Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

That's not really an answer. What are some of the policies being put forward by a Corbyn Labour that seem ''pulled out of his arse''.

Also I'm getting the student debt point your making.
This is the bit where they usually have to cycle through the Tories Twitter page to find something. The student debt bollocks indicates they've already been there.
This is the bit where they usually have to cycle through the Tories Twitter page to find something. The student debt bollocks indicates they've already been there.
Oh jesus hope it's not that the shite tory lie that about Corbyn getting rid of all student. It was weirdly spun as Corbyn betraying all the young voters who voted for Labour in the election and I'm sure they did some polling at the time and found only 10% of young voters thought Corbyn would get rid of all student debut, everyone else thought it a load of tory bollocks.

The IFS says hi. The irony of a Corbyn sympathiser wanting me to clarify vague claims :lol:
Problems with the IFS review
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IFS were glowing about the Tories too huh?
No they were not. I'm not a tory, I dislike May as well. I know that's a difficult concept for you comprehend but it is possible to dislike one without being a worshipper of the other. You keep nibbling on Corbyns balls though, us tory loving terrorist sympathisers will let you finish.
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I'm not a tory, I think May is a moron as well. I know that's a difficult concept for you comprehend but it is possible to dislike one without being a worshipper of the other. You keep nibbling on Corbyns balls though, us tory loving terrorist sympathisers will let you finish.

I find this air of intimate knowledge of me in your posts hilarious. I doubt you pay that much attention to my political leanings or whether I do nibble Jezza's balls. I also notice a lack of alternative to Corbyn and May in your posts.
I find this air of intimate knowledge of me in your posts hilarious. I doubt you pay that much attention to my political leanings or whether I do nibble Jezza's balls. I also notice a lack of alternative to Corbyn and May in your posts.
Is it as hilarious as your perceived intimate knowledge of my political leaning? In a post where I praised Corbyns ideologies you found the very notion that someone could possibly question his financial reasoning laughable. You can continue gobbling now.
Scan read them but they don't appear to say that Labour's manifesto added up or am I missing something? I'm no economics expert. Seems more like a discussion/critique of the IFS's methodology.
Yeah sorry if I made it seem like that I only posted those links to point out some problems of the IFS analysis.
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At one point Lewis was seen as a likely successor to Corbyn, but since those ambitions hit a bump in the road he's become prone to these headline grabbing, inflammatory statements.

Is it true labour won't be talking about Brexit at the conference?
Moe money for Sure Start - Yes
The idea of lifelong learning, the motive behind the NES - Yes
Scrapping tuition fees - No
An end to academies - No

Just a quick verdict on some of what i've heard from the Labour conference.

When i was listening to Angela Rayner on LBC earlier this evening i thought she came across quite well. That speech from the summer where it was 'comrade' in every flipping sentence, not so much. lol
Loved that Corbyn speech. Love even more the fact it's annoyed everyone it should have done.

A very good speech, at this stage its just about keeping the momentum and Corbyn 'likability' going and on that it was fit for pupose. Nothing substantial that we haven't heard before though.
Isn't Corbyn just a bit like Homer Simpson when he ran for trash commissioner? Making a load of false promises about what he'll do but he'll not really keep any of those promises if he gets elected.
Watching literally the first few moments of his speech and politics has genuinely become like WWE. fecking cringeworthy.

I'd take Corbyn over any Tories for sure but dear me, I'm skeptical as hell about him.
Isn't Corbyn just a bit like Homer Simpson when he ran for trash commissioner? Making a load of false promises about what he'll do but he'll not really keep any of those promises if he gets elected.
Oh I think he will try and deliver on his promises. I dont doubt his sincerity. The problem, as McDonnell tacitly acknowledged already, is how "the establishment" responds: collapse of the pound, capital flight, investment dries up. The economy flatlines and everybody, especially the people he intends to help, suffers.

Have these ideas of his been tried and led to any other result, anywhere?
I wonder what McDonnell's War game scenario planning actually involves for when Labour win the next election and all the money disappears, out of the country, maybe its a 'cliff edge' scenario like Theresa's Brexit?

Don't give up your day job yet Vince Cable, the sunlit uplands might be calling you yet, just keep away from mentioning 'broken promises'!
I havent actually watched all the speeches but I read Paul Mason said it was going to be hellish "for six months". Which implies if they just wait it out, once all the capitalist scumbags realise they cant bully the UK government theyll come back with their tails between their legs - and pay up their taxes.

Hopefully McDonnell's war gaming envisaged something a bit more realistic.
I havent actually watched all the speeches but I read Paul Mason said it was going to be hellish "for six months". Which implies if they just wait it out, once all the capitalist scumbags realise they cant bully the UK government theyll come back with their tails between their legs - and pay up their taxes.

Hopefully McDonnell's war gaming envisaged something a bit more realistic.

Yes, you can't help laughing can you?

In any case I thought the whole point of war game planning was to do it, but keep it secret that you were doing it, because McDonnell is bound to be plague by the press about this for months "Well John what exactly would you do in those circumstances, its not hypothetical because you're the one who raised the issue"
Slam Dunk John! Just when you thought it was safe to go out, go join Theresa on the naughty (own foot in mouth) step!