to go for Alonso. We get Alonso, we would get Wirtz. However he would probably be the most difficult manager to sign for obvious reasons. Liverpool and most thinking he will go to Madrid. He certainly won't reject if Real come calling with all that talent.

Tuchel would just be filler until he gets the bin. I think he would be able to steady the ship, but nothing more than that.
Nagelsmann is staying with Germany for the 26 World Cup.
If that's true it does worry me - the management should be smarter than fickle fans that one day want ETH out after a terrible season only to back him following a single win.

You would think so. Fans are filled with emotions especially after winning something so the board of directors should take decisions based on how the team look and not what happened in the FA cup final.

I personally was for keeping ETH but just because i was worried about the Southgate rumours :lol:
We'll announce someone. Everyone will be excited and say this is the man to change things. He'll bring some players in and everyone will be buzzing. Then the season starts and we get hammered by Liverpool and City and realise the players are rubbish and the club is broken from top to bottom.
This is just pathetically negative. If you’re going to think like this why even bother with this form of entertainment? You will never find any joy.
This is just pathetically negative. If you’re going to think like this why even bother with this form of entertainment? You will never find any joy.
I am pathetically negative. I don't know. And yes, I won't find any joy.