Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

As a parent (and husband to a teacher) I wasn’t aware the current system was so broken it needed scrapping.
I’m not unhappy with the information available. My main issue with ofstead was inspection frequency sometimes is too low.

The newly introduced changes to the Ofsted framework are a step in the right direction; however, the system is inherently flawed and not a true representation of the quality of teaching and learning within a school. That’s for better and worse, too. There are outstanding primary schools that have not been inspected for a very long time that have been placing minimal focus upon the progression of skills in the foundation areas of curriculum.

The drive to improve attainment data in English and maths has resulted in incredibly narrow curriculums being taught to pupils - the blame for that has to be placed upon Ofsted (and government) and its relentless pursuit of results, irrespective of the socioeconomic issues within many schools. Don’t even get me started on budgetary issues.

The only credit I can give Ofsted is that they’ve finally listened to experienced practitioners that use evidence-based research to improve their practice. The new framework should finally reward these schools, even if they perform below national average.

Of course, I fully expect dickheads in the media (who have never stepped foot inside a classroom) to over simplify this policy idea and pretend that Ofsted is important “so that parents can make informed choices”. Tosh.
That poll was commissioned by Ian Austin for his new group "Mainstream" that aims to fight "extreme left and right wing politics" but will probably end up focusing almost entirely on the left. The extreme left wing views he is worried about is seemingly stuff like wanting to abolish the monarchy, meanwhile on the extreme right..
As a parent (and husband to a teacher) I wasn’t aware the current system was so broken it needed scrapping.
I’m not unhappy with the information available. My main issue with ofstead was inspection frequency sometimes is too low.

Which is one of the things they're proposing to change.

I do actually agree with your point of view that not enough people know about what Ofsted materially does for it to be a vote winning policy, but it's definitely the right thing to do. I believe it's also Lib Dei policy to scrap it, and it would probably be Tory policy if they actually gave a shit about anyone else and didn't all send their spawn to private school.
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Which is one of the things they're proposing to change.

I do actually agree with your point of view that not enough people know about what Ofsted materially does for it to be a vote winning policy, but it's definitely the right thing to do. I believe it's also Lib Dei policy to scrap it, and it would probably be Tory policy if they actually gave a shit about anyone else and didn't all send their spawn to private school.
Like Corbyn and Abbott did?
Out of interest what % of all labour MPs other than Corbyn and Abbott sent their kids to fee paying schools?
I’m a parent. Don’t have a problem with ofsted. Not sure this will be a popular policy with anyone other than teachers and failing schools.

Yeah but the teachers are a pretty big part of our educational system though, don't you think? The vast majority of them dislike Ofsted. The random inspections, the subjectivity and unerliability of them, the rankings that pit one school against another, the effect it has on badly performing schools etc. etc. It's at the very least in need of big reform, if not scrapping, from what teachers tell me.

Which is one of the things they're proposing to change.

I do actually agree with your point of view that not enough people know about what Ofsted materially does for it to be a vote winning policy, but it's definitely the right thing to do. I believe it's also Lib Dei policy to scrap it, and it would probably be Tory policy if they actually gave a shit about anyone else and didn't all send their spawn to private school.

Indeed. It was the policy adopted at last year's conference at the proposal of Layla Moran who was a teacher and then school governor herself.

She obviously didn't miss a chance tweeting about it today :D

Like Corbyn and Abbott did?
Out of interest what % of all labour MPs other than Corbyn and Abbott sent their kids to fee paying schools?

You've missed the point there. I was suggesting that the Tories aren't interested in reforming OFSTED because they don't interact with the state school system AND, as they are Tories, don't care about people that aren't themselves, so have no interest in pursuing it as a policy because it doesn't directly enrich them or their mates. I wasn't suggesting that their sending their children to private school was unique.

I've always been a fan of the suggestion that all politicians should be forced to send their children to state school as a means to actually getting politicians to take education policy seriously.
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You've missed the point there. I was suggesting that the Tory's aren't interested in reforming OFSTED because they don't interact with the state school system AND, as they are Tories, don't care about people that aren't themselves, so have no interest in pursuing it as a policy because it doesn't directly enrich them or their mates. I wasn't suggesting that their sending their children to private school was unique.

I've always been a fan of the suggestion that all politicians should be forced to send their children to state school as a means to actually getting politicians to take education policy seriously.

At gunpoint?...
I mean if for example somebody wins election And their kid is half way through gcse's they should be dragged by force from their existing school and thrown into another because their mum or dad is now a local councillor despite the fact they might be half way through a different curriculum
I'm not sure it sounds that logical a policy if I'm being honest
Abolishing private schools would seem to have more logic than banning some people?
I guess by the same logic people couldn't access private healthcare
Paid legal advice
And do they have to move out if their home into social housing as well... Just curious as to where it ends?
At gunpoint?...
I mean if for example somebody wins election And their kid is half way through gcse's they should be dragged by force from their existing school and thrown into another because their mum or dad is now a local councillor despite the fact they might be half way through a different curriculum
I'm not sure it sounds that logical a policy if I'm being honest
Abolishing private schools would seem to have more logic than banning some people?
I guess by the same logic people couldn't access private healthcare
Paid legal advice
And do they have to move out if their home into social housing as well... Just curious as to where it ends?

Well, I mean, I'd probably argue by legislation, but we can do it your way...

And hell, you're not going to find much argument in the Corbyn thread that we should outright abolish them. They're bastions of privilege that leach off of the state.
Like Corbyn and Abbott did?
Out of interest what % of all labour MPs other than Corbyn and Abbott sent their kids to fee paying schools?

Didn’t Corbyn divorce his previous wife because she insisted on sending their kids to private school and he hated the idea? I’m sure I read something like that ages ago.
Stalin would also agree with you and he was pretty far from Jesus. I think your thinking is more inline with the former than the latter.
I remind you of Stalin?

EDIT - Shit, I forgot we kicked off at 2. My mild interest in this conversation is unlikely to last until after the match.
Some of your views, like abolishing private healthcare and education, seem very Stalinist yeah. Does that shock you? It really shouldn't.

Sorry but murdering a few thousand people would be Stalinist. Public education and healthcare is socialist and distinctly reasonable.
Its a pretty outrageous comment imo
Sorry but murdering a few thousand people would be Stalinist. Public education and healthcare is socialist and distinctly reasonable.
Its a pretty outrageous comment imo

Entitled to your opinion, but the faux outrage is merely hilarious to me. Stalin was not only known for murdering millions, but also for being a totalitarian Leninist. I'm sure you can tell which dimension of Stalin I'm referring to. As I'm sure you can tell the difference between having a public education and healthcare, and having those exclusively by outlawing private practice.
Entitled to your opinion, but the faux outrage is merely hilarious to me. Stalin was not only known for murdering millions, but also for being a totalitarian Leninist. I'm sure you can tell which dimension of Stalin I'm referring to. As I'm sure you can tell the difference between having a public education and healthcare, and having those exclusively by outlawing private practice.
I'm not outraged at you, more at the comment. Outraged probably isn't the right term really. Its a dumbass comment
Labour are very casual about expropriating assets.
They could've just stuck VAT on school fees tbh.
There is of course quite a lot of inward investment from foreign students as well into the private sector
Would certainly expect legal challenges to the seizure of land and assets
The 7% limit enforced on universities also seems a bit strange... Effectively punishing some people from going to the uni they want to because their parents are rich... Again I'd expect legal challenges
There is of course quite a lot of inward investment from foreign students as well into the private sector
Would certainly expect legal challenges to the seizure of land and assets
The 7% limit enforced on universities also seems a bit strange... Effectively punishing some people from going to the uni they want to because their parents are rich... Again I'd expect legal challenges
What's the 7% limit?
"Ensure universities admit the same proportion of private school students as in the wider population (currently 7%)"
That could also hit kids from underprivileged backgrounds with scholarships at Eton or wherever too.
Yeah... It just seems not thought through fully

That said looking at the current polls let's say it does not look likely to be government policy any time soon
That's true- crazy time for them to have another massive lurch to the left, alienating even more voters.

I was looking at the odds for his replacement earlier and somewhat heartened by the fact that Emily Thornberry is only third favourite.
That's true- crazy time for them to have another massive lurch to the left, alienating even more voters.

I was looking at the odds for his replacement earlier and somewhat heartened by the fact that Emily Thornberry is only third favourite.
Think she's 4th favourite at the moment
Starmer 5/1
Long bailey 13/2
Raynor 11/1
Thornberry 12/1
There is of course quite a lot of inward investment from foreign students as well into the private sector
Would certainly expect legal challenges to the seizure of land and assets
The 7% limit enforced on universities also seems a bit strange... Effectively punishing some people from going to the uni they want to because their parents are rich... Again I'd expect legal challenges

You seem a very odd alleged Labour voter in that you never want Labour to actually do anything.

I've worked for a charity that works on getting kids from deprived areas into university (if they decide that's something they would like to do) and the figures at the minute are shocking. I'm not sure it's possible for educational reform to be too drastic because at the minute we're failing entire generations of kids.
I'm not sure... Suspect it will.backfire politically as it will highlight how many labour MPs are from private school and how many sent / send their kids to one
It’s one thing attacking corporations in the name of wealth equality..... but private schools? Seems a bit fecking much, especially if the people proposing the scheme have benefitted from private education