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Ancestors of Nazi's supporting the ZioNazi's.

You couldn't make it up.
And I am done. You are doing the same as the thread that you were banned from and hijacking the narrative once more. And I fell for it. Enjoy your response. I am out
It's called disagreeing and arguing your case. Not popular in echo chambers I can see that. But it's good for others to see that empty rhetoric can't survive scrutiny no matter how often it's repeated by however many brigades
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How can Fatah, as a party, and the PA, as a system, have any legitimacy after this (and a million killing too, of course), in an area they supposedly govern? Why aren't their cops, so good at picking up Palestinians to hand over to Israeli torture, shooting at these invading barbarians?

The donkeys who tried to tell us it's a democracy. In which democracies there are two sets of laws to two different ethnicities.
How can Fatah, as a party, and the PA, as a system, have any legitimacy after this (and a million killing too, of course), in an area they supposedly govern? Why aren't their cops, so good at picking up Palestinians to hand over to Israeli torture, shooting at these invading barbarians?
They are nothing but treacherous collaborators, and proof of how big a failure the Oslo Accords were and that's not even in hindsight.
How can Fatah, as a party, and the PA, as a system, have any legitimacy after this (and a million killing too, of course), in an area they supposedly govern? Why aren't their cops, so good at picking up Palestinians to hand over to Israeli torture, shooting at these invading barbarians?

Fatah's become the Palestinian version of the Vichy regime in the West Bank, and the perfect example of how too much compromise kills compromises.

In retrospect, Arafat made a historic mistake when he signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, and the Palestinian Authority officially recognized Israel without any counterpart or guarantee for the Palestinian state. Israel and the US have never been honest dialogue partners. The Palestinians gained absolutely nothing in that "deal", on the contrary.

Fatah's currently run by a dinosaur with a corrupted court and now a docile cog of the Israeli occupation. To be fair, there's nothing it could do when push comes to shove, as it simply doesn't have the muscle. Israel runs the show in the West Bank.
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Step 1:
Send a child or woman to do something illegal/provoking in front of the police.
Step 2:
Sit back and film it.
Step 3:
Cut the video, so you only see the reaction.
Step 4:
Upload it, so people with low media literacy can get mad. Because after all it makes perfect sense that these police officers saw dozens/hundreds of flags pass them by and then they all just randomly decided that this one flag is illegal.

Works every time.

Here you can see the making of of another video, maybe it's even the same kid:

Step 1:
Send a child or woman to do something illegal/provoking in front of the police.
Step 2:
Sit back and film it.
Step 3:
Cut the video, so you only see the reaction.
Step 4:
Upload it, so people with low media literacy can get mad. Because after all it makes perfect sense that these police officers saw dozens/hundreds of flags pass them by and then they all just randomly decided that this one flag is illegal.

Works every time.

Here you can see the making of of another video, maybe it's even the same kid:

Germany is wrong, just like the U.S. stand on this issue for a while has been wrong. Let’s not defend the indefensible.

A group of police officers chasing a kid who didn’t constitute any threat to public safety is a bad look for any civil society that claims to be a democracy.
Step 1:
Send a child or woman to do something illegal/provoking in front of the police.
Step 2:
Sit back and film it.
Step 3:
Cut the video, so you only see the reaction.
Step 4:
Upload it, so people with low media literacy can get mad. Because after all it makes perfect sense that these police officers saw dozens/hundreds of flags pass them by and then they all just randomly decided that this one flag is illegal.

Works every time.

Here you can see the making of of another video, maybe it's even the same kid:

What did the kid do that was illegal/provoking?
What did the kid do that was illegal/provoking?

I don't know, unfortunately the tiktokers chose to ommit that part. But I assume it doesn't take a lot for police to interfere when they see an abandoned child at a mass event.
I don't know, unfortunately the tiktokers chose to ommit that part. But I assume it doesn't take a lot for police to interfere when they see an abandoned child at a mass event.

So all your lecture above but you dont know what the kid did.
I have seen enough shitty incidents from the German police in the past 12 months not to give them any benefit of the doubt.

The scene itself is something you are most likely to only see from their zionist friends in Palestine.

Germany, always on the wrong side of history, 2 genocides and complicit in a third.

It’s absurd to have twenty officers chasing one kid—talk about overkill. There are smarter ways to handle these situations without acting like a bunch of nimwits, especially when a child is involved.
I don't know, unfortunately the tiktokers chose to ommit that part. But I assume it doesn't take a lot for police to interfere when they see an abandoned child at a mass event.
After seeing how germany has dealt with this whole thing, your assumptions should be less pro-authorities. They've been fecking this up from day one.
The kid was marching with other people, the police moved in his direction, he got scared and started running.

@do.ob is talking about ticktockers. Unbelievable. I mean, if you defend this, then everything is acceptable.

According to some pro-Israel German local MP, apparently that kid has been told by his parents to troll her everywhere she goes, including putting in her face a photo of her dead husband that has been printed out.

Apparently anyway, according to some German twitter people.

No idea if this is true or not so take it with a grain of salt.

EDIT - Apparently this is her addressing the situation, apparently isn't her dead husband but whatever she means by banner: Her posting style doesn't lend to....a lot of credibility. #HamasTerrorists in reference to a the boy, feck sake.

Ok I went down a rabbit hole of browsing for more info from German language forums and ....

It's Reddit World News tier holy shit.
According to some pro-Israel German local MP, apparently that kid has been told by his parents to troll her everywhere she goes, including putting in her face a photo of her dead husband that has been printed out.

Apparently anyway, according to some German twitter people.

No idea if this is true or not so take it with a grain of salt.

EDIT - Apparently this is her addressing the situation, apparently isn't her dead husband but whatever she means by banner: Her posting style doesn't lend to....a lot of credibility. #HamasTerrorists in reference to a the boy, feck sake.

There's videos on twitter, where you can see the same boy approaching her at other demonstrations. So while she's belongs to the other extreme that particular claim seems credible.

The kid was marching with other people, the police moved in his direction, he got scared and started running.

@do.ob is talking about ticktockers. Unbelievable. I mean, if you defend this, then everything is acceptable.

Police saw and abandoned child and returned him to his father. Unbelivable.

Considering the context provided above and the fact that you can hear a woman say something like "well that's children.." at the beginning of the video, before the "chase" starts, I assume he also did something to grab their attention.
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Step 5: The German posters steam in, arrogantly dismissing anything which paints the German police, political or societal position on this conflict in a bad light, even after recurrent evidence that said positions have been consistently ridiculous.
There's videos on twitter, where you can see the same boy approaching her at other demonstrations. So while she's belongs to the other extreme that particular claim seems credible.

Police saw and abandoned child and returned him to his father. Unbelivable.

Considering the context provided above and the fact that you can hear a woman say something like "well that's children.." at the beginning of the video, before the "chase" starts, I assume he also did something to grab their attention.

Yes. When in doubt, double down.

If I were in your place I would be ashamed of my country's police chasing a 10 years old boy around the streets.
The German authorities often label criticisms of Israel's actions in the conflict as either linked to terrorism or antisemitism, I have seen it done over and over. Even peaceful expressions of solidarity, such as a child holding a Palestinian flag, will be branded as such.