I don't know where you've got that from as my goal, I think Corbyn would get a Foot-level result in the GE and that's what I want to avoid. And I don't see how a leader that has the stated support of 40/229 Labour MPs, and less than half a front bench, can carry on in the circumstances you describe. Fecking hell, Australia toppled a Prime Minister last year on the back of Abbott losing a confidence vote among his parliamentary party by 10 votes. But Corbyn doesn't seem to think of it as a parliamentary democracy, rather as a social protest movement, for which he's the directly elected head. He doesn't care if he's not leader of the parliamentary party, he's leader of the membership. Making good on Tony Benn's dream. Who cares if the membership are highly unrepresentative of the Labour vote at large, let alone the general electorate.