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Land of the free.
Land of the freaks.

Israel has gone full IIIrd Reich, its army full Wehrmacht with its own Einsatzgruppen, and the whole world is watching without batting an eyelid, if not cheering on.

Just like the racist feckers in the US Congress rolling out the red carpet for a certified ultra-right supremacist and genocidal war criminal. They subserviently gave him 58 standing ovations while he royally shat on their country, their principles and their citizens. That includes the so-called Democratic Party whose presidential candidate is a staunch supporter of what's currently happening in Gaza and the West Bank.

A few months later, Netanyahu's most moral war criminals shot an unarmed US female citizen in the head, as a sign of everlasting gratitude. Without reply.

And they're so proud of Kamala Harris and their country, shame on them all.

Don't come at me with Trump. He's a lying, sick feck who would do even worse. But the fact that Americans only have two candidates who would unconditionally support a racist, genocidal Apartheid state, should tell you everything you need to know about where the US is at, and why it's so hated around the world. And these con artists claim themselves as leaders of the free world.

Aside from the ever fewer sane Israeli voices protesting against it, Israel's overwhelmingly racist society is terminally ill. Decades of colonial behavior, state indoctrination and international absolute impunity, thanks to the land of the thieves free, irremediably poisoned its mind.

Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich are not the exception, they are Israel's future. The wilfull ignorants will come to understand it at some point, but it will most likely be too late.

P.S: This rant obviously has nothing to do with you, maniak.
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The removal of the articles, after an investigation formally announced by the paper only the day before, raises serious questions for JC editor Wallis Simons, a former novelist who has written for the Mail, the Telegraph and Spectator.

Despite being provided with a series of questions, Wallis Simons and the JC have so far declined to describe how Perry – an individual with no discernible journalistic track record, let alone as an investigative reporter – came to be writing for the paper or what due diligence had been exercised over an increasingly fantastic series of claims.
I really hate this thread. It's sickening that the most powerful nations in the world just sit by and encourage this genocide. I hope that all in seats of power will be remembered as the cruel animals they are.

As for Israel itself, people will not forget what they're doing. Disgusting and I feel for any Israeli with a conscience being associated with them.
As people who are not facing the bombs and bullets ourselves - we need to ask ourselves what we can do to not just stop this, but prevent it from ever happening again.

A genocide is being live streamed to us and we can't do anything and our governments won't do anything.

In my opinion the only solution is the establishment of a Palestinian state along the 1947 borders, followed by the deployment of a UN peace keeping force for the security of the Palestinian people, the complete dismantlement of any militant groups in Palestine and the establishment of a Palestinian army for the security of the new state.

Once that happens - it'll be easy to get Israeli recognition amongst it's neighbouring states and the likes of Syria, Lebanon and Israel will be forced to talk peace and settle thier border disputes.

Until this time Israel should be treated like Apartheid South Africa crossed with Isis.
Land of the freaks.

Israel has gone full IIIrd Reich, their army full Wehrmacht with their own Einsatzgruppen, and the whole world is watching without batting an eyelid if not cheering on.

Just like the racist feckers in the US Congress rolling out the red carpet for a certified ultra-right supremacist and genocidal war criminal. They then subserviently gave him 58 standing ovations while he royally shat on their country, their principles and their citizens. That includes the so-called Democratic Party whose presidential candidate is a staunch supporter of what's currently happening in Gaza. A few months later, Netanyahu's most moral war criminals shot an unarmed US female citizen in the head, as a sign of everlasting gratitude. Without reply.

And they're so proud of her and their country, shame on them all.

Don't come at me with Trump. He's a lying, sick feck who would do even worse, but the fact that Americans only have two candidates who would unconditionally support a racist, genocidal Apartheid state, should tell you everything you need to know about where the US is at and why it's so hated around the world. And these con artists claim themselves as leaders of the free world.

Aside from the ever fewer sane Israeli voices protesting against it, Israel's overwhelmingly racist society is terminally ill. Decades of colonial behavior, state indoctrination and absolute international impunity, thanks to the land of the thieves free, irremediably poisoned its mind and behavior. Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich are not the exception, they are Israel's future. The world and the wilfull ignorants will come to understand it at some point, but it will be most likely too late.

P.S: This rant obviously has nothing to do with you, maniak.
You do realize England would do exactly the same thing in the US's position. You all are no better.
You do realize England would do exactly the same thing in the US's position. You all are no better.

Then there would be similar outcry. "You would have also licked the boot" isn't really a great excuse for America's moral cowardice. The government of the self proclaimed "greatest country on Earth" is the primary enabler of Israel's mass murder and no amount of whataboutery is gonna change that fact.
You do realize England would do exactly the same thing in the US's position. You all are no better.
England is your lapdog, it always will do as the US says.

As bad as the main western actors are and they are truly bad, there is no universe where they would let one of the worst war criminals since WWII speak at the Parliament, the Assemblée Nationale or the Bundestag. Let alone publicly cheer on him. None of the European countries would touch Netanyahu with a barge pole. Only yours.

Your country is the main enabler of the genocide in Palestine. It gives Israel full financial, diplomatic and military support no matter what it does, and this support has ironically reached an unprecedented level in the last twelve months. Historical affinities, I guess.

Without the US, Israel wouldn't be able to wage this genocide war for more than a few weeks. Its economy, army and society completely rely on you. The US isn't just an accomplice but the main accessory to the final solution of the Palestinian question.

If there was now an equivalent of the Nuremberg trials, Netanyahu, Katz, Gallant, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and so many other Israeli officials, would get the same sentence as Göring, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Frank or Sauckel. That wobbling, senile jelly acting as your President would've also had a place of choice in the trial's dock. So would its current VP and an awful lot of the Biden administration.

That's the two-faced, racist pieces of shit y'all are so happily cheering on and voting for. That's what they all are unconditionally supporting. That's what your country is.
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As people who are not facing the bombs and bullets ourselves - we need to ask ourselves what we can do to not just stop this, but prevent it from ever happening again.

A genocide is being live streamed to us and we can't do anything and our governments won't do anything.

In my opinion the only solution is the establishment of a Palestinian state along the 1947 borders, followed by the deployment of a UN peace keeping force for the security of the Palestinian people, the complete dismantlement of any militant groups in Palestine and the establishment of a Palestinian army for the security of the new state.

Once that happens - it'll be easy to get Israeli recognition amongst it's neighbouring states and the likes of Syria, Lebanon and Israel will be forced to talk peace and settle thier border disputes.

Until this time Israel should be treated like Apartheid South Africa crossed with Isis.
The 1947 plan was just a proposal and not a viable one. You can't have a functioning country without any geographical continuity and just can't give most of the land to an overwhelmingly imported minority. That plan was doomed to fail from the beginning, but it was a start.

The whole thing was supposed to be decided by a local referendum since the UN never had the legal power to enforce any division of land without the consent of the people living there (right to self-determination and all that). The majority being Arabs, there was little chance of seeing that plan coming to fruition.

That's why Israel unilateraly declared its independence, which in turn caused the 1948 war. The result was the crushing defeat of the Arab forces and more importantly, the Nakba i.e. the ethnic cleansing of ca. 750,000 Palestinians.

Israel has never officially declared its own borders, which is by the way is a sine qua non condition for the adhesion to the UN. This allowed Israel to annex and indefinitely occupy territories that legally aren't theirs, with the international community wilfully turning a blind eye for more than 75 years.

A two state solution implies moving a large part of the 800,000 illegal, heavily ideologically and religiously indoctrinated Israeli settlers (currently around 10% of the Israeli population and the bright future of the country) which would undoubtedly result in a civil war in Israel. That's not going to happen.
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Israel has carried out a campaign of extermination akin to those that came before it. Funded and encouraged by the United States et al. We had courtside seats for it.

The brazenness of this one feels truly paradigm shifting. Maybe I'm too naive and I know we all tolerate a number of bad things to varying degrees in order to get us through the day but I genuinely thought that practically everyone was on the same page when it came to industrial slaughter of innocent people. They are not.

How can Never Again mean never again, ever again. It's obsolete.
England is your lapdog, it always will do as the US says.

As bad as the main western actors are and they are truly bad, there is no universe where they would let one of the worst war criminals since WWII speak at the Parliament, the Assemblée Nationale or the Bundestag. Let alone publicly cheer on him. None of the European countries would touch Netanyahu with a barge pole. Only yours.

Your country is the main enabler of the genocide in Palestine. It gives Israel full financial, diplomatic and military support no matter what it does, and has ironically reached an unprecedented level in the last twelve months. Historical affinities, I guess.

Without the US, Israel wouldn't be able to wage this genocide war for more than a few weeks. Its economy, army and society completely rely on you. The US isn't just an accomplice but the main accessory to the final solution of the Palestinian question.

If there was now an equivalent of the Nuremberg trials, Netanyahu, Katz, Gallant, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and so many other Israeli officials, would get the same sentence as Göring, von Ribbentrop, Kaltenbrünner, Frank or Sauckel. That wobbling, senile jelly acting as your President would've also had a place of choice in the trial's dock. So would its current VP and an awful lot of the Biden administration.

That's the two-faced, racist pieces of shit y'all are so happily cheering on and voting for. That's what they all are unconditionally supporting. That's what your country is.
Bravo. Couldn't have put it better myself.

Feck the US and the virtue signalling Dems. I don't care that Trump is worse, the Dems by their own merits are child murdering, genocide apologists. No amount of inspiring speeches about protecting women's ownership of their bodies washes away the blood on their hands.
Bravo. Couldn't have put it better myself.

Feck the US and the virtue signalling Dems. I don't care that Trump is worse, the Dems by their own merits are child murdering, genocide apologists. No amount of inspiring speeches about protecting women's ownership of their bodies washes away the blood on their hands.

Yeah feck em but in an election with only two choices, they are still the better choice. There is no doubt Trump would be worse for Palestinians.

Her story was forgotten within hours.

Remember when American media was talking non-stop about the vicious killing of Kashoggi? He wasn’t even a U.S. citizen (he had green card). Now, U.S. citizens, including journalists, are killed without Biden caring… and without any coverage by the media. Hypocrites!
Is this the culmination of that Wikipedia editor mod war where they kept changing and editing the main line every 5 minutes?

no idea. i don't get what's so out-there about the screenshot paragraph. seems fairly factual.

i also love the absurdity of threatening to sue a publicly editable website, to boycott maybe the world's second-most popular site, and to suggest that this movement will ban schools from using it (where citing it is already frowned upon).
no idea. i don't get what's so out-there about the screenshot paragraph. seems fairly factual.

i also love the absurdity of threatening to sue a publicly editable website, to boycott maybe the world's second-most popular site, and to suggest that this movement will ban schools from using it (where citing it is already frowned upon).

Bill Ackman is simultaneously rejoicing and furious.
About the not caring of an American killed by Israel, I don't know why you are surprised. As I read many pages ago in this thread:

Give me a realistic scenario on how it would be worse?
Not for palestinians they aren't. They have fully supported the ongoing genocide.

The annexation of the west bank would be expedited. There would be even less chance of a cease-fire. The amount of money the US will give to aid and reconstruction efforts will probably be different. The general tone and language about the situation would be much more diplomatic and conducive to peace talks.
The annexation of the west bank would be expedited. There would be even less chance of a cease-fire. The amount of money the US will give to aid and reconstruction efforts will probably be different. The general tone and language about the situation would be much more diplomatic and conducive to peace talks.


The west bank is getting expedited
There is 0 chance of a ceasefire
There is no reconstruction for palestinians but reconstruction for Israel occupation afterwards
Palestinians being bombed and killed don't care about tones and diplomatic peace talks that will not happening

Israel is pushing through, and US is all in and there is no more beyond all in. Can't get realistically worse

The west bank is getting expedited
There is 0 chance of a ceasefire
There is no reconstruction for palestinians but reconstruction for Israel occupation afterwards
Palestinians being bombed and killed don't care about tones and diplomatic peace talks that will not happening

Israel is pushing through, and US is all in and there is no more beyond all in. Can't get realistically worse
No doubt. I'm under no illusion of American policy being fundamentally different but even a 1% shift means lives saved.
This offers no comfort or consolation for the Palestinians. I suppose the difference is Trump at least doesn't pretend like he's concerned for the wellbeing of the Palestinians. The Dems feed us this condescending horseshite about wanting to secure a ceasefire and get aid to the Palestinians, all while providing these genocidal maniacs with the weapons they need to facilitate their carnage, and threatening nations and international bodies who would dare reprimand the Israelis. It doesn't matter who's in the white house, ultimately the Palestinians face a reality of genocide enabling GOP, or the genocide enabling Dems who pay lip service to women's rights (just not Palestinian women evidently).
The goal/policy of both Democrats and Republicans is the same, the only real difference is the quickness of implementing it.