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Interesting that you find that funny. I'm bloody furious about it. I'm a natural left-leaning voter who probably would vote Labour if I voted in England - Corbyn has been an absolute disaster for Labour and the country.
If you think Corbyn is just as guilty as the Tories then you're a fecking idiot who deserves no deal brexit. Shame about the rest of us.
Corbyn actually cares what happens to people. The others don't.
I think Labour policy is Corbyn will obtain a better deal and then campaign against it. I just don't know what to say, it's beyond parody.
Corbyn is utterly incompetant and has been an absolute disaster for the country. Any other political leader in opposition would have set out strongly a position on Brexit and completely slaughtered the Tories who have been an absolute shambles. Labour have been just as much a shambles as the Tories. We have somehow managed to get the two most incompetant political leaders in the two most powerful positions in the UK Parliament.
Whats funny is that you say anyone could have done a better job than Corbyn(Thats around 67 million people) yet when asked you failed to come up with a single name. Which just typical and amusing.Interesting that you find that funny. I'm bloody furious about it. I'm a natural left-leaning voter who probably would vote Labour if I voted in England - Corbyn has been an absolute disaster for Labour and the country.
Its weird, the Stop Brexit button has been right in front of Corbyn for the last 3 years and yet he still hasn't pushed it.If I was Labour leader, I’d have simply solved Brexit and pleased everyone.
Whats funny is that you say anyone could have done a better job than Corbyn(Thats around 67 million people) yet when asked you failed to come up with a single name. Which just typical and amusing.
As for your frustration, that has more to do with your failure to understand the current political climate than anything to do with Corbyn. Take some time out, read some books, listen to podcasts/lectures etc etc. And actual come up with a analysis for why the country is in this mess(The more vulgar the better in my view). Because your natural left-leaning left views(I guess some sort of indistinct liberal feeling of injustice )isn't helping you and is in fact just making you post - Me think Corbyn BAD!
Its weird, the Stop Brexit button has been right in front of Corbyn for the last 3 years and yet he still hasn't pushed it.
I doubt you could be more patronising if you tried.
You have failed to counter my comments with anything other than purile nonsense without a single counter argument to back up your position. This does suggest that you are unable to do it.
Oh right so your actual making the argument that Ed Milband would have done a better job than Corbyn has over the last 3/4 years ? Or that Gordon Brown would have done better ? Christ I think the only person less popular than Corbyn is Blair.I also did give you plenty of names had you bothered to read my post - I said any opposition leader in the last 30 years could have done a better job - if you actually need me to name them all then I simply can't be arsed but I'm sure you know most of them.
Oh right so your actual making the argument that Ed Milband would have done a better job than Corbyn has over the last 3/4 years ? Or that Gordon Brown would have done better ? Christ I think the only person less popular than Corbyn is Blair.
So if that is your answer(All this is based on what exactly ?) then I don't feel bad about my earlier condescending post to you.
The idea that a new leader could just come in and solve the Brexit issue and sweep up loads of votes in the process is utter fantasy though... I have no idea where that analysis could even come from. The country is still incredibly divided by Brexit and the reality is that even another public vote two years on from the last would still be finely balanced. Labour actually tried to compromise with a softer Brexit but nobody is remotely interested because nobody actually wants compromise.
There is no simple way out of this situation regardless of leader because nobody is about to suddenly persuade leavers or remainers en masse, that they are actually wrong and should switch sides. Especially not with what is such a tribal political climate at the moment. It's like trying to persuade a Liverpool fan that they should support United.
Based on what(Something other than your personal feelings.) ? And how would past leader have done any better ?I honestly do yes. Corbyn is the worst Labour leader I can think of in my lifetime.
Based on what(Something other than your personal feelings.) ?
Its not about solving the Brexit issue - it's about taking a position and fighting on that basis - it's really not that difficult to do, politicians do it all the time. This is basic stuff. Labour is all over the bloody place.
He's taking the position of "respect the original result, try to make it work, offer a 2nd vote on the final outcome". It's really not hard to understand. If you're honestly assigning as much blame to the person who is taking that position as you are to the people who:
Came up with the stupid idea of the referendum in the first place & put it in their manifesto, failed to meaningfully plan for brexit winning, completely lied about what brexit means on a repeated basis, mislead the country on whether no-deal was likely, spent 3 years fecking around and subverting democracy, and loads of other things I can't be bothered listing because if you've been paying any attention at all you should be already aware of them.
If you honestly blame Corbyn as much as that lot, then I can confirm that you are a complete idiot.
Pity he didn't campaign before Brexit to stop it instead of having his own followers voting for their own downfall and falling into Tory hands.
He is currently trying to make a position out of 're-negotiating the deal' - on what planet is he on at this stage? If they re-negotiate a deal (they won't) then do they support brexit on those terms or are they against brexit? What side do they support in any referendum? Nobody bloody knows. That is my point.
He's on the planet where more than half of voters in a referendum said they want to leave. Are you on the planet where that didn't happen because it would explain a lot of your thinking.
Again you have not answered my question. Constant deflection won't cut it I'm afraid.
The “sensible, rational middle ground” again.
I told you what planet he's on. You're not fecking Paxman mate.
Yes I saw him a couple of time son TV , same as he is in parliament, awful - so passionate not - pre Brexit campaigning was full of many other other people but Corbyn did not appear very often in comparison.
What about my other points - he had the power to stop a no-deal Brexit but didn't - so he played his part and wasn't powerless.
If the leader of the opposition is so meek and powerless what is the point of him being there?
No but seriously, is that it?
Corbyn appeared more than anyone else outside of Cameron and Osborne so once again you are full of shit.
Yes I saw him a couple of time son TV , same as he is in parliament, awful - so passionate not - pre Brexit campaigning was full of many other other people but Corbyn did not appear very often in comparison.
What about my other points - he had the power to stop a no-deal Brexit but didn't - so he played his part and wasn't powerless.
If the leader of the opposition is so meek and powerless what is the point of him being there?
Yeah right, never saw Farage or Johnson - absolutely bull.
Actually you're right, he appeared more than anyone else who supported remain but there were leavers ahead of him. Including those 2 clowns.
On Remainers they were very thin on the ground , yes, it was a terrible campaign - I'm not saying it's just Corbyn but the Tory Remainers were just as much to blame for poor campaigning
Sometimes it's good to let off a bit of steam.
The difference is that I accept that trying to make Brexit work and then offering a 2nd referendum is a valid position at this stage considering how divided the country is on it. Corbyn needs to see what the deal is before he can state whether he'll back it or not - even if he already knows what he'll do privately. If he came out and backed remain now the brexiters will go even more apeshit. He's trying to be the only calm and compromising voice in this whole debate, which is difficult when it's full of screaming idiots.
What, like current Remain champion - and person you’ll likely vote for - Jo Swinson??
“Yes the thing I said before was a compete lie, but I thought I’d get away with it... anywhoo, how about the other thing I said?”
But since you mentioned it, yeah, it is super weird that the Leader of the Opposition decided to respect the referendum result in the immediate aftermath of the largest act of democratic rebellion this century. It’s not like it would’ve been political suicide and an obvious point of attack for the Government, or anything.
It’s almost as if you live in a completely contextless social and political vacuum?
“Why won’t everyone compromise 100% with me!?” Says man utterly unprepared to compromise.
See now I can start to take you seriously because you finally respond with a position rather than some sort of childish gibberish. The problem I have with this is that he, like the Tories, are still peddling the - in my view - false impression that the brexit deal can be re-negotiated at this point so I find it difficult to believe anything about their position - having said that IF Corbyn either supported the withdrawl agreement or even if he supported an extension of Art 50 then I would be much happier. He knows what the deal is - we all do - it's the withdrawl agreement that is already in place - dancing around this has been a major problem for both the Tories and Labour. Offering a 2nd referendum is fine but what would their position be in that case - are they a pro-brexit (with a deal they can live with) party or an anti-brexit party? They seem to have flitted between both positions and I honestly have no idea what they are.
Compromise and calmness are all well and good but they are being untruthful about the current situation as much as the Tories are.
What, like current Remain champion - and person you’ll likely vote for - Jo Swinson??
“Yes the thing I said before was a compete lie, but I thought I’d get away with it... anywhoo, how about the other thing I said?”
But since you mentioned it, yeah, it is super weird that the Leader of the Opposition decided to respect the referendum result in the immediate aftermath of the largest act of democratic rebellion this century. It’s not like it would’ve been political suicide and an obvious point of attack for the Government, or anything.
It’s almost as if you live in a completely contextless social and political vacuum?
“Why won’t everyone compromise 100% with me!?” Says man utterly unprepared to compromise.
He's taking the position of "respect the original result, try to make it work, offer a 2nd vote on the final outcome". It's really not hard to understand.
Regarding those stats on Corbyn's contribution to the referendum, are there any stats on how they compare to those of other campaigners at the time?
I'm not entirely sure it's fair to directly compare Swinson (who only became LibDem leader this year and who wasn't an MP at the time of the referendum) with Corbyn (who was Labour leader at the time of the referendum) given one would probably expect more prominent politicians to take more prominent roles in a referendum campaign?