Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Feel bad for the train driver, can see how sick he is listening to these vacuous twerps after only 5 minutes.
I mostly posted the video because of the views of the trade unionist and also I think the others have fairly well known left wing/socialist views. It would be nice to hear from more trade unionists(Although I know the RMT is a far left socialist union)

Can we just give the party back to moderates like this please? Sick of these lefties implying the men, women and children being blown to bits in Yemen are somehow worth more than a bunch of British jobs.
This is a man proud of his apple and blackcurrant jam, made from fruit grown on his allotment, a 66-year-old who likes trains – who really likes trains. “At meetings with train operators,” said his friend Emily Thornberry, Labour MP for Islington South, “Jeremy and other train hacks will start getting very over-excited, talking about bogies and God knows what.

“I don’t think he’s a trainspotter. He just knows more about trains than anyone ought to know.”

There was a huge pile-on on Corbyn on here when Traingate broke, studious silence from a dozen or so posters now it's turned out he was in the right.
It played its part. Now a considered silence till it disappears of pg 6 and the job's a good un.
Suddenly, after 12 months.
And after some person on the internet did every journalist who ran with the original story for days' job for them.

I'd have thought a billionaire, whose companies have regularly been handed government contracts, lying in an attempt to discredit that government's opposition leader would be a story. But apparently not.

Anyway, back Big Ben.
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And after some person on the internet did every journalist who ran with the original story for days' job for them.

I'd have thought a billionaire, whose companies have regularly been handed government contracts, lying in an attempt to discredit that government's opposition leader would be a story. But apparently not.

Anyway, back Big Ben.

Has Branson or Virgin made any comment on this yet?
And after some person on the internet did every journalist who ran with the original story for days' job for them.

I'd have thought a billionaire, whose companies have regularly been handed government contracts, lying in an attempt to discredit that government's opposition leader would be a story. But apparently not.

Anyway, back Big Ben.

Yep, this should be a huge political scandal with heads rolling at media outlets. Alas....
It's been a busy week, what will Jess Phillips' article in the Guardian be about? A pressing issue in her consistency? An apology for parroting Virgin's PR campaign and citing it as a reason to not vote for Corbyn in light of this week's new evidence re: traingate? Anger at our continued supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia or even the news that Boris has backed down from his infamous 'go whistle' Brexit divorce bill stance?

If you guessed 'her Nan being a racist Tory', you'd be correct!
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To be honest that is an achievement in and of itself. There's so much 'talent' in that category on Twitter.

Gloria will be thankful for losing in the long term. Wouldn't be as much time for her to write articles for The S*n, whilst simultaneously complaining on Twitter about the racist and xenophobic shit that gets printed in it.
This guy Corbyn is great, I just love listening to him and he is intelligent, what the feck were people afraid of? That would let the communists that dont exist anymore take over Britain? That Gerry Adams would be home secretary? What was it?
Wonderful. Speaking of which...

Haha, Piers Morgan upset because as usual he's trying to talk over people while Bellerin and Corbyn blank him. Wonder if they were talking in Spanish about what a tosser Piers is.
This guy Corbyn is great, I just love listening to him and he is intelligent, what the feck were people afraid of? That would let the communists that dont exist anymore take over Britain? That Gerry Adams would be home secretary? What was it?
Despite respecting his ideologies the figures and solutions to rightly indentified problems were just pulled out of his arse.
Examples ?

Everything he has ever said involving numbers, the economy and his biggest "technically I didn't lie" student debt.

It would be a far shorter discussion for us to actually find something he has got correct, just even managed to get his team to look up and CTRL-P a page with the validated data on it.
Everything he has ever said involving numbers, the economy and his biggest "technically I didn't lie" student debt.

It would be a far shorter discussion for us to actually find something he has got correct, just even managed to get his team to look up and CTRL-P a page with the validated data on it.
That's not really an answer. What are some of the policies being put forward by a Corbyn Labour that seem ''pulled out of his arse''.

Also I'm getting the student debt point your making.